Valkyria Chronicles gets firm release date
Eidos making Shellshock sequel
Xbox 360 outselling PS3 two-to-one - MS
Xbox Live comes back to life
The Art of Fable 2
Steam to begin hosting mods
Runes of Magic
Wii tearing away as UK market leader
Fable 2 art guys wanted "Fable, but done by Ridley Scott"
Spellborn to have free starter zone
Nintendo making own Wii Jog peripheral?
PopCap reinventing Bejeweled in October
Rebellion talks Shellshock 2
PC Roundup
PC demo of Sacred 2 now available
Gears 1 maps to be DLC for Gears 2
Funcom to merge Age of Conan servers
Wii to get DLC for Rock Band 2
Xbox Live still down for maintenance
Director of 300 to make videogames
Puzzle Quest bound for iPhone
Sony Online looking at PSP MMOs
Force Unleashed dominates UK charts
War World on XBLA this Wednesday
Capcom dates Age of Booty
Bleszinski: "Internet facilitates dickishness"
LittleBigPlanet beta keys still available
Mega Man 9
Rise of the Argonauts
Play Call of Duty 5 at Eurogamer Expo
PES 2009 demo on Thursday
Gouken for Street Fighter IV console
Is the press to blame for Jack Thompson?
Maddie is a character in Halo 3 game
Elections for second EVE council begin
Earn game time with WOW credit card
Rock Band 2 to get Red Hot Chilis' album
Job ad hints at LOTRO for consoles
New Xbox Experience themes info
New 360 front end coming in November?
Register your CV for GI.biz Career Fair
The New Xbox Experience
The New Xbox Experience: Avatars
Burnout Paradise Trophies released
Disgaea DS gets European release date
XBLA revenues up by over 60 per cent
New DS out this year, says Nikkei report
MySims Kingdom
Fable 2 to ship without online co-op
Maddie ref. an "unfortunate coincidence"
City of Heroes mission editor delayed
Paradise City tiny compared to Fuel map
Duke Nukem 3D
Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli
Banjo-Kazooie XBLA gets date, price
Dev would "love to do" console Total War
PSN-exclusive Punisher game in works
Pristontale 2: The Second Enigma
Analyst: WAR will get 250-350k subs
Resistance 2
Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway
Secret Ensemble project a Halo MMO?
Dofus opens new Heroic server
de Blob
Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood
Vanguard offers free reactivation
WAR bans gold sellers "like crazy"
Price cut boosts 360 sales by 32 per cent
GTR: Evolution
Exclusive BIA: Hell's Highway vids
DS Roundup
Burnout Paradise: Bikes Pack
Publishers "scared" to scrap DRM
LittleBigPlanet pushed forward a week
Age of Conan will be more "player-centric"
Civilization IV: Colonization
Massive Wars
Empire: Total War
No downlodable demo for Far Cry 2
Multiwinia: Survival of the Flattest
LittleBigPlanet Trophies listed on internet
Sonic leads Virtual Console charge
Yakuza 2
More GRID content on its way
Redlynx Trials 2 gets a beefy update
New details for GTA: Chinatown Wars
Free bass for anyone pre-ordering Guitar Hero: World Tour 'super bundle'
Fracture, Soulcalibur IV demos on PSN
Clancy games coming to Wii, says Ubi boss
New PAL Releases Roundup
Guitar Hero outselling Rock Band 6 to 1
Nintendo unveils Christmas DS bundles
Xbox Live Arcade Roundup
Mythic clarifies comments about EA
Rage for Xbox 360 to come on two discs
Samba De Amigo
Videogame epilepsy tests are "subjective", says WipEout HD dev
Age of Conan director leaves Funcom
EA responds to Spore DRM concerns
Barnett bets on 1m WAR subs in a year
I'll take on Sony any day, says MS man
Peter Molyneux picks apart Too Human
WAR ships 1.5 million copies
UK charts: EA trio still riding high
Listen to One Life Left online
Team 17 making more Alien Breed
MTV making Rock Band 2 telly show
Lich King Collector's Edition details
WOW: Lich King date confirmed
Why SEGA stopped making consoles
Gold Commodore 64 sells for GBP 2650
RACE Pro to cross finish line in January
Konami doing sandcastle building sim
Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen
WAR claims 500,000 players
New PAL Releases Roundup
America's Next Top Model for DS
Kojima already has ideas for MGS5
Jack Thompson kicked out of the law
Shaun White Snowboarding for DS, PSP
Xbox 360 trumps PS3 in Japan again
MS spends big on Christmas advertising
Maddie reference spotted in Bungie trailer
Battlefield Heroes
Nintendo announces Wii Music date
WipEout HD stars in PS Store update
Bungie reveals Halo project trailer
EA calms Spore forum threat outcry
Molyneux's next "ridiculously ambitious"
Animal Crossing for Wii this Christmas
Super-deluxe Dead Space pack unveiled
Spore sales top 1 million
Bungie to unveil Halo project today?
