Insomniac's Ted Price on how to make a great game
Guild Wars 2 interview: the boss O'Brien on launch, growing pains, reviews and patches
Guild Wars 2: The Five Races
Valve bans Steam users creating fake Greenlight projects
Steam Greenlight now live, hundreds of games awaiting your votes
EA reselling 17 Command & Conquer games in one box for some reason
Splinter Cell Blacklist gameplay video puts emphasis on stealth
Kinectimals, Toy Soldiers, Angry Birds for Xbox Live on Windows 8
Rocksmith: can a video game teach you to play guitar?
So, what's Borderlands 2 all about then?
iPad mini to launch October with 7.85 inch display - report
The Ever-Shifting Stages of PS3 Exclusive Puppeteer
Madden NFL 13 Review
First ever live code demo of Rome 2 in Eurogamer Expo developer session
Clash of Heroes dev shows off hardcore XBLA shooter Super Time Force
Guild Wars 2: bans for first "widespread exploit", game sales suspended, status update
Killzone Trilogy spotted for PlayStation 3
Torchlight 2 release date finally pinned down
Bethesda struggling with Dawnguard on PS3: "This is not a problem we're positive we can solve"
Eurogamer community night next week in London
Piranha 3DD writers discuss God of War film plans
The Lord of Football: 30 Mad Minutes with Chelsea Legend Gianluca Vialli
Gears of War: Judgment writers on what makes the series special and how to improve it
God of War: Ascension: UK release date, special editions
How Powerful is the Wii U Really?
Release date for Marvel vs. Capcom: Origins retro double-pack
CryEngine 3-powered Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 headed to Wii U
MMO RuneScape being developed for tablets, smart TVs and other platforms
LA Noire dev Team Bondi targeting next-gen for Whore of the Orient
Borderlands 2: DLC add-ons, Season Pass, pre-orders
Play re-imagined Pong and other Atari classics for free in a browser
Xbox 360 iPlayer app updated to include radio
PSone Classics Vita download problem with FF7 and FF8 has been fixed
Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask 3DS release date revealed
Sports Champions 2 release date smacked out
Guild Wars 2 boss on the current matters that matter
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Multiplayer playable at Eurogamer Expo
App of the Day: Human Defense
Where to find your Borderlands 2 pre-order Top Trumps
Viral Dishonored Google Chrome game looks good, but isn't
Open world Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes revealed
Hotline Miami Preview: Beneath the Neon
Sony unveils new 84 inch 4K HDTV
Far Cry 3 Island Survival Guide trailer shows off breathtaking scenery and "exotic creatures"
Twisted Pixel reveals first gameplay footage of Lococycle
Bastion coming to iPad tonight
Capcom announces Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy HD for iOS
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive still MIA from EU PSN
Frozen Synapse, Eufloria star in Best of British Steam indie bundle
Lost Humanity 10: The New World
Square Enix launches cloud gaming portal with Hitman: Blood Money
Archos GamePad: an Android gaming tablet that looks like PlayStation Vita
Nintendo president sings in bizarre 3DS Mii game Friend Collection
Level-5 announces new Professor Layton for Nintendo 3DS
Mass Effect 3 Wii U developer is Need for Speed iOS studio
Mass Effect 3: Leviathan Review
Steve Perlman calls on gamers to give reborn OnLive a chance
Yager: Spec Ops multiplayer was "bullsh**" and "should not exist"
DmC and Remember Me developer sessions at Eurogamer Expo
Bethesda insists Hearthfire development has not caused Dawnguard PS3 delay
Ex-Rare devs reveal adventure game Tengami
Star Wars: First Assault outed by trademarks, domain registrations
Treyarch flies the real-life remote-controlled Dragonfire Drone from Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Care Package
PlayStation Vita update locks memory cards to PSN accounts
Blizzard blocks Iran access because of US law
