Fez delayed until early 2012
MGS HD Collection gets limited edition
Portal 2 DLC release date
Persona 2: Innocent Sin PSP release date
Black Ops beats Gears 3 in XBL chart
Notch's solicitor lays out Bethesda defense
Espgaluda 2 HD announced
Vita 3G downloads have 20MB limit
Dead Island DLC delayed
Gabe Newell gives his verdict on Origin
Serious Sam 3 October release delayed
Piracy "ruining" PC, "forcing" it online
Cursed Crusade release date confirmed
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift 2 release date
Capcom undecided about PSN DRM
Aliens: Infestation
Two Worlds 2 Pirates expansion PS3 date
Multiple HUDs for Zelda: Skyward Sword
Where's cheapest to buy FIFA 12?
Chrono Trigger PSN release date
FIFA Street reboot for March 2012
PES 2012
Deus Ex: The Missing Link
New Mortal Kombat movie announced
Surprise Psychonauts update announced
Xbox dash update in November - report
New Xbox 360 dash has Twist Control
Leon cast in Resident Evil: Retribution
GameCity announces Zelda Takeover Day
DICE man "ashamed" of Bad Company 2
Future Gears of War titles to be less camp
Zombie Driver HD announced for PSN
I Am Alive re-announced by Ubisoft
Prinny dev announces PS3 action RPG
King of Fighters 13 UK release date
PC Assassin's Creed: Revelations delayed
Zelda: Skyward Sword plot details
Gears of War 3 sells over 3m in a week
X-Men: Destiny
Serious Sam: The Random Encounter
MW3 double XP for Game pre-order
PSN offline tonight for two hours
Need for Speed: The Run demo release date
Deus Ex PC DLC released
Behind Behind Closed Doors
Foo Fighters to close out BlizzCon 2011
Cage decries conservative marketing
Gamers discover two possible planets
LA Noire: Complete Edition confirmed
Duke Nukem 3D remake shelved
Super Mario Land 3 coming to 3DS eShop
New Humble Indie Bundle announced
Advance Wars dev readies 3DS puzzler
Major PlayStation Home update tomorrow
The Old Republic early access detailed
Dark Souls, ICO HD top Japan chart
GT5 Spec 2.0 update to launch October
Pre-order MW3 PC, get COD4: MW PC free
Syndicate release date announced
EU PlayStation Store update 28th Sept
Crafting Uncharted 3
Naughty Dog approves of Uncharted film
Unreal Engine 4 "probably around 2014"
Studiocanal films head to PlayStation 3
Guild Wars 2
Yakuza: Dead Souls trademark spotted
King of Fighters 13 delayed
Kirby's Adventure Wii release date
Skullgirls delayed to early 2012
Origin wants "fair and open marketplace"
Gears of War 3 DLC: expect Barrick
EA announces Shank 2 for early 2012
Out This Week - 30/09/11
Resident Evil 5: Gold Ed. coming to PSN
City of Heroes is now free-to-play
ITV confuses IRA attack with ArmA clip
Hefty Xbox Live Arcade sale kicks off
Katamari creator resurfaces with Glitch
iPhone 5 reveal next week?