Peggle XBLA to feature four-player mode
Buzz! PS3 special edition for Christmas
EA threatens to cancel Spore accounts
Mega Man 9 gets a release date
No Team Fortress 2 updates for PS3
Drug-dealing mini-game for GTA DS
Xbox Live users back Barack
Level-5 doing horror RPG for PSP
Downtime planned for Live this Monday
Interplay's Fallout MMO confirmed
Force Unleashed sales total 1.5 million
Duke Nukem 3D for XBLA today
LittleBigPlanet beta keys all gone!
Halo 3 title update available today
Hydrophobia already set for a sequel
Burnout Paradise for PSN this week
Ensemble was "shocked" by studio closure
Quantum of Solace for US in early Nov
UK charts: Force Unleashed the new star
Listen to One Life Left online
Make your own Guinness World Record
Suda51's The Silver Case for PSN
Chronicles of Spellborn dated
Eurogamer Expo tickets on sale now!
Cities XL
First details of Euro Combat Arms
New Golden Axe game gets date
50 Cent sequel not dead yet
GTA on Wii "didn't really feel natural"
Fable 2 Achievements unearthed
Home 1.00 launching end October?
Rockstar's LA Noire a year away
Bejeweled add-on coming to WOW
New details emerge of Star Trek Online
Four multiplayer modes for Far Cry 2
Wii Music gets US release date
Movie man buys Mass Effect rights
Far Cry 2 LiveText TODAY!
Mirror's Edge gets release date
Fracture, Mercs 2 demos now live
A Public WAR
Sony and Jaffe sued over God of War
Warhammer Online's Mark Jacobs
Put motorbikes in Burnout Paradise
No video streaming for early PS Home
Myst Online man on why his game failed
PS3 still needs a defining game - Molyneux
Help choose platforms for TimeSplitters 4
Life with PlayStation now live
Life with PlayStation now live
Guitar Hero: Hendrix on the way
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
'Google to buy Valve' report "speculation"
Peggle sequel now on internet
Life with PlayStation temporarily available
Nintendo employees make USD 1.6m each
White Knight Chronicles gets release date
PS3 gets optional firmware update
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 All-Play
Ubisoft orders EndWar to early November
Fable 2 Pub Games glitch was intentional
SSFII Turbo HD Remix still for 2008
Warhammer Online's Paul Barnett
Activision will influence console design
Loads more Guitar Hero games by 2010
Atari dates bundle of games
God of War III to get 120-page script
The Last Guy
WipEout HD arriving next week
Mercenaries 2 demos this week
Burnout bikes arriving on Thursday
New Xbox 360 Controller
Full Guitar Hero: World Tour set-list
FIFA World Cup tournament to return
Monster WOW patch enters testing
Duke Nukem 3D dated for XBLA
Microsoft fires whistleblowing employee
EA abandons Take-Two takeover idea
Lich King release date announced?