Carrier Command: Gaea Mission UK release date confirmed
SpyParty debuts new, prettier cast
Funcom turns to "smaller, more focused online games" after The Secret World tanks
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale trailer shows off Evil Cole
Rock Band Blitz Review
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 special editions detailed - report
Closure creator on why it didn't come to EU PSN
Nintendo to set bubblegum world record at PAX in honour of Kirby's 20th Anniversary
Shin Megami Tensei 4 debut trailer released
Angry Birds Trilogy will be getting DLC
Energy drink maker Red Bull charges into game publishing
Gears of War: Judgment reveals new Free For All multiplayer mode
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition Review
The Walking Dead: Episode Three XBLA, PC release date
Skyrim: Hearthfire DLC allows you to build a house, adopt a child
Peter Molyneux signs up for Eurogamer Expo developer session
Final Fantasy 7 Review
UK chart: Sleeping Dogs denies Darksiders 2
Kirby's Star Stacker on Nintendo 3DS eShop this week
PlayStation Vita firmware update adds PSone compatibility
Microsoft and Sony could struggle next-gen if they fail to embrace free-to-play
Guild Wars 2 Head Start Diary
Dead Island dev announces first-person hack-and-slash title Project Hell
Steve Perlman no longer at OnLive
Hawken to support Oculus Rift upon launch this December
This just in: DmC's Dante battles demonic conservative anchorman in shocking new footage
Battlefield 3: Armored Kill DLC dated for September
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition dated for consoles in October
Molyneux's follow-up to Curiosity is Cooperation
Dishonored Preview: Honor Thy Player
A conversation with EA's Peter Moore on the thorny issues of DLC, Online Passes and all the rest of it
Retrospective: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Yet more Grand Theft Auto 5 screenshots get down to "business"
Saturday Soapbox: The Feelbad Factor
Princeton University develops videogames for fish
Shank dev's upcoming survival game Don't Starve enters beta, goes on sale
Four free indie games this weekend on OnLive
Molyneux's curio now renamed Curiosity: What's Inside the Cube
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive gets a new patch on Steam
Persona 4 Golden: Solid Gold Premium Edition announced
Battlefield 3 dev DICE quadruples console servers
Dishonored and Doom 3 BFG Edition playable at Eurogamer Expo
Halo 4 playable multiplayer and developer session at Eurogamer Expo
Free-to-play massively-multiplayer XBLA battler Happy Wars due this autumn
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron Review
Final Fantasy Dimensions release date announced
343: Halo 4 Spartan Ops season longer than Halo 3: ODST
PES gets officially licensed Brazilian teams for the first time
Sony Cambridge artist reveals several PlayStation 3 exclusive prototypes
Oh Mann! Team Fortress 2 Nails Co-op
DICE: People worried about Battlefield 4 announcement "for all the wrong reasons"
Unofficial Dark Souls PC mod fixes rendering resolution
Psychonauts coming to US PlayStation Store next week
The World Ends With You coming to iOS later this year
Knights of the Old Republic 2 hits Steam
Uncharted movie troubled as Sony gets brains behind National Treasure to rewrite script
Steve Perlman to remain CEO of newly minted OnLive
Tearaway Preview: World of Papercraft
Stylish platformer Pid shows off co-op in a new trailer
New images from Perfect Dark Zero's defunct Xbox version emerge
Angry Birds Space's Red Planet update is now live
Everybody's Golf Vita PS3 port gets new modes, screens
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes dated next month
Survival horror I Am Alive announced for PC next month
WWE 13 Preview: Party like it's 1999
Microsoft unveils new logo for the first time in 25 years
Molyneux: we can't use Curiosity name because of NASA
How to stay stealthy in Dishonored
Dust 514 playable at Eurogamer Expo 2012