IO job ads hint at Kane & Lynch 3
Why music games aren't dead
FM 2012 requires Steam to play
Dead Island film announced
Konami will "punish" PES 2012 quitters
Journey delayed to spring 2012
Guild Wars 2 Is it Evil? test revealed
Lucky Space on Facebook targets core
Final Fantasy brand "greatly damaged"
IW vows to combat PC cheats in MW3
Xbox 360 S to Xbox 360 S transfer cable
Guild Wars 2 closed beta 2011 "for sure"
DR2: Off The Record PC detailed
Crimson Alliance DLC announced
Fanatec Forza 4 wheel detailed, priced
First Dead Space 3 details - report
Uncharted 3 trophy list spotted
FIFA 12 UK midnight launches
Black Wii Fit Plus pack announced
Renegade Ops PC release date announced
Deus Ex DLC includes new boss battle
League of Legends: Dominion out now
PSN offline tonight for an hour
I Am Alive gameplay details revealed
EG Expo Editors' Game of the Show: Guild Wars 2
New Witcher 2 on Xbox 360 details
End of Nations to launch in 2012
US gamers buy snacks for MW3 double XP
UK Top 40: Gears 3 reigns supreme
Warco game teaches war news reporting
Nintendo eShop update - 29/09/11
Patent suggests Windows Phone slider
Modern Warfare 3 Xbox 360 Achievements
Fresh details on new Santa Monica game
CDP teases Witcher 2 expansion, Witcher 3
Remedy job ad hints at Alan Wake 2
Capcom on PS3 exclusive SFxT characters
Crysis PSN, XBL release date revealed
EG Expo Game of the Show: The Nominees
BioWare Drs on Jade Empire comeback
Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced at Eurogamer Expo 2011
Rage: The Return of id Software
Microsoft reverses erroneous XBL bans
28% of 3DS users don't like 3D - survey
Max & The Magic Marker coming to PSN
50% off Resi HD remakes on PSN
LulzSec, Anonymous hackers rounded up
Bethesda denied Fallout restraining order
BioShock dev shows off cancelled RTS
LA Noire Complete Edition spotted
Worms Ultimate Mayhem release date
Under the Hood of Forza 4
Why you can't drive Forza 4's Warthog
Forza 4 demo details
Diablo 3 to ship early 2012
Eve developer responds to outcry
Sony: 3D visor to "revolutionise" games
Free PlayStation Home FPS Bootlegger
Team Ninja: Nintendo did Metroid's story
Rocketbirds PSN out by the end of 2011
Katamari Amore release date
NFS Shift dev reveals new game C.A.R.S.
The life and times of Dylan Cuthbert
Metacritic culls review-bombing users
Hector Episode 3 out today
Max Payne 3: Remedy was consulted
Eve Online dev building next-gen tech
Mercury Hg PSN release date announced
Tropico 4 Xbox 360 delayed
Valve to release Dota 2 as fast as it can
Project Draco
Black Ops Rezurrection pack hits PS3, PC
Demon's Souls servers staying open
GOG approaches 6 million downloads
Diablo 3 "feels better" with a game pad
Uncharted 3's Nolan North on LA Noire
Ninja Theory rules out Enslaved 2
Witcher 2 2.0 dated and detailed
Grand Knights History gets UK release
Uncharted started out as a fantasy game
Guitar Hero dev is working on an FPS
The ?150 iPad Space Invaders dock
Q-Games cold on PixelJunk sequels
New Vita AR details
Ubisoft reveals Assassin's song winner
Valve announces new CS: GO modes
Burnout Crash
Minecraft 1.9 introduces Snow Golems
OnLive Launches in the UK
FortressCraft maker discusses Minecraft
Space Channel 5 Pt 2 Dated for XBLA
Charge for importing Dance Central tunes
Why DC Universe is going free-to-play
Monster Hunter reveal spikes 3DS sales
Gears 3 story won't "please everybody"
Old Republic guild alignment begins
Dark Souls dev punishing early birds
Angry Birds dev plans publisher move
Rift 1.5 update detailed
Prof clarifies Game Transfer Phenomena
Brink Autumn Cup announced
Why Star Fox 64 3D isn't online
God of War PSP dev's new game is for PS3
Fallout New Vegas: Lonesome Road
iPhone 5 unveiling 4th October - report
EU PlayStation Store update 21st Sept
M&M: Clash of Heroes DLC on PSN today
The 3DS games of TGS
Games bleeding into real life - study
New Final Fantasy Versus 13 details
Final Fantasy 13-2 Xbox 360 on one disc
NCIS video game announced
Epic not working on a new Unreal game
Sony God of War dev working on new IP
Tetris 3DS European release date
The World Ends With You sequel hinted at
Mass Effect film focuses on male Shepard
Renegade Ops
Vita to PSP connectivity confirmed
Viacom sues Harmonix for $131m
Konami announces Boom Boom Dance
Diablo 3 closed beta goes live
SWTOR to be final subscription MMO?
Xbox Live Marketplace schedule update
First Bravely Default: Flying Fairy info
Amazon Appstore opens for business
Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 date
Game rolls out PSN stock across UK
Forza 4 demo release date
Zen Pinball 3D rolling to 3DS eShop
Half-Life 2: Episode 3 code in Dota 2?
Robot's Orcs Must Die! release date
Gears of War 3: Where's cheapest?
