JRPG dev/pub Atlus safe and sound
MS confirms new 360 controller
Enslaved UK pre-order deals detailed
Kane & Lynch 2 MP add-ons today
Tech Interview: LucasArts' frame-rate upscaler
IO "satisfied" with Kane & Lynch 2
Eurogamer.net Podcast #34
XBLA "Game Feast" this October
UK Charts: Mafia II takes top spot
Valkyria Chronicles II
Fallout: NV has 100-point Achievement
DS Golden Sun RPG dated
Far Cry 3 appears on retailer sites
Yakuza PSP demo available to all
Xbox Live Gold prices going up
Report: Microsoft revising 360 d-pad
Final Fantasy XIV open beta tomorrow
Infinity Gene for PSN/XBLA next month
Blizzard wants Cameron for StarCraft film
UNICO: We ruined the Mafia II launch
TRON game gets $130 Collector's Edition
UK charts: Crackdown 2 in at one
Borderlands GOTY in October
Nintendo cuts price of DSi in US
Dead Rising 2
Political Milestone
LucasArts' 60FPS Force Unleashed II tech demo
The Case for Kinect
Xbox headset sound to improve
Bank Holiday update schedule!
MS selects celebrity Reach team leader
Rare on Kinect Sports
Sony teasing game reveal next Thursday
Red Dead's Liars and Cheats Pack dated
Rare urges core gamers to try Kinect
Valve once worked on "flying fairy game"
PR agency settles fake review charges
Download Games Roundup
Kinect beta confirmations sent out
Play Fighting
Chime heading to PC in September
Shank issues "not the 360's fault"
Joe Danger "People's Patch" released
Enslaved Collector's Edition unveiled
Staff laid off from Tom Clancy studio
BioShock 2: Minerva's Den next week
Brad Pitt to star in Red Dead movie?
Microsoft outlines the future of Xbox Live
Dragon Age: Witch Hunt DLC unveiled
Microsoft hails Sky Player as a success
DJ Hero 2 song list revealed
Move: Sony not expecting huge day one
Full Rock Band III track list unveiled
PS3 Mubi films cost 3 quid each
FFXIV limits XP earning after eight hours
Dead Space 2
UK's first 24/7 game channel announced
Sony's Ray Maguire
New Nintendo downloads revealed
FF Versus XIII may not make next year
Microsoft to keynote Tokyo Game Show
Google games man leaves after 4 months
Bungie: Reach leak won't spoil game
Take-Two loses out on bioshock.com
Trip Hawkins suing Zynga over Mafia Wars
PopCap trademarks Vacation Quest
Man tries to finish MW2 without killing
PlayStation designer explains all
Shank and MotorStorm 3D in PSN update
Sony: 3D is not a fad
Red Faction: Armageddon
MS: PlayStation Plus "hasn't changed" us
New BioShock enemy's name revealed
Yamauchi responds to GT5 controversy
Dragon Age 2
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Assassin's seeks "research assistants"
Alien Swarm adds AI Director
MS working on phone-to-console gaming
Capcom learned from RE5 racism row
THQ asks for "patience" on Metro bug
Angry Birds creator hawking movie rights
Report: $43m This Is Vegas canned
New Doctor Who games for DS and Wii
Gearbox to talk Duke Forever at PAX?
MS took "shortcuts" with Kinect
Digital Foundry vs. PSJailbreak
Doom 4 dev: 3D needs more time
MS confirms voice control for Kinect
Eurogamer.net Podcast #33
Spec Ops: The Line
Serious Sam HD: TSE dated for XBLA
R.U.S.E.'s Mathieu Girard
Cryptic: we must improve for Neverwinter
APB has 130,000 registered players
MS: "Unauthorised" Halo: Reach risks ban
MotorStorm 3D Rift on PSN this week
WOW expansion finally launches in China
R.U.S.E. PC demo due this week
COD: Black Ops PC to allow modding
Mass Effect 2 Shadow Broker DLC dated
Valkyria Chronicles 3 on the way?
