WOW: other hero classes were considered
Blaming the Crunch
iPhone Roundup
Editor's blog: Exclusive reviews?
Competitive pair join WiiWare roster
Japanese charts: Sony catching Nintendo
PS3 will remain most expensive - Reeves
Sony's David Reeves
Revamped NFS series launches this year
New NPC race revealed for EVE
Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine Online
Don King Boxing dated for Wii, DS
EA Black Box doing secret NFS game
No level cap in next Fallout?
Disney throws Turok sequel in the bin
Epic addressing Gears of War PC calamity
SOE bringing PopCap games to PSN
iPhone Roundup
Battle-Cars head weekly PSN refresher
Games Convention 2009 scrapped
Ensemble involved in Halo Wars' future
Halo franchise to expand in "many different directions"
Star Ocean: The Last Hope for spring
GOA unveils enormous WAR update
Plain Sight
New PAL Releases Roundup - 30/01/09
Nolan Bushnell to receive BAFTA fellowship
More Space Invaders Extreme 2 sightings
FIFA Manager 09
WOW makes up half Acti-Blizz's business
US university offers StarCraft course
Sony hardware sales on the decline
Boom Blox sequel due this spring
Postal to go on show at Nobel museum
BattleForge dated for March
Fieldrunners update offering new map
New Final Fantasy XIII footage released
Houser: gaming is storytelling "infant"
OneChanbara dated for late February
UT3 Titan Pack expansion this year
Street Fighter IV UK tour dates, details
Killzone 2 review on Thursday
Blue Dragon Plus
Mana Khemia for PS2, PSP this spring
Red Alert 3 Uprising to cost USD 20
Capcom still pushing for HD Remix on PSN
Toribash beheading to WiiWare
Wii Fit gets Body Check Channel in Japan
Nexon closes Canadian studio
Square Enix embraces Japanese XBLA
MS appoints new Games for Windows boss
Sex 'n' Drugs 'n' Rock 'n' Roll
Boing! Docomodake
Iwata to keynote GDC in March
Banjo-Tooie XBLA due out in April
Empire: Total War gets March date
No word yet on Flower Euro price
WipEout Pulse may be heading to PS2
Saints Row 2
Saints Row 2
Saints Row 2
Saints Row 2 - Multiplayer
True space exploration coming to EVE
Teenage Mutant Turtles game unveiled
UK charts: Wii Fit still on top
No Fable II for PC, says Lionhead
New DSiWare games revealed for Japan
iPhone dominates IGF Mobile field
Three new levels planned for The Maw
Games for Windows boss gets the boot
MotorStorm patch coming soon
Big Bang Mini
Midway doing more Mortal Kombat
FFCC: Echoes of Time for March in US
Wiseman wants to film Gears trilogy
Ghostbusters: The Video Game
RACE Pro drops back a week
Full GH: Metallica track-list revealed
THQ doing more de Blob for Wii
Savage Moon
Mythic hints at WAR's Orc Choppa
Open beta test begins for Plain Sight
EA "evaluating" Sims 3 release date
Microsoft closes Flight Sim studio
PS3 Fallout 3 post-campaign play unlikely
Games outselling DVD and Blu-ray
No Elites for Halo 3: ODST
Super Meat Boy on the way for WiiWare
Braid dev currently toying with RPG
Guitar Hero outsells Rock Band 2-to-1
Grand Theft Auto IV PC patched again
Biology Battle
Download Sex 'n' Drugs soundtrack
3,000 DOWII beta keys all gone!