Gamescom 2012: Dishonored is Eurogamer's Game of the Show
Revolution announces Broken Sword 5 Kickstarter
Face-Off: Darksiders 2
Pre-order Borderlands 2 at an indie shop, get Top Trumps cards
Heavenly Sword 2 concept art leaked
Criterion presenting Need for Speed dev session at Eurogamer Expo
Halo 4 Achievements list released
Thirty Flights of Loving Review
New Black Isle intends to make triple-A RPGs based on Interplay's IP
Diablo 3 designer issues impassioned apology after hitting out at Diablo creator
Golden Generation: How FIFA Won the HD Era
Spooky PSN puzzler Closure is coming to Steam in September
Yakuza 5 to feature dance offs and major combat enhancements
They Bleed Pixels drips onto Steam next week
Lord of the Rings Online's Riders of Rohan expansion delayed until October
Gearbox unleashes a free browser-based Borderlands demake
New Vita arcade game SunFlowers due this autumn
Infinity Blade dev's new game Vote lets you kick the crap out Mitt Romney
Sony closes WipEout developer Sony Liverpool
Ed McMillen's Basement Collection dated for Steam this month
GAME Oxford Street closing down
Sony's LiveAction AR sure is impressive, creepy
Kinect has a permanent price drop in the US
Interplay appears to be resurrecting Black Isle Studios
Xbox 360 dashboard adds Sky's Now TV movie-streaming app
Lost Humanity 9: Book of Predictions
Nintendo flattens rivals in latest Japanese charts
Persona 4 Arena delayed in Europe
PlayStation 3 fans in uproar after Counter-Strike: GO misses EU PlayStation Store
Grand Theft Auto 5 includes tennis and parachuting
Retro/Grade Review
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Review
Molyneux's Curiosity app delayed until September
Peter Moore gives BioWare vote of confidence after tumultuous 18 months
Sources: Sony Liverpool was working on WipEout PS4 and a Splinter Cell style game for PS4
World-first hands-on with Company of Heroes 2 at Eurogamer Expo
The Rare game that never was: ex-staff member details Savannah
Free Max Payne 3 DLC includes Noir Mode
Ubisoft has endured a 93-95% piracy rate on PC
Toss a gherkin in a roll: Sony patents TV-adverts-into-games idea
Final Fantasy 13 team set to unveil "new direction" for Lightning saga
PopCap lays off about 50 employees
minis still alive despite Sony's PS Mobile push
Funcom announces layoffs as The Secret World struggles
Dust 514 Preview: Is Bigger Always Better?
Open-world zombie survival game State of Decay is coming to XBLA, PC
Dust 514 beta opens to PlayStation Plus members tomorrow
Mutant Mudds dated for PC later this month
Uncharted 3 Game of the Year Edition release date set for next month
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier DLC Raven Strike announced
Spec Ops: The Line gets free co-op DLC
Gravity Bone sequel Thirty Flights of Loving is out now
Eurogamer.net Podcast #125: Globally Offensive
EA says stereoscopic 3D "isn't a major factor" as tech fails to turn up at Sony press conferences
Star Trek Online nude patch accidentally outed by virtual peeping tom
Battlefield and Call of Duty: the great frames per second debate
Jet Set Willy 360 release date flushed out
Diablo 1 and 2 co-creator Brevik's Diablo 3 was very different
Cancelled Final Fantasy 2 American NES cartridge put on eBay
DayZ's Dean Hall: Rocket Man Rising
Apple is now the most valuable company of all time
Claustrophobic Minecraft experiment sheds light on the dark side of human nature
Warhammer Quest iPhone and iPad game announced
Let's go Outside (let's go Outside)
Treyarch hopes Black Ops 2 multiplayer changes will make Call of Duty a team game again
Why there's no Metal Gear Rising Revengeance on Vita
So, who's the Remember Me voice actress?
The writer who left BioWare: Eurogamer interviews Drew Karpyshyn
Day Z Video Diary, Day 5: The Best Laid Plans
Day Z Video Diary, Day 4: First Blood
Day Z Video Diary, Day 3: I'm a Survivor! (feat. Dean Rocket Hall)
Day Z Video Diary, Day 2: The Lost Art of Running Away
Day Z Video Diary, Day 1: Friend or Foe?