FFXIV open beta in early September
Plants vs. Zombies coming to the DS
DeathSpank sequel out this year
Saw II: Flesh & Blood dated
Forza 3 Ultimate Collection sighted
COD military advisor defends MOH
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
First Crackdown 2 add-on announced
New Neverwinter game announced
Red Dead ban hammer coming tomorrow
EA hits back at MOH "un-British" claim
Splash Damage's Paul Wedgwood
COD: MW2 UK's best-selling game ever
Wedgwood: Beth lets us get on with it
DCMS backs ratings system in MOH row
EA: We're not "toning down" Suda51
UK chart: Kane & Lynch 2 top dog
Eurogamer.net Podcast #32
EA in talks with Valve to sign Portal 2
Italian city upset with Gran Turismo 5
Why Fallout: New Vegas has to end
Vanquish demo due next week
The Force Unleashed II demo confirmed
Madden NFL 11
Defence Secretary demands MOH ban
Halo: Reach leaked
New Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 DLC inbound
Realtime Crisis
The Art of Fable III
Realtime staff sacked via PA address
Lionhead working 10x faster on Fable III
Killzone 3
Tesco buying used games nationwide
Master Chief's voice in Halo: Reach
Download Games Roundup
Guillemot urges "patience" with BG&E2
EA: Crysis 2 will be a 90-rated game
Third Doctor Who game revealed
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow dated
Rest of Rock Band 3 setlist leaked?
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Bungie quashes Halo: Reach 3D rumour
THQ on everything
Hackers may have cracked PS3
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011
Sony's Andrew House
Suda51's new game is Sine Mora
Sony: PS3 now the "de facto" purchase
EA: COD creators' game a long way off
New PSP has touch-sensitive controls
APB will live on in Europe and US
New Deathspank game already?
EA on APB: Sometimes ideas are too big
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Take-Two rubbishes Mafia II racism claims
Steam saved our bacon - Introversion
Gran Turismo 5
Yamauchi mentions Gran Turismo 6
Fable III review
Todd Howard working on two new games
Resistance 3 unveiled at gamescom
Virtua Tennis 4 revealed for PS3
Fighters Uncaged revealed for Kinect
MJ, Just Dance 2 tracklists outed
Valve gives Portal 2 a release date
PES 2011 a week after FIFA in UK
Front Mission Evolved nudged to October
HAWX 2 demo on Euro PS3 Store
Digital Foundry vs. Mafia II demo
All GH Warriors of Rock songs named
Mass Effect 2 confirmed for PS3
Core community will "love" Kinect - Lewis
PS3 AC Brotherhood beta dated
Microsoft's Chris Lewis
RTW demise blamed on "lacklustre" APB
Ubisoft reveals Might & Magic Heroes VI
Moore: No Kinect, Move, 3D for FIFA
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions
Ubisoft Eurogamer Expo line-up revealed
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
Nail'd dated
LittleBigPlanet 2 beta "soon"
Medal of Honor single-player detailed
Red Faction XBLA/PSN game revealed
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger PC dated
Instant Jam revealed
F1 2010 given solid UK date
Lost Planet 2 dated for PC
Kinect UK release date announced
Cage: Heavy Rain did the business
Xbox Live heading to mobile phones
Age of Empires Online revealed
uDraw GameTablet
THQ unveils Wii drawing tablet
Xbox 360 exclusive Gun Loco revealed
Front Mission 3 heading to PSN, PSP
Ghost Recon Predator/Wii unveiled
2K: Mafia II loses some detail on PS3
EA dates The Sims 3 on console
Kinect for Potter Deathly Hallows
APB and Crackdown dev collapses
Dragon Age 2 dated for Europe
EA dates Crysis 2
Beckham fronting EA Sports Active 2
DOWII gets expandalone Retribution
Gran Turismo 5 dated for Europe
PS3s with larger HDDs in September
Homefront PC developer named
THQ talks Dawn of War III, UFC 3
New Ratchet & Clank game announced
Sony gamescom 2010 conference
THQ reveals Space Marine loyalty treats
Microsoft rejected Move-style technology
Xbox 360 vs. PlayStation 3: Round 27
Blizzard wins $88m in private server case
F.E.A.R. 3 delayed
In Theory: Is Xbox 360 3D Ready?