TrackMania 2: Canyon
Deadly Premonition dev making Vita game
Battlefield dev doesn't want 500+ devs
PS3, PSP title maintenance Sunday am
Gears 3 story, map and co-op DLC planned
AC: Revelations PS3 includes first AC
Team Meat's Binding of Isaac release date
Expo: Win a 10,000 Uncharted 3 Treasure Hunt in Jordan
Gearbox wants Duke Nukem feedback
OnLive beta latency issues explained
Grand Theft Auto hits headlines again
David Perry demos OnLive-style tech
Can We Measure OnLive Lag? Yes, We Can
GDC: David Perry's OnLive-style service
Head in the Cloud
EA rejects cloud-only future for gaming
OnLive goes into public beta testing
Xbox not worried about Gaikai, OnLive
OnLive to stay away from E3
OnLive mobile phone tech demoed
Aliens vs Predator heading to OnLive
OnLive claims cloud-based games patent
OnLive MicroConsole dated, priced
Gaikai not worried by OnLive patent
Movie streaming heading to OnLive?
OnLive to launch $9.99 monthly subs plan
OnLive early adopters get first year free
Perlman: OnLive to launch this winter
EA sceptical about OnLive
BT hopes to launch OnLive in late 2011
OnLive convinces TV giant VIZIO
OnLive to launch in UK this Autumn
Call of Duty Elite beta now on PS3
Ni No Kuni gets Western release
Inafune offered to finish MML3
Chair clarifies Shadow Complex 2 talk
Dragon Quest Monsters remake announced
Out This Week - 23/09/11
Sony plans unobtrusive Vita updates
DC Universe Online goes free to play
World of Darkness to feature permadeath
Deus Ex boss battles outsourced
Resident Evil 4 HD
Sony: 3DS circle pad add-on "shocking"
Syndicate developer making new IP
Gamers help scientists unravel enzyme
OnLive heads to iPad, Android tablets
Modern Warfare 3 at Eurogamer Expo
OnLive boss counters lag criticism
OnLive Latency: The Reckoning
Digital Foundry vs. OnLive
OnLive does "everything" Wii U does
GDC: Why OnLive Can't Possibly Work
World of Goo
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
Tomb Raider: Underworld
Tomb Raider: Anniversary
Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2
Saints Row: The Third
Saints Row 2
Red Faction Guerrilla
Red Faction: Armageddon
Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords
Prince of Persia
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
Ninja Blade
Metro 2033
The Maw
Mafia II
Lego Pirates of the Caribbean
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4
LEGO Batman
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
King's Bounty: Armored Princess
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
Just Cause 2
Ghostbusters: The Videogame
Frontlines: Fuel of War
Evil Genius
Driver: San Francisco
Disciples III: Renaissance
DiRT 3
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Beat Hazard Ultra PSN release date
Dark Void
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Assassin's Creed II
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Alpha Protocol
Aliens vs. Predator
Brink nominated for Writers' Guild Award
Final Fantasy 13-2 DLC confirmed
Nintendo eShop update - 22/09/11
UK top 40: Dead Island still top
PlayStation Vita region free
No Modern Warfare 3 Prestige Edition
Metal Gear Solid 3D out early 2012
Digital Foundry vs. Gears of War 3
Kinect Sports: Season 2
Sega prepping Daytona USA re-release?
F1 2011
DICE: Battlefield 3 could get Camaros
Euro Oblivion 5th Anniversary Ed date
Xbox Live TV on track for "Christmas"
Resident Evil 6 video is a fake
Download Games Roundup
Knights of Old Republic ?3.50 on Steam
Portal free on Steam until 20th Sept
Radiant Silvergun
Resident Evil 6 will be "totally different"
Infamous 2: Festival of Blood date, price
Dragon Age 2 DLC Mark of the Assassin
The Gunstringer
Dead or Alive 5 to "push the envelope"
External Vita battery pack confirmed
Itagaki playable in Saints Row: The Third
Diablo 3 Skill Calculator goes live
EA responds to Tiger Woods 12 PC outcry
New PSN Terms attack class action suits
Why no Monster Hunter 4 on Vita?