As PlayStation 4 looms, Sony says PlayStation 3 is in "prime time"
Marvel Heroes dev stands by Diablo 1 and 2 creator David Brevik after Diablo 3 designer says: "f*** that loser"
Full Steam Ahead: How Valve's Platform Just Gets Hotter
Harmonix is working on a next-gen real-time combat game
Command & Conquer: Generals 2 won't launch with single-player
DotA 2 gets a spectator client on Steam
PlayStation Vita sales reach 2.2 million worldwide as of 30th June
Scott Pilgrim online multiplayer DLC delayed until autumn
Brilliant BioShock parody ditty sure is catchy
Diablo 3 adds Paragon system, raises level cap... sort of
FIFA 13 cover has Lionel Messi and... Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain and Joe Hart
Tokyo Jungle release date suggests PSN-only Western launch
PlayStation 3-exclusive Until Dawn exposes its horror parody roots
SWERY teases Deadly Premonition 2
Donkey Kong Jr, Lego Batman 2 demo on Nintendo eShop
Why Prey 2 was removed from Bethesda's website
EA says it's "standing up for the industry" in battle against Zynga
Grand Theft Auto 5: new screenshots may show protagonist
Injustice: NetherRealm developing new system to push DLC characters to users' consoles
Plants vs Zombies sequel due next year, PopCap confirms
Square Enix apologises after Final Fantasy 7 PC launch problems
What Went Wrong with OnLive?
Treyarch: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 live streaming works on console, doesn't impact game
Konami to consider PC version of Metal Gear Rising Revengeance after launch of console version
PES 2013 has 150 licensed teams, including all the teams in Spanish and Italian top divisions
Street Fighter producer Yoshinori Ono offering advice on Remember Me melee combat
Ghost Recon Online Review
UK chart: Sleeping Dogs hounds London 2012 Olympics from top spot
Dragon Age 3 survey leaks Inquisitor-hero story, and art
As OnLive struggles, Sony reveals it's working with Gaikai to resolve issues around cloud gaming
Nintendo responds to Mario sequelitis criticism
OnLive vows service will continue as new company owner revealed
New Splinter Cell: Blacklist video shows off controversial torture scene, moral choices
Outernauts Review
In Theory: Where Next For iPhone?
Retrospective: Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
Sega: Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing Transformed Wii U graphics on-par with PlayStation 3 version, "maybe even better"
Saturday Soapbox: How do you solve a problem like Mario?
OnLive lays off most of its staff, files for alternative to bankruptcy
Castlevania: Mirror of Fate lurks in development until "early 2013"
Tower offense sequel Anomaly Korea announced
Bohemia feared the reaction to a standalone DayZ game
Steam's Big Picture mode to launch beta in early September
Nintendo's timeline-plotting Legend of Zelda artbook to get UK release
Wonderfully made video showing what Halo 4 took to make
Latter-half of Tomb Raider to be less bleak, set up franchise future
Regaining fans' trust in Final Fantasy will take a "long time", FF14 producer says
Crytek's Ryse "is moving forward really well"
Nintendo finishes rock bottom of "conflict minerals" company rankings
Warface western release date narrowed down, Crytek reveals console hopes
Seven-minute Beyond: Two Souls gameplay video
Assassin's Creed exec: Japan devs' stories criticised less because of journalists' "subtle racism"
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti Review
Dust: An Elysian Tail Review
Playable EA games at Eurogamer Expo 2012 revealed
Blowing Off Some Enthusiasm: Fun Times in Counter-Strike and Spelunky
You can make co-op Portal 2 test chambers now
Valve investigates the personal side of eSports in a new Dota 2 documentary
Monday Night Combat dev starts Kickstarter for RTS Planetary Annihilation
Hitman Absolution level changed due to negative nun trailer reaction
Machinarium coming to PSN next month
Peculiar B&W stop-motion musical adventure Dominique Pamplemousse gets a demo
Beyond Good & Evil HD gets disc-based release date
Castle Crashers tumbles onto Steam
Steam Community update beta live for first 50,000 to earn the "Pillar of the Steam Community" badge