MS clarifies gamescom event format
Bethesda's Todd Howard
H.A.W.X. 2 demo this week for PS3, 360
UK chart: Toy Story 3 still top
Mortal Kombat Arcade Compilation outed
Fallout: New Vegas
How DICE collaborated on Need for Speed's game world
Hunted: The Demon's Forge
Over 40 assassinations in Halo: Reach
SWTOR's advanced Jedi classes revealed
PES 2011 Master League keys today
BFBC2 Ultimate Edition spotted
X-Com creator doing 3DS launch title
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 multi-platform
Rammstein and Bob Marley in Rock Band 3
Rage due out in September 2011
Google's Got Game
Respawn not working with Bethesda
Zampella: Reviewers should finish games
Do the Revolution
Crysis 2 dated
Realtime "fully committed to APB"
Eidos Montreal calms Deus Ex fan fears
Realtime rumoured to want to sell APB
Tropico 4 announced
Tony Hawk: Shred out "this holiday"
New Buzz! game spotted
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II
PS Plus subs get original Tomb Raider
Zombies confirmed for COD: Black Ops
Download Games Roundup
Kojima teases weekend announcement
Nintendo had Game Boy phone plans
StarCraft II US sales monstrous
Industry's future depends on Kinect, Move
Xbox 360 best-selling console in July
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
id Tech 5 only for Bethesda titles
Hollenshead: No Doom 4 at QuakeCon
Carmack shows 60fps Rage iPhone game
ZeniMax acquires Arkane Studios
Levine: Why I passed on BioShock 2
Irrational's Ken Levine
BioShock Infinite announced
COD: Black Ops Prestige Edition is mental
Kane & Lynch 2 too violent for telly
Stronghold 3 still alive
Red Dead Redemption: Legends & Killers
Global Agenda gets UK retail release
New id game revealed tonight
Test Drive Unlimited 2 delayed
No Ubi DRM system for PC R.U.S.E.
Sony Ericsson to launch PSP Phone?
New Metroid made Sakamoto cry
Saints Row dev making third-person RPG
Fable III sales will top 5m - Molyneux
Treyarch warns of Xbox Live COD scam
Football Manager 2011
Kirby's Epic Yarn out in EU next year
Ubi hints at more Ass Creed for 2010
11 bands to debut in next Guitar Hero
Third Professor Layton dated for Europe
Gold Classic Controller Pro coming to UK
Scott Pilgrim heads PS Store update
Deadly Premonition coming to Europe
Fourth Borderlands add-on pack official
Football Manager 2011 unveiled
Dead Rising 2 EU release brought forward
If I Had One WishĄ
Black Rock wants Split/Second feedback
Kinect can't read sign language after all
Gearbox making Duke Nukem ¨C Report
Wii sales hit 30 million in US
Schafer's next game due in autumn
ArenaNet talks Guild Wars 2
RDR Legends & Killers DLC out now
Sledgehammer hypes COD audio
Acti: IW "will rise from the ashes"
Metal Gear: Rising avoids complication
Chronicles of Spellborn shutting down
Eurogamer.net Podcast #31
Matthew Perry and Felicia Day in Fallout
Mafia II demo out now
Bloodline Champions
New Battlefield Heroes items for sale
Handheld Harvest Moon coming to UK
Pay Street Fighter experts for lessons
Valve still working on DotA project
Ubi unveils AC: Brotherhood SE
SOE unveils 17th EverQuest expansion
Battle.net preventing Starcraft II piracy
The Force Unleashed II PSP cancelled
New species for SWTOR revealed
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon announced
THQ may scrap annual UFC policy
Molyneux: Judge Kinect on "the next step"
Atelier Rorona: Alchemist of Arland
A Guitar Hero game every year "a given"
Far Cry 2 dev joins new LucasArts project
DICE defends playable Taliban in MOH
Remedy has "great" ideas for Alan Wake 2
Alan Wake: Remedy Looks Back
PC DA2 camera "won't pull as far up"
Ancient Trader
Next EverQuest game teased
Square talks FF Versus XIII "difficulties"
Jade Raymond bigs up Ubisoft Toronto
UK chart: Toy Story 3 back on top
Splinter Cell and POP trilogies appear
Quake Live subscriptions revealed
Voice actor hints at new Ratchet game
Lara Croft launching without online mode
Black Rock details Split/Second DLC
250GB Xbox 360 Kinect bundle spotted
Game of Life
Killzone 3 multiplayer beta planned
World of Tanks
4 on Demand coming to PS3?