Dark Souls
LucasArts making "Aerial Combat Title"
Mortal Kombat 9 sells 3 million worldwide
Kingdoms of Amalur pre-order treats
Money from MMO subs begins to decline
3DS Circle Pad Extension
MGS HD Collection spans two discs on 360
Just Dance Kids for Wii, Kinect, Move
European Final Fantasy 13-2 release date
Grand Theft Auto 4 ships 22 million
El Shaddai announced for Android
Jagex reopening RuneScape Classic today
Diablo 3 will support PayPal
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection date
Guardian Heroes 2 planned
Ninja Gaiden 3 adds consequences
Gears of War 3
Android gaming coming to Vita
Vita Remote Play detailed
Toy Soldiers: CW best-selling XBLA game
UK Gears of War 3 midnight launches
Dead or Alive 5 unveiled
EU PlayStation Store update 14th Sept
Rare's about being "hugely successful"
Apple bans satirical Phone Story game
Second PES 2012 demo out on Xbox 360
Iwata: Nintendo won't make mobile games
Codemasters closing Bodycount dev
Grasshopper unveils Diabolical Pitch
PlayStation Vita: the other 74 games
Vita battery life is 3-5 hours
Final Fantasy 10 HD for Vita, PS3
Sony's TGS 2011 press conference
Vita release date for Japan
MGS, ZOE HD Collections for Vita
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 for Vita
PS3 worldwide sales reach 51.8 million
Xbox Live coming to Windows 8
Activision hails 3DS circle pad add-on
Nintendo stock drops post-3DS event
Nintendo eShop update - 15/09/11
Face-Off: Red Faction: Armageddon
Face-Off: Alice: Madness Returns
Face-Off: Shadows of the Damned
Face-Off: F.E.A.R. 3
Face-Off: Call of Juarez: The Cartel
Face-Off: Bodycount
Face-Off: Dead Island
Zelda Four Swords DSiWare date, details
3DS update to add 3D video recording
FIFA 12 PC, 360 demos out now
Agarest: Generations of War Zero
3DS Super Pokemon Rumble release date
European Mario Kart 7 release date
Single-player Ace Combat demo tomorrow
Zelda: Four Swords free on eShop soon
Starbreeze defends new Syndicate FPS
New Skyward Sword details at TGS
Sonic Generations release date
New batch of 3DS games announced
3DS circle pad price, date, games
Lollipop Chainsaw
Mario and Mario Kart 3DS release dates
Mario Tennis revealed for 3DS
Monster Hunter 4 announced
Out This Week - 16/09/11
Super Monkey Ball Vita announced
Halo, Gears, Forza join Eurogamer Expo
Sims Social second on Facebook
Mobile Games Roundup
Face-Off: El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron
Game to sell Blu-ray films and music
Prof Layton Spectre's Call release date
Football Manager 2012 release date
EA offers PC Tiger Woods 12 refunds
UK Top 40: Dead Island defeats Deus Ex
Trenched dev forced to abandon title
Used market cost Heavy Rain 1m sales
EA and Starbreeze reveal Syndicate FPS
Quantum Conundrum
Tech Analysis: Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection HD
Ico/Shadow of the Colossus: PS2 vs. PS3
Space Marine misses UK Steam release
Study measures scariest Xbox 360 game
PS Move game a Sony Santa Monica title
Age of Conan film content pack arrives
New Dragon Quest 10 gameplay details
Jonah Lomu Rugby UK release narrowed
"Remastered" Crysis 1 coming to console
Nintendo launches 3DS Ambassador tool
Eurogamer Interviews the Eve Council Chairman
Deus Ex: Human Revolution ships 2m units
Techland reflects on Dead Island blooper
Download Games Roundup
Zen rejects "Xbox inferior tech" claim
White PS3 is UK GameStop exclusive
PC From Dust now playable offline
Dead Island DLC out within weeks
Infamous 2 Update 3 released
Pinball FX dev stands up for Microsoft
Sony offers Last Guardian reassurance
Acti: gamers still "love" Guitar Hero
3DS price cut dramatically boosts sales
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron
Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection HD
The Making of El Shaddai
From Dust PS3 release date
Game selling Xbox Live content UK-wide
Max Payne HD announced
Modern Warfare 3 PC has LAN support
Max Payne Review
Dead Island developer Techland "disturbed" by Feminist Whore skill
PSN Play - How It Works
Harvest Moon UK pre-order bonuses