X Factor
Disney's Avalanche
Crysis Warhead
Sony upset with third-party PSP support
UK retail points to 360 Christmas price-cut
The Gaming Difference
Activision buys B-Boy developer
Trauma Center: New Blood dated
Supreme Commander
BioShock PS3 demo in early October
Midway reveals MK vs. DC character list
Major Minor's Majestic March
Rise of the Argonauts due in November
FIFA and PlayTV demos in PSN update
Big three respond to August US sales
WAR server types, names announced
Capcom to focus on multi-platform games
WOW opens PVE to PVP transfers
Destroy All Humans! on Xbox Originals
WipEout HD price announced
MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
One Life Left returns!
Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning
MotorStorm 2 ploughing into October
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
No Quest for Booty disc for UK
Gizmondo 2 seen, on track for year's end
Rare was working on Avatars "before Miis were part of gaming scene"
Guitar Hero: World Tour
Ted Nugent joins Guitar Hero: World Tour
Halo Studio gearing up for next-gen
FIFA 09 to feature online clan system
New PAL Releases Roundup
TNA Impact gets downloadable wrestlers
Midway Gamers Day asset roundup
TNA iMPACT's Kurt Angle
EA and Gillette doing huge 360 tourney
Sony doing Jeopardy! for US PSN
Braben: pre-owned is "damaging" market
Fracture PS3 and 360 demos next Thurs
Eurogamer t-shirt winners unveiled
FIFA 09 demos: PC out, PS3/360 today
Microsoft: We still own Age of Empires
Ubisoft turns attention to dog coaching
Burning Crusade's quality delayed WAR
Tony Hawk with tilt controls on DS
PES 2009 includes Champions League
COD4 Variety maps going half-price
Tabula Rasa is safe, says NCsoft
DS Roundup
SingStar ABBA unveiled for PS3, PS2
Xbox Live Arcade Roundup
MotorStorm: Pacific Rift demo details
LBP would not work on 360 "as it is"
Red Alert 3 to use "more lenient" DRM
Spore prototypes open to public
Puzzle Quest heading to PSP Store
Chocobo's Dungeon dated for October
NCsoft's European MMO canned?
Help rename Games for Windows - Live
BF Bad Company getting Trophies
Apple hypes games for new iPod touch
Microsoft shutting down Ensemble Studios
Soulcalibur Legends
Velvet Assassin slips into early 2009
Games to trump music sales at HMV
Samba de Amigo held back a week
All That Remains songs for Rock Band
Big Vanguard update next week
Project Origin dated, becomes F.E.A.R. 2
WOW Arenas: regional winners
New Metallica album for GH3 on Friday
Duke Nukem to be Hollywood film
PAL Novastrike submitted to SCEE
UK Banjo pre-orders net XBLA version
New Harry Potter game next summer
Midway: 360 "lagging behind" in Europe
Sony sorry for SOCOM beta collapse
Jacobs on WAR beta: "GOA messed up"
Mercenaries 2 does a job on UK chart
Three more for Xbox Live Arcade on Weds
Virtual Console Roundup
Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway
S?ldner-X: Himmelsst¨šrmer set for PSN
Morrisons doing half-price games all week
Guitar Hero: Aerosmith demo on Live
Football Manager 2009
Beatnik unveils XNA game Plain Sight
Combat Arms gets Euro beta date
EA cuts price of Rock Band in Europe
PC Roundup
Buffy MMO will be 2D first, 3D later
Bungie reveals Achievements for Halo 3
THQ doing Warhammer 40K shooter?
Age of Conan available on Steam
Original 360 defect rate was 68 per cent
SingStar boss leaves Sony for Atari
Spore is meant to be Sims, not Half-Life
WAR open beta struggles in Europe
Schappert to keynote TGS next month
Eden details Alone in the Dark PS3
Lanning wants Oddworld Xbox on Steam
Infinite Undiscovery
SOCOM beta keys all gone - for now!
Microsoft reduces DLC prices
SOCOM beta keys Friday at 4pm!