High Street Blues
Halo Wars demo details
New MGO Bomb mission next week
F.E.A.R. 2 demo heads PS Store refresh
New Caf¨Ś area coming to Home
Section 8
Skate 2 review
Neopets Puzzle Adventure
Eidos closes Manchester studio
Skate 2 unlock option on PSN and Live
Double trouble for Virtual Console
Japanese charts: PS3 closing in on Wii
The Secret World seeing "big changes"
New Meteos DLC lands on Xbox Live
New PAL Releases Roundup - 23/01/09
Dawn of Heroes coming to DS this year
Reeves: Job cuts unlikely to affect games
Ubisoft expects new consoles by 2012
I Am Alive delayed for "more work"
New Spore game coming to Wii
Tomb Raider: Underworld DLC dated
Riddick: Dark Athena will be 20 hours long
Age of Conan still in development for 360
Live Age of Conan interview
Battlefield Heroes beta re-opens
EVE player runs off with ISK 80 billion
Live Age of Conan interview today
Noby Noby Boy to get February release
Mario & Sonic Olympics 2 on the way
World in Conflict expansion for PC in March
Crystal Defenders for Wii/XBLA/PSN
Sony and MS are both right, says analyst
WOW patch beset with problems
Puzzle Quest: Galactrix heading to PSN
PSP action replays at Arsenal FC in 2010
EA: RA3 looks and plays better on PS3
Countdown clock appears on FFXIII site
Rock Band
Sony confirms UK date for Killzone 2
Capcom signs Football Superstars dev
US sales figures for LBP and more revealed
Red Alert 3 coming to PS3 this March
Gears of War 2 update goes Live
Win cash prizes playing virtual tennis
WAR factions balanced, says Mythic
MMO devs warned to accept gold trading
I Am Alive due by end of March - Ubisoft
Wii Play tops 2008 multiformat US chart
Sony is "out of touch", says Microsoft
Major free updates coming for Vanguard
Kojima picks 15 films that inspired MGS
New Gears 2 Achievements revealed
Death Knight restrictions lifted in WOW
Riccitiello wants quality as well as profit
America's Army 3 due out this year
PS3 gets photo app with 2.6 firmware
Wii GameCube converts not full price
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
Dawn of War II DLC in "first few weeks"
Gridrunner+++ shapes up for April
Wii Mario Power Tennis dated
Guilt propels Wii Fit to the top of UK chart
Midway cements Wheelman delay
Hirai: We're the "official" industry leader
Coming Attractions: Shooters & Racing
EA Sports to learn from World of Goo
Killzone 2 PS3 bundle confirmed for UK
Wedgwood: Metacritic strain "ridiculous"
No change to Dawn of War II Euro date
Midway birthing five for iPhone
EA job cuts rumoured at Mythic
Puzzle Quest Galactrix Flash demo
Rolando price cut to GBP 3.49
Football Manager Live
Sony plants Euro Flower date
2D Boy's Ron Carmel and Kyle Gabler
EVE Online to drop "classic" graphics
Mythic hints at WAR Dwarf Slayer
Burnout Paradise Ultimate Box dated
Harmonix "would love" to do Amplitude 2
Resi 5 demo coming to PS3 next month
Valve to convert pirates into payers
Japanese FFXIII demo gets release date
Resi 5 demo coming to Live this month
Eidos unveils new Mini Ninjas game
No 'PlayStation' phone for Sony Ericsson
Phantasy Star Portable gets new DLC
F.E.A.R. 2 demo coming this week
Nirvana bassist impressed by Rock Band
SOE MMOs now on Steam for cheap
COD's zombie Nazis unlocked for consoles
Weapon of Choice
Virtual Console Roundup
Overlord II
Uphill Struggle
Special YouTube launches for Wii, PS3
Treyarch explains PC patch process
LBP the creative star of 2008 - Molyneux
Guild Wars plans the year ahead
Nintendo still king of the castle in Japan
Three more line-up for WiiWare
Garriott "would continue" Tabula Rasa
SEGA dates House of the Dead: Overkill
Killzone 2 demo due day before launch
EA signs Wheel of Time games
Leaked Battlefront III footage emerges
The Godfather II
Darkfall release pushed back
Nintendo breaks US sales records
No FFXIII in US/Europe until 2010
Xbox 360 beating PS3 by 8m, says MS
US PS3 sales up 40 per cent year-on-year
Nintendo tops US game charts for 2008
Xbox 360 outsells PS3 by 2 to 1 in US
Lord of the Rings: Conquest
Coming Attractions: Fighting & Strategy
Mirror's Edge
Editor's blog: EG records 100% growth
New PAL Releases Roundup - 16/01/09
Still no SSFII Turbo HD Remix for PSN
BBFC clears MadWorld for sale in UK
Over 8m Wiis sold in Europe last year
Coming Attractions: MMOs & RPGs
Cartoon Network MMO launches
Namco Bandai doing .hack for PSP
Japanese PS3 Store gets Dress
Sony explains 17 million figure for PSN
Zork to return as browser MMO
Watchmen: The End is Nigh
BlowOut to get re-release on Xbox Live
Valve patches Left 4 Dead PC
Kojima working on several new games
Astro Tripper
GAME unveils online rental service
First Singularity details materialise
2K boss hits out at "crappy" Wii titles
Guitar Hero: Metallica confirmed for May
Nintendo not frightened of global slump
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 for March
Left 4 Dead live interview