Rise of Nightmares
Max Payne 3 out March 2012
Ubisoft wants singer for Assassin's song
Activision's DreamWorks Mario Kart game
Dance Central dev's VidRhythm launches
Rotastic Xbox Live Arcade release date
Aonuma never finished Legend of Zelda
The Baconing
COD Elite promotes gamer "respect"
Street Fighter XBLA Colour Pack borked
Dead Rising 2: OTR halves load times
Fallout inspires Polish political video
First Monster Hunter 3DS details
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
Another World iOS dated, detailed
Ubi opens up AC: Revelations beta
Sony: PS3 software growth superior to 360
Japan chart: 3DS holds onto top spot
New Yoshi, Ace Attorney for 3DS - report
Sonic Generations ltd. edition announced
Crimson Alliance free on Xbox Live now
Activision: Call of Duty busies 500+ devs
Exclusive Ratchet demo for PS Plus
EU PlayStation Store update 7th Sept
Konami scraps 1st PES 2012 Xbox demo
New Inazuma Eleven game for 3DS
Trials dev dates WiiWare game MotoHeroz
Rollercoaster Tycoon 3D official
The Luddite Game Maker
Devil May Cry HD Collection for Xbox
MS issues bans for XBL Marketplace Theft
Euro SWTOR beta invites delayed
PSN offline tomorrow night
Dark Quest, from Ubisoft, for PS Vita
Nintendo 3DS second circle pad revealed
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet gets DLC
Atari Flashback 3 console: 60 games, ?50
Rage system requirements detailed
Steam Trading feature goes live
Call of Duty Elite premium features list
Star Trek Online free-to-play details
3 million digital DiRT 3 copies robbed
Free Driver: San Francisco content coming
Xbox Live Marketplace schedule update
Controversial Xbox content policy is legal
Modern Warfare 3 Xbox 360 price ?270
Steam Dead Island an Xbox 360 dev build?
Triple-A games are "crushing innovation"
Dead Nation DLC announced
Sony hires anti-hack security boss
Face-Off: Driver: San Francisco
Ace Combat pre-order gives MP skills
Sony Ericsson: No need for Xperia Play 2
Monster Hunter Tri G rumoured for 3DS
BioWare wants Liara statue feedback
PC Driver: San Fran "wasn't held back"
Sony: Budget PSP aimed at teens, kids
Halo creative director quits Halo 4
Japanese Deus Ex release ruined
Borderlands 2
Resistance 3
Out This Week - 09/09/11
Eve CSM chair Mittani breaks the peace
WRC 2 official rally game release date
Crytek refutes hire/fire blog allegations
Nintendo eShop update - 08/09/11
Mobile Games Roundup
Game stops selling old pre-owned 360s
Online co-op for MGS Peace Walker HD
UK Top 40: Deus Ex deflects Driver: SF
Dragon Quest X confirmed for Wii U
Dead Island
Split/Second dev officially closes doors
Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer
Driver: San Francisco's MOT
Sony attacks Xbox 360 content policy
Deus Ex: Human Revolution DLC outed
Call of Duty Elite premium sub priced
Limited ed. Modern Warfare 3 360 coming
Garriott "open" to working on new Ultima
Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer detailed
How Infinity Ward re-built itself
Cheap Trick DLC for Rock Band
LG unveils PlayStation 3D TV rival
BioWare Doctors headline Expo sessions
F1 2011
Sniper: Ghost Warrior iOS in the works
Download Games Roundup
Driver dev thinking about next-gen now
How to get the AC: Revelations MP beta
PSP games look set for Xperia Play
One Piece Musou a PS3 exclusive
Relic lifts lid on Space Marine co-op
Sledgehammer's cancelled Call of Duty
Serious Sam Double D
Free DLC for DC Universe Online
Lay-offs at 2K's Mafia 2 studio
Section 8: Prejudice DLC for PSN
18 million Black Ops map packs sold
Dungeon Siege 3 DLC announced
3m new PSN users since security breach
Always Online with Blizzard
Final Red Dead DLC dated and detailed
Activision reveals NASCAR Unleashed
Star Fox 64 3D
Nintendo eShop update - 01/09/11
Hogrocket releases Tiny Invaders on iOS
Star Trek Online free-to-play this year
How to get your 3DS Ambassador games
PlayStation Vita playable at EG Expo
PlayStation tablet date, price, specs
18 unannounced Vita games set for TGS
LA Noire dev in administration - report
Modern Warfare 3