Scott Pilgrim dev's new Kickstarter is for 2D action game Mercenary Kings
Just Cause 2 and Borderlands free for PlayStation Plus members
Trine 2: Goblin Menace DLC revealed for autumn
EA's share price leaps at rumours of a buyout
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 PC version announced
Fluid Football "is bloody brilliant" says New Star Soccer dev
David Cage: "I'm not a frustrated movie director"
Blizzard's lavish cinematic unveiled for World of Warcraft expansion Mists of Pandaria
Sony engineers working on PS Vita "cost reduction" for post-2012 price cut
Media Molecule working on second project
EA's Peter Moore insists: "There is no feud with Valve"
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 Review
Cryptic's Neverwinter for early 2013, looks in good shape
?1 each for From Dust, Driver San Fran, H.A.W.X. 2, Silent Hunter 5 this week
Assassin's Creed 3 naval battles detailed
Assassin's Creed 3 Vita heroine has a poison dart-firing umbrella
Counter-Strike: GO hour-long trial exclusively for PlayStation Plus subscribers
The Guild Wars 2 servers and launch timings
The Medal of Honor Tomahawk
EA pulls Medal of Honor tomahawk promotion
Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified Preview: Stripped Black
Evocative sci-fi point-and-click adventure Primordia coming this autumn
Upcoming survival-horror game Routine looks anything but
The Unfinished Swan's new trailer shows more colours
Mass Effect 3's Leviathan DLC lands later this month
$5000 reward offered for catching hooligans who stole Dragon Commander and Divinity: Original Sin
Halo 4 multiplayer specialisations detailed
Rayman Legends Gamescom trailer is as goofy, charming and weird as you'd expect
Ninja Gaiden 3 on Wii U is the "hardcore fan package"
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition gets a new Gamescom trailer
Witcher 2, Battlefield 3, Minecraft dominate European Games Awards
Lost Humanity 8: Days of Nothing
BioWare's Command & Conquer: Generals 2 repurposed for new free-to-play venture
LittleBigPlanet dev announces new PlayStation Vita game Tearaway
Assassin's Creed annual release argument all about quality, Ubisoft says
Star Wars 1313 rears head in new montage video, screenshots
Dead or Alive 5 boss: we've made female fighters cool as well as sexy
Warren Spector: Hey Carmack, Sweeney, stop rendering and start making believable AI
Eurogamer welcomes Outside Xbox to the family
Hitman Absolution introduces online mode Contracts
Sony had to "re-do" work on The Last Guardian, still a PS3 game
Papo & Yo Review
Drop everything, a new King's Bounty game has been announced
Behold the 10 PlayStation Mobile games
Big and juicy new Tomb Raider screenshots
Resident Evil 6 has a Call of Duty Elite-style online stat service
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance release date, video
Vita FIFA 13 inbound, won't connect with PS3 game
New The Last of Us trailer portrays its lead in a different light
Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified detailed
Killzone Mercenary a completely new game created for PlayStation Vita
Japan Studio reveals two new titles, Rain and Puppeteer
Lost Humanity 7: Healing
PlayStation 3-exclusive horror game Until Dawn announced
Total War: Rome 2 bares a little more picture-flesh
Upcoming action-RPG Mars: War Logs announced
New Tokyo Jungle trailer contains dinosaurs, boxing kangaroos
Shadowrun Online Kickstarter behind target with 10 hours to go
PlayStation Plus coming to PlayStation Vita, Sony confirms
Sony announces Crossbuy: Buy a PS3 game, get the Vita version free
Diablo 3 Starter Edition is now available on Battle.net
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time travels to the year 2013
Sony Gamescom Conference
FIFA 13 Move controls demonstrated, available at launch
PlayStation Mobile brings bite-sized games to PS Certified devices this autumn
Trouble in Mexico in first Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel trailer
FIFA 13 demo release date, Match Day, 2v2 Head To Head co-op
Darksiders 2 Review
Origin is coming to Mac, Android, Facebook and Smart TVs
Medal of Honor: represent your nation online for the first time