EG techs explain new gamepages
Call of Duty 5 gets Euro date, beta
EA investigating Spore login problems
Randomly selected European gamers to receive US MotorStorm 2 demo
Far Cry 2 given solid release date
Viva Pi?ata: Trouble in Paradise
Breaking Ground goes live for EQ2
Sting playable in Guitar Hero World Tour
Wii Roundup
No European price cut for Xbox 360
More Disgaea tumbling onto PSP
Rock Band 2 song transfer priced
Call of Duty: World at War dated
GTA IV ships over 10 million copies
Midnight Club: LA delayed slightly
26 new songs for SingStore
Chase HQ and friends on Virtual Console
Dead Space release creeps forward again
Wario Land: The Shake Dimension
Japanese charts: Afrika riding high
Football Manager 2009 dated, detailed
TT not going to "take the p*ss" out of LEGO-game fans
Team Ninja has three new games for TGS
Free Ryzom accounts on offer
Saga of Ryzom to return
Nevrax goes into receivership
Spore Creatures
Exclusive Banjo-Kazooie gameplay vids
Tecmo says no thanks to Square Enix
Sacred 2 for PC, consoles in November
Song Summoner: The Unsung Heroes
New Halo 3 Achievements list leaked?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer MMO announced
Pure demo heads PSN weekly update
MS cuts price of Xbox 360 in the US
New PAL Releases Roundup
Kramer, Motorhead, Pistols for GHWT
PSP-3000 battery life fine after all
Lumines Supernova set for PSN
Nariko LBP costume with Play pre-orders
Eurogamer Expo this October!
Conan 360 "still very much set to happen"
Football Manager 2009 revelations tonight
Lack of ambition to blame for previous Star Wars flops, admits LucasArts
EVE Online: The Politics
KOEI not planning a Bladestorm follow-up
Dynasty Warriors Gundam sequel in 2009
WAR item for Red Alert 3 pre-orders
UK PSP-3000 bundle contents still TBC
WiiWare and Virtual Console Roundup
Harmonix denies confirming Nevermind
Vote for your Eurogamer t-shirts
KORG DS-10 synthesiser for DS in October
Japanese direct-access PSP Store soon
Elefunk on PSN today
What else has Namco Bandai got?
LBP public beta sometime this month
Three games on XBLA today
New Pumpkins single to debut in GH4
Court sides with THQ against WWE
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09
Resistance 2 beta in early October
Final Fantasy IV
Pure PS3 and 360 demos on Thursday
Xbox 360 nearing limits of capability - Epic
Darkfall Online beta begins
PSP-3000 gets UK date, price
The Lord of the Rings Online: Mines of Moria
SOCOM: Confrontation beta delayed
Disaster: Day of Crisis coming in October
Viva Pi?ata: Pocket Paradise
COD 'didn't finish telling WWII story'
Disney DLC for LBP just an example - Sony
Square Enix to charge for FFXIII demo?
Capcom denies SF IV infinite combo
PS3 to get exclusive Mirror's Edge DLC
Molyneux would give Fable 2 9/10
Age of Booty to cost just over a fiver
UK charts: Tiger Woods roars to top
Ninja Blade is "seamless" 12-hour slasher
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky
Gauntlet DS crusades to October
Death Tank being remade for Live Arcade
LOTRO could be next "mass-market" MMO
WOW Lich King talent calculators go live
Mythic details WAR early access dates
Pirates vs. Ninjas heading to WiiWare
From Software shows Ninja Blade for 360
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
Funcom confirms 400k players
Vote for new Bad Company maps
EA giving Red Alert 1 away for free
Microsoft slashes price of 360 in Japan
Castle Crashers MP patch coming soon
Life with PlayStation delayed again
Bleszinski rules out Gears 2 for PC
Nintendo raises sales forecasts
Kamiya wants to "exceed" God of War
Less battery life for PSP-3000, says Sony
Pick up Portal for half-price on Steam