Sonic Colours dated
Tekken X Street Fighter NOT at gamescom
Tekken 6 breaks 3 million sales
Download Games Roundup
MGS PSP sales "progressed steadily"
Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock dated
Acti: Bungie focused on new game
Next OpFlash "takes on board feedback"
Acti: Cataclysm out this year
Acti laments poor Blur, Singularity sales
5000 applied to work on COD
Pitchford shrugs off Borderlands DLC leak
Art Academy
True Crime: Hong Kong delayed
Sid Meier's Civilization V
UK PC gamers denied Mafia II CE
Public Enemy, Nas, Wiley in Def Jam
Story-driven BioShock 2 DLC announced
UK chart: Rayman spent 5 years there
Molyneux admits Milo is "contentious"
Activision denies "lose the chick" report
Blizzard policing erotic role-play in WOW
Enslaved's Tameem Antoniades
Who would've improved Heavenly Sword?
Civilization V demo next month
GT5 Signature Edition costs 180
High Voltage lays off staff
Halo 2 maps remade for Reach
World of Darkness MMO reveal soon?
Soundgarden album free with Guitar Hero
Modern Warfare 2 demo released
Red Dead anti-griefing patch released
Fable III Kinect support confusion
DJ Hero 2
Inafune's Dead Rising film on XBL
LEGO Potter sells 2.7 million
BioShock 2: Protector Trials
Runic reveals Torchlight sequel
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
Download LittleBigPlanet cheap on PSN
The case for WAR
Syndicate trademarks excite
Ubisoft grabs Virgin for online tournies
PSN Plus August/September content
Play Enslaved before it's released
EA admits COD and Halo will rule 2010
Uncharted film set back indefinitely
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011
MS wins online multiplayer legal battle
RDR Legends and Killers DLC dated
EA makes lots of money in first quarter
Need for Speed: Shift 2 confirmed
Crysis 2 delayed
BMW prize-carrot tied to Blur demo
Report debunks "disc is dead" claims
StarCraft II fastest-selling strategy ever
Eurogamer.net Podcast #30
New Medieval Sims "series" for PC/Mac
Sony apologises for PS3 firmware woe
Metro 2033 Ranger DLC out now
NBA Jam PSN/XBLA possible?
EA: Warhammer Online is "profitable"
DiRT 3 has over 50 rally cars
PC Fable III delayed
UK Demon's Souls virtually sold out
StarCraft II accounts being stolen
ModNation patch to improve load times
Create a villager in Fable III
Kotick, a flight attendant, and $1.4m
COD map packs surpass 20m sales
The Curfew
The Lord of the Rings Online
Castlevania: Harmony of Despair
SEGA defends 3D Sonic games
StarCraft II melting graphics cards
The Colour of Sonic
Bayonetta-related reveal this week
No Move, Kinect for Fight Night Champion
EA unveils Create
Mag spills DiRT 3 details
Resistance 3 trailer reveal at gamescom?
West/Zampella's Respawn at QuakeCon
Linkin Park MOH video launches
UK chart: StarCraft II victorious
DiRT 3 unveiled in video
Ex-GRIN devs open new studio
No release date for BF 1943 on PC
Halo: Reach quitters to be "penalised"
Realtime explains Project: MyWorld
Pokemon transfer system revealed
Ex-WOW devs to reveal new game
Next Operation Flashpoint named
Bungie not bothered by Activision's rep