Crysis 3 multiplayer survival mode Hunter revealed
Dead Space 3 release date confirmed
Eurogamer.net Podcast #124: Spelunky Special
Cloudcompete ties together Need for Speed: Most Wanted's different platforms
Battlefield 3 Premium Edition announced, priced
Final Fantasy 7 PC out today says PEGI
Dishonored PC system requirements revealed
Capcom unveils Vergil for DMC
Lost Planet 3 cover system, hookshot weapon revealed
Super Mario Bros. World 1-1 recreated in, err, Trials Evolution
Capcom reveals Remember Me
Gamescom: Half-Life 3 and Dragon Age 3 mentions "a mistake"
Sleeping Dogs Review
Catwoman claws her way into Injustice: Gods Among us
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 gets a flashy new cinematic video
Team Fortress 2 given wave-based co-op Mann vs. Machine mode
Mark of the Ninja Preview: A new perspective on stealth/action
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 multiplayer ditches kill streaks, embraces e-sports, first screenshots
Eurogamer's Rezzed 2012 Game of the Show: Hotline Miami set for Steam
Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask and Paper Mario: Sticker Star dated
Steam to highlight the best user-created content
Fewer players finished Mass Effect 3 than completed Mass Effect 2
BioWare on how to monetise players: day-one DLC, Online Passes, micro-transactions
Co-op the key to Dead Island's success, 6500 years of playtime logged online
PlayStation All Stars pushed back a month
Epic buys Bulletstorm/Gears of War: Judgment dev People Can Fly
New Super Mario Bros. 2 Review
World of Tanks boss: Western publishers told us our game was "cheap, Asian stuff"
Eurogamer chats with newest Wasteland 2 recruit: Planescape: Torment's Colin McComb
Why Gearbox created a Borderlands 2 boss so tough it's nearly Invincible
Borderlands 2: Gearbox reveals the Mechromancer's "girlfriend mode"
3DS game New Super Mario Bros. 2 costs ?40 from eShop
"It's about the fun, not the business model," says DICE
F1 Race Stars Preview: F1 Meets Mario Kart
SNK NeoGeo X Gold handheld arrives worldwide in December for $199
REDkit modding toolset announced for The Witcher 2
"Microsoft Xbox Durango Development Kit" sells for thousands of pounds on eBay
Retrospective: Manhunt
Digital Foundry vs. Warface
Tech Analysis: How Powerful is Tegra 3?
Saturday Soapbox: The Outsiders
Upcoming Diablo 3 patch 1.0.4 detailed
Free cel-shaded pop art skating game Zineth is absolutely insane
Sadistic indie platformer They Bleed Pixels now set for Steam rather than XBLIG
Sony's Jack Tretton deems Vita sales "acceptable"
Jet Set Radio release date and price revealed
Mesmerising CryEngine 3 Tech demo revealed
Dishonored trailer shows off various clever ways to kills
Yes, Mario Balotelli's Hulk celebration is in FIFA 13
Valve warns Dota 2 players after Aion axe IP infringement snafu
BioWare co-founder Greg Zeschuk quits Old Republic dev BioWare Austin - report
An Afternoon with the World's Weirdest Games
F1 2012 dated, trailered
Ubisoft confirms Assassin's Creed 3 PC release date
Kinect 2 image outed by "genuine" Durango devkit source
Toki Tori 2 flutters onto Wii U in native 1080p
Why Firaxis' XCOM remake had to have multiplayer, and why you shouldn't worry
PC version of XCOM remake draws battlefield grid
Joe Danger 2 The Movie Preview: Welcome to the Danger Zone
Western devs "focus on the visuals", Capcom says
GTA 5 trailer recreated in Battlefield 3
BioShock Infinite cut two multiplayer modes - report
Battle.net has been hacked, e-mails compromised
Astounding modded Fallout 3 screenshots look shockingly ahead of the curve
Freedom Planet is an indie Sonic-esque platformer done right
Yakuza 5 will have playable Taiko Drum Master
Ouya Kickstarter ends at over $8.5 million
Just Cause 2 multiplayer has an open beta this weekend
Knytt, Big Sky sequels coming free to PlayStation Plus
Hell Yeah! release date announced
Dust 514 beta ready for move to Eve Online servers
Pitfall! reimagined as a Temple Run-style endless runner for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch
Ex-Kingdoms of Amalur devs making Infinity Blade: Dungeons for Epic
F1 2012 Preview: Title Challenge
How would BioShock look running in CryEngine 3?
Hybrid Review
Dark Souls PC Preview: The Devil's Bargain
New Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee HD details at Eurogamer Expo
Age of Empires Online adding new Babylon pro civ this month
Two high-profile BioShock Infinite devs quit Irrational
Ghost Recon Online open beta online
Halo 4 trailer shows off new UNSC weapons
Plants vs. Zombies multiplayer console shooter in development - report
Former EA exec John Schappert quits Zynga
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale leak reveals Sackboy, Raiden
Fighting Fantasy: Blood of the Zombies Review
Hybrid pulled from XBLA while server errors are fixed
Fighting Fantasy games will be removed from iTunes forever next week
Silent Hill HD Collection patch canned for Xbox 360
Sleeping Dogs PC version detailed
Lumines: Electronic Symphony dev wants your help getting DLC
Steam expands beyond games in September
Codemasters responds to criticism about loss of in-car view in Grid 2
Indie Games Uprising 3 set for September
Mass Effect 3 DLC suggests further changes to ending
Scott Pilgrim soldiers on two years later with new DLC
Ouya supports four controllers, in talks with Namco
Wii MMO Dragon Quest 10 scales Japanese chart
Warner Bros. announces Wii U title Game Party Champions
Bonkers Papo & Yo launch trailer blends live action and in-game footage
Zen Pinball 2 PS3, Vita release date announced
Thief 4 now a PS4 and next Xbox game - report
King of Fighters 13 headlines EU PlayStation Update
This Wild West Zelda mash-up is actually worth watching
Nifty device melds PlayStation DualShock controller to your mobile
What would happen if Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony got together to make one console?
Grid 2 Preview: No Assists Please, We're British
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale supports arcade sticks
Eurogamer Expo Indie Games Arcade now accepting submissions
Metal Gear Solid HD editions get release dates
Star Trek: Infinite Space cancelled
Animal Crossing 3DS has a garden centre
Grid 2 announced with debut trailer and screenshots
Cannon Fodder 3 hits Steam
Resident Evil 6 Achievements list outed
Skyrim patch 1.7 goes live on Xbox 360 this week, PS3 next week
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Steam pre-purchase unlocks game a week early
GaymerCon achieves Kickstarter goal
ilomilo dev's next game is Sacred Citadel
Leap: The future of motion control?
Black Ops 2 trailer shows off multiplayer
First-person survival game Sir, You are Being Hunted debuts teaser trailer
Crytek: TimeSplitters 4 fan interest "not high enough yet"
Eurogamer.net Podcast #123: Being Simon Parkin
Smash Bros. boss talks Wii U GamePad controls
New Ouya images show off tiny console, sleek controller
"Xbox Windows" branded games coming to Windows 8 desktops, Surface
Uncharted 3 patch 1.13 adds new Tournament Mode
SSX multiplayer, Freeride modes live in new patch
LittleBigPlanet Karting release date, special edition announced
APB Reloaded Review
Standalone DayZ confirmed
Mafia 3 heading to next Xbox, PS4 - report
App of the Day: Clumsy Pirates
Amazon posts first Wii U box art - report
Darksiders 2 post-game content detailed
Hideo Kojima to speak at Eurogamer Expo 2012
Half-Life Black Mesa mod gameplay videos hit the internet
You can now check Diablo 3 character profiles
Nintendo announces Pok¨Śmon 3DS app release dates
Double Fine's Iron Brigade confirmed for Steam release
Sony trademarks "Rain" and "Until Dawn" ahead of Gamescom press conference
Assassin's Creed 3 PS3-exclusive content is an hour long
Final Fantasy maker Square Enix posts loss during quiet quarter
Monolith founder wants to re-release '90s FPS Blood
Sakura Samurai: Art of the Sword Review
Runner 2 trailer says f*** your 8-bit nostalgia
Day Z hits over one million players
Molydeux's fake Curiosity trailer from Microsoft is effing brilliant
Waking Mars on sale for $1.99 to celebrate Curiosity landing
THQ cancels Insane, gives rights back to Guillermo Del Toro
GameStop: Pre-owned games are "good for the industry"
Batman scribe Paul Dini not working on Rocksteady's next title
League of Legends Championship Series raises the e-sports stakes
Sackboy celebrates 7 millionth LittleBigPlanet level
Sony announces God of War Saga and inFamous Collection
Seedling: Zelda in your browser
Metal Gear Solid 4 Trophy patch live in Europe
SSX multiplayer mode teased by EA Sports
Arc System Works announces BlazBlue Chrono Phantasma with debut trailer
Nintendo dates upcoming 3DS eShop releases
Valve files name next-gen Source 2 engine
Alleged Prince of Persia reboot screenshot doffs cap at Assassin's Creed
Retrospective: Habitat
Saturday Soapbox: Yearning Japanese
QWOP creator debuts new game CLOP
Planetside 2 beta begins Monday night
World of Warcraft movie gets a new writer
Temple Run sprints past 100 million downloads
Just Cause 2 mod allows 600 person multiplayer
EA sues Zynga, claims The Ville is an "unmistakable copy" of The Sims Social
Robert Bowling details his upcoming series Human Element
New Sleeping Dog walkthrough shows off combat, carjacking
Dishonoured cast includes video game debutant Susan Sarandon
EA: Kinect-powered Madden NFL 13 will recognise "over 6000 commands"
Deus Ex, Quantum Conundrum half-price in Square Enix PC sale
The Expendables 2 Review
Soulcalibur 5 sales are a million less than Soulcalibur 4's
How the Mass Effect 3 Wii U GamePad controls work
QuakeCon Steam sale: get Bethesda games on the cheap
Grid 2 teased by Codies
Live-stream NASA's Mars Rover landing on Xbox 360
Dead Trigger dev: "I do not believe that piracy can be stopped"
Mass Effect 3's upcoming single-player DLC detailed
Diablo 3 has sold 10 million, WOW subs drop by 1 million in three months
Army of Two The Devil's Cartel announced
id Software: Doom 4 will be "done when it's done"
Muscle film 300 recreated superbly in Skyrim
Tech Interview: Trials HD
Skyrim's Dawnguard DLC now on Steam
FIFA 13 Wii U Preview: Nintendo Gets Parity (At Last!)
Rise of the Triad reboot coming this year
Assassin's Creed 3 footage boasts new AnvilNext engine
Snazzy VR headset takes to Kickstarter with the Oculus Rift
LittleBigPlanet Vita release date announced
Board Games Are Back
Grand Theft Auto 4 mod aims to recreate San Andreas
Final Modern Warfare 3 DLC release date, details
Guild Wars 2: "You will never be at a statistical disadvantage when playing PVP"
MineCon 2012 will be held at Disneyland Paris
Proteus vs. Photorealism
2K Games boss says photorealism aids diversity, Notch disagrees
FIFA 13 Wii U lets you score using the GamePad touch-screen
Ubisoft: Far Cry 3 violence justified by story
Striking WRC 3 footage released
The wonderful Dungeons of Dredmor gains a patch and DLC expansion
Sony sales highlight PlayStation Vita's struggle
Grand Theft Auto 5 viral site live
Darksiders 2 bonus gear unlocked by playing its predecessor
Spelunky plumbs the depths of your browser via HTML5
The War Z closed beta received over 100,000 registrants in 24 hours
The Commodore 64 turned 30 today
Far Cry 3 co-op includes unique areas, characters, story
Resident Evil 6 pre-orders include an Umbrella-themed umbrella
Lost Humanity 6: Killing Pirates
Resident Evil 6 Preview: The Grisly Details
Ada Wong campaign confirmed for Resident Evil 6
Jay-Z revealed as executive producer of NBA 2K13
Intriguing Vita puzzler Puddle on EU PlayStation Store
Dead Space 2 free for PlayStation Plus subscribers
In Resident Evil 6 you can invade other people's games as a monster
Valve opens Euro office, updates Steam terms
Grand Theft Auto 3 PlayStation 3 release date delayed
Android 4.0 coming to Raspberry Pi
From GT5 Champ to Racing Pro
One Piece: Pirate Warriors release date announced
Left 4 Dead 2 Cold Stream Xbox 360 release date
Lost Humanity 5: Being THEM
The Old Republic goes free-to-play this autumn
EA quarterly report reveals Battlefield 3 Premium service sold over 1.3 million subscriptions
Super Amazing Wagon Adventure Review
Take-Two: Sales were "lower-than-anticipated" for Max Payne and Spec Ops