Nintendo mum on Euro DSi date
Halo gun sneaks into Fable II
Price cut for FIFA 09 Live Seasons
Lloyd-Webber karaoke games planned
MS sorry for leaked Midnight Club DLC
Cryostasis, NecroVisioN, MoW dated
Mad Catz claims big demand for FightStick
Mad Catz talks up SF IV peripherals
Castle Crashers King Pack out today
Ubisoft doing Call of Juarez prequel
Eurogamer meets Holly Valance
Rock Revolution moshes to March
Star Ocean: Second Evolution dated
Coming Attractions: Sports & Music
Free Springsteen songs for GHWT
Coming Attractions: Indie & Esoterica
Eternal Sonata PS3 gets firm date
DC Universe will swap classes for stances
WOW sex changes available in Europe
Live to get next big overhaul at Xmas
Microsoft's Aaron Greenberg
Free prizes for MGO newcomers
Left 4 Dead patch coming later this week
Wii is most popular console in the UK
Avalanche unveils unsigned AionGuard
"Political platform puzzler" for XBLA
The Maw coming to XBLA next week
Baldwin discusses Galaga addiction shame
Mirror's Edge
Editor's blog: Editorial vs. Advertising
Air Traffic Chaos
UK charts: FIFA 09 still top of the table
Konami doing Wii balance board game
Euro SOCOM Confrontation date still MIA
Euro Resistance PSP date unconfirmed
101-in-1 Explosive Megamix
Nintendo patents in-game hint system
Spellborn's 09 update plans revealed
Braid dev wanted theme to be free
SOE reckons PS3 will be half its business
FIFA 09 was best-selling game of 2008
Xbox Live Friends limit to be increased
Neversoft finished with Tony Hawk's
More than half of Conan servers closing
Criterion shows other Legendary Cars
Holly Valance stars in Red Alert 3: Uprising
GTA: Chinatown Wars gets 18 rating
Phantasy Star Zero out in winter 2009
Lara Croft to get makeover for next game
Fable II gets bug-fixing patch
Eurogamers vs. Valve Left 4 Dead happening TONIGHT!
EVE Online: Battle Reports
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
Home downloaded by 3.4 million
Next EVE expansion titled Apocrypha
Sony admits Home reveal was too early
Tomb Raider: Underworld sales hit 1.5m
Donkey Kong 3 and Enduro Racer on VC
UNO coming to more consoles
LittleBigPlanet has sold 1.3m units
EA Sports zone coming to Home
EndWar gets downloadable content pack
iPhone Roundup
Dawn of War II MP beta this month
City of Heroes converted to Mac
Killzone 2 out on 27th Feb - retailers
Runes of Magic leaves beta in March
Sony US slags off rival consoles
LOTR Conquest demo heads PSN update
Godfather II date nailed down
Halo Wars demo arriving in four weeks
Red Alert 3 PC expandalone in March
New 50 Cent game gets release date
More on Red Alert 3 expansion in 09
Bethesda to raise Fallout level cap to 30
Independent Games Festival finalists
Game-creating game announced for 360
Atari reveals Ghostbusters release date
Spore to get first expansion this spring
No Rock Band 3 this year
Home to get Red Bull zone this week
European date set for Disgaea 3
Gears 2 Flashback Pack on sale for all
Super Stardust Portable
Skate 2 demo on Xbox Live tomorrow
Killzone 2
EA announces Football Academy for DS
Left 4 Dead 360 update beats cheaters
Softmax doing Magna Carta 2 for 360
Jade Raymond not doing I Am Alive
Ryzom reintroduces subscriptions
UK videogame sales reach all time high
Tetris helps reduce post-traumatic stress
EA bringing Hasbro games to XBLA
Fable II wins animal rights award
Midway back from brink of bankruptcy
S?ldner-X: Himmelsst¨šrmer
PS3 price will drop soon, predicts MS
Beta registration opens for Earthrise
Crayon Physics Deluxe
Gears 2 to be updated this month
AC/DC Live: Rock Band
Pre-release Euro Killzone 2 demo likely
Turbine looks to micro-transactions
Crash Commando and Soldner for PSN
PS3 sales up 130 per cent during Xmas
Sony bigwigs bigup PS3 for 2009
Xbox 360 sales hit 28 million worldwide
Twenty years of the Mega Drive
Oxygen sells off London studio
Radiant Silvergun XBLA port unlikely
EVE breaks concurrent user record
Way of the Samurai 3 coming to 360
FIFA 09 is first UK No.1 of 2009
Interpol coming to XBLA this week
Call of Duty finishes 2008 on top
Art Style WiiWare Roundup
NCsoft hit with patent lawsuit
Microsoft: 360 has hit 8 million in EMEA
Burning Sea swashbuckling updated
Capcom reveals more release dates
Red 5 MMO is evolving, time-based
Castle Crashers tops XBLA chart for '08
No LEGO Potter in '09, says source
Editor's blog: Top 50 Post-Mortem
Sony "helped design" 360 processor
Meteos Wars
Bigwigs make predictions for 2009
Third Guitar Hero DS game sighted
PS2 was most-played console of 2008
Left 4 Dead DLC announcement soon
FIFA tops UK Charts at Christmas
Mistwalker cans next Xbox 360 RPG
Beta opens for Shin Megami Tensei MMO
Crayon Physics Deluxe out on Weds
Wii to get new TV channel
Street Fighter IV
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin
Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce