Apple's value tops $500 billion, worth more than Poland
Sega reveals Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit
Free PES 2012 DLC announced
More Doom 4 art surfaces - report
Japan chart: Asura's Wrath, Vita struggle
Game of Thrones MMO announced
First Modern Warfare 3 DLC collection dated for Xbox Live
Xbox Live available in new Windows 8 preview
Blizzard announces 600 redundancies
First Kingdoms of Amalur story DLC announced
Borderlands 2 PC to ship with Steamworks
Sim City 5 concept art leaks - report
End of Nations Preview: The World at War
Mass Effect 3 Vault console armour DLC details
Gravity Rush PlayStation Vita release date
Resident Evil 2, 3 released on EU PlayStation Store
Zone of the Enders HD out in the autumn
App of the Day: Pizza vs. Skeletons
Raspberry Pi launches with licensed manufacturers
Mojang hires Bukkit server-mod team to make official Minecraft API
Amnesia dev: Sequel will make you afraid to turn on your PC
Mario, Punch-Out!! on Nintendo 3DS eShop this week
Bungie co-founder on Halo 4: "I'd be pretty surprised if they wiffed it"
Website teases new Baldur's Gate game
Nintendo blocks Binding of Issac 3DS release
Origin auto-adds EA games bought from Steam
Super Stardust Delta Review
Alienware X51 Review
New Skyrim PC update goes live
Hydrophobia developer to enter administration, staff claim
MIA cyberpunk MMO Otherland resurfaces
Doom 4 concept art leaks - report
Apple event next week points to imminent iPad 3 launch
Xbox 360 Family Kinect Bundle announced
New Xbox is codenamed Durango - report
Free Killzone 3 multiplayer on Euro PSN tomorrow
What happened to the Mass Effect 3: Space Edition copies?
Portal co-creator's Quantum Conundrum gets EU release
Jet Set Radio HD out this summer on PC, PSN and XBLA
David Braben Discusses the Raspberry Pi
Killing Hitler is Sniper Elite V2 pre-order bonus
PlayStation Vita worldwide sales hit 1.2 million
Play IGF-nominated indie games for free via OnLive
App of the Day: Big Cup Cricket
WipEout 2048 dev promises free and paid for DLC
Limbo job ad suggests iPhone, iPad and Android ports
SSX Review
Syndicate price roundup: where's cheapest?
Double Fine Adventure will likely be "old school" 2D
BioWare discusses potential Mass Effect MMO
DJ Hero, Chime, Geometry Wars devs form new music game studio
Schafer on crowd funding: "I don't think publishers are quaking in their boots"
Tekken Wii U: 60fps, low image latency
Nintendo 3DS eShop file size limit is 2GB
Devil's Third budget almost equal to all of Itagaki's previous budgets combined
Trials Evolution Preview: Inching Towards Perfection
God of War PSP dev hiring for "next generation home console"
Footage from F.E.A.R. dev's canned steampunk Batman game leaks
Lionhead job ad suggests next-gen activity
Epic to show off Unreal Engine 4 next week
Shank developer announces Mark of the Ninja
PopCap: Don't be afraid of free-to-play
Street Fighter edition of Monopoly incoming
Bethesda hiring for next-gen project
Facebook gaming boom is over - study
First Medal of Honor: Warfighter details
Steve Kordek, inventor of pinball gaming, dies aged 100
Star Wars: The Old Republic update 1.2 previewed
App of the Day: Virus Wars
Sony details Journey Trophy list
Flower, Journey dev "exploring bigger audience, beyond just PlayStation"
EA: Syndicate reboot as FPS "the right choice"
Dungeons & Dragons Online: Menace of the Underdark release date announced
EA launches Mass Effect 3 into space from London this morning
Mass Effect 3 pre-orders "well ahead" of ME2's
The Witness now "much longer" than 10-15 hours
App of the Day: Allied Star Police
Fargo already has story and character design sorted for Wasteland sequel
App of the Day: Beat Sneak Bandit
Kingdom Hearts 3D European release date leaks
UK Top 40: Uncharted: Golden Abyss claims top spot for Vita
Pok¨Śmon Black and White 2 announced
How PS Vita, Nintendo 3DS are doing in Japan
Microsoft makes Kinect Xbox 360 exclusive Crimson Dragon official
MotorStorm RC Review
Face-Off: Syndicate
App of the Day: NFL Kicker
Retrospective: Prototype
Game of the Week: Dear Esther
App of the Day: Tomena Sanner
Can PlayStation Vita Save The High Street?
US violent game tax proposal thrown out
Sakaguchi has faith in current Final Fantasy producer
Street Fighter X Tekken gets special edition
Fez development finally wraps up
BioWare: SWTOR players average 4-6 hours per session
Xbox 360 10th anniversary bundle heading to Europe
Art from Dead Space dev's Jack the Ripper game leaks - report
Resident Evil: Raccoon City PC release date
Digital Foundry vs. Alan Wake
Sony to release Killzone 3 multiplayer as a free download
Sony removes borked Vita Facebook app from Store
Free Gotham City Impostors DLC pack released for Xbox 360
A-Men dev predicts "average start" for "hardcore" Vita
British indie MMO The Missing Ink enters open alpha
Prototype 2 dev reveals how James Heller came to be
Burnout, Need for Speed dev Criterion opens its doors to students
Amazing Spider-Man release date revealed in new trailer
Skyrim success motivates Remedy to stick with story-heavy games
Blacklight dev making Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition
Blizzard moves to reassure fans Diablo 3 is in "great shape"
FIFA Football Vita Review
Dexter TV producer releases iOS game Vowel Movement
Medal of Honor: Warfighter out this October - report
PlayStation Vita games: where's cheapest?
PlayStation Vita: where's the cheapest price?
Rovio CEO's grandparents remortgaged flat to save Angry Birds
Blizzard working on a free-to-play title - report
Final Fantasy Tactics gets iPad release
Sine Mora release date announced
Bungie co-founder sets up new studio
Sega teases Jet Set Radio on PSN and XBLA
The Last Story Review
Aion free-to-play changeover dated
Gotham City Impostors tops XBLA chart
Shoot Many Robots release date, price details
PC gamers get playable Arma 3 build post-E3
New Xbox 360 update tinkers behind the scenes
EA reveals new weekly Inside DICE Battlefield 3 community blog
Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus Review
DICE shares Battlefield 3 patch notes ahead of release
App of the Day: Homerun Battle 3D
Fill out a Valve survey to get a Counter-Strike: Global Offensive beta key
UK retail game sales "half of what they should be"
Battlefieldo organising, threatening EA/DICE with 24-hour Battlefield 3 blackout
Gameplay signs off with ?5 Gamestation.co.uk voucher
FIFA 12 gets January transfer window squads update
Xenoblade Chronicles developer hiring for 3DS game
BioWare: we finished Mass Effect 3 before working on DLC
The Essential PlayStation Vita
Sony: 3G gives Vita "immediacy"
Assassin's Creed: Revelations The Lost Archive DLC details
Asura's Wrath Review
AMD in "hush-hush effort" to put graphics chip in PS4
Battlefield: Aftershock pulled from App Store
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs announced for PC
Guild Wars 2 open beta sign-up begins
Japan chart: Strong debuts for Binary Domain, Theatrhythm
Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock powered by Unreal Engine 3
PS Vita: Sony defends Uncharted, FIFA price, explains expensive third-party digital games, reveals larger memory cards are coming
Mass Effect 3 gets simultaneous US PSN digital release
Dating site for gamers launches in the UK
More NeverDead DLC announced
PS2 Classics Virtua Fighter 4, NFS on EU PlayStation Store
Pok¨Śmon Company blasts iPhone game scammers
Fire Emblem 3DS confirmed for UK 2012 launch
Homefront Ultimate Edition release date announced
Tribes: Ascend open beta release date announced
Borderlands 2 release date announced
Next Metal Gear Solid targets "high-end consoles", "next-gen" Fox engine
Nvidia GeForce 295.73 drivers better Skyrim, Mass Effect 3 performance
PlayStation Vita midnight launch: cosplay and commitment
App of the Day: Orbital HD
Leaked Mass Effect 3 DLC reveals race of secret squad member
Ridge Racer Vita Review
Sony US and UK teams helping out on The Last Guardian
EA announces The Simpsons: Tapped Out
Sony explains why you can't transfer UMDs to your Vita
Street Fighter DLC confirmed for Asura's Wrath
Company of Heroes: Campaign Edition announced for Mac
The Pirate Bay faces imminent UK ban
Cancelled third person Call of Duty spin-off detailed
THQ announces WWE WrestleFest
Alan Wake PC update due this week
Bionic Commando dev Grin worked on Strider reboot, Streets of Rage remake
Take-Two trademarks GTA TV
PlayStation Vita games, DLC, demos hit PlayStation Store
Syndicate Review
Eurogamer.net Podcast #101: Mass Effect 3! Vita! Pancakes!
The Secret World release date announced
Street Fighter x Tekken Vita out in the autumn
New Assassin's Creed mobile game exclusive to Gree
Assassin's Creed: Revelations Lost Archive DLC release date
Reality Fighters Review
Spec Ops: The Line release date announced
The Witcher 2 sold 1.1 million copies in 2011
App of the Day: Hank Hazard
Remedy teases Alan Wake's American Nightmare for PC
Sony's PS Eye creator patents Kinect-like tech
Young Justice: Legacy out early 2013
Skyrim PC patch 1.4.26 beta available, details
Nearly a third of PS3 owners "seriously considering" buying Vita - poll
Dreamcast game Seaman being revived on 3DS
Official interactive Prima Skyrim map free on App Store
ShootMania Storm Preview: Mods and Rockets
Naughty Dog: "we're not working on anything for PS Vita"
Runescape dev: physical games retail will disappear within 10 years
Uncharted 3 co-op Shade Survival mode announced
Sony: PS Vita 3G "our investment in the future"
Alan Wake's American Nightmare Review
A-Men dev: you won't see PS3's texture problems on Vita
EA job listing points to Crysis 3
Retro City Rampage coming to Vita and PS3
MechAssault dev reveals Reign of Thunder
Alan Wake PC makes money back in 48 hours
Gravity Daze Review
Indie co-op dinosaur-killing PC FPS Orion: Dino Beatdown
UK Top 40: UFC Undisputed 3 claims number one
Humble Bundle Mojam raises nearly $500k for charity
Nintendo 3DS sets new Japan sales record
Four new indie devs set up to work with Epic on Fighting Fantasy games
Newell: Valve wants its games "more baked" before revealing them
App of the Day: Super Quickhook
Capcom explains why PC versions are released later
Nintendogs + Cats demo on Nintendo eShop this week
Sony confirms Call of Duty for PlayStation Vita this autumn
Spelunky Preview: This Year's XBLA Masterpiece?
Face-Off: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
Retrospective: Stardust
Xbox 360 dash update gives XBLIG more visibility
Saturday Soapbox: Why Everyone Is Amazing
App of the Day: Call Connect
Mass Effect 3 DLC bundled with Razer peripherals
Schafer: Microsoft has ignored warnings over XBLA decline
Gearbox reveals shelved plans for Heat tie-in
SSX demo coming next week
Asura's Wrath the latest victim of duff Capcom spell checker
Angry Birds Space announced
MechAssault dev teases "return to its roots"
Gotham City Impostors fixes on the way
Tekken 3D: Prime Edition Review
Activision working on new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game - report
Redundancies at Syndicate studio confirmed
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 listed on Amazon France - report
Mass Effect 3 Demos Analysed
Bethesda: Skyrim DLC to follow different model to Fallout 3
Witcher dev's two 2014/2015 "AAA+" games are simultaneous PC, next-gen console releases
Why a team of ex-Sony developers left PlayStation to go indie
Jagged Alliance: Back in Action Review
Where's cheapest to buy Tekken 3D: Prime Edition?
Cheapest places to buy UFC Undisputed 3
FortressCraft creator rejects Minecraft clone claims
Privates dev predicts XBLIG won't survive transition from Xbox 360 to Next Xbox
App of the Day: Reckless Racing 2
Sony US boss Tretton downplays PS4 2012 announcement
KOTOR, Mass Effect lead writer Drew Karpyshyn leaves BioWare
Counter-Strike creator returns with Tactical Intervention
Vodafone typo messes up Vita WipEout top-up offer advertisement
Gears of War 3 Forces of Nature DLC announced
Sony: no plans to bring PS2 or PS3 games to PS Vita
Ryu from Street Fighter is Asura's Wrath DLC
Sleeping Dogs Preview: A True Open World Contender?
How Remedy convinced Microsoft to let it make Alan Wake PC
Civilization 5: Gods & Kings expansion announced
Prototype dev: gamers thought Alex Mercer "was a d**k"
Bethesda knew Skyrim could run into "a bad memory situation" on PS3
Guild Wars 2 WVW server battles take 2 weeks, maps support 300+ players
The Jak and Daxter Trilogy Review
Sony working to fix PS Vita pre-order discount code errors
Journey release date announced
Strange Tales From The Studio
Bit.Trip Complete, Bit.Trip Saga release dates revealed
Final Fantasy 13-2 Sazh DLC release date, price details
Sony details "one price" Vita/PS3 cross-play content
Peter Moore on EA's Origin: "I would ask give us 18 months to two years"
BioWare details Mass Effect 3 upgrades guide
App of the Day: Paper Monsters
PS3 firmware update 4.11 today
Countdown to Eurogamer Expo 2012 begins!
Brian Fargo using Kickstarter for Wasteland sequel
BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend Premium Edition announced
Bethesda on Skyrim's viewable Morrowind, Cyrodiil: "maybe we'll use it one day"
LA Noire: Complete Edition gets DirectX 11 support
Double Fine Adventure is DRM free, has English voiceover
Xbox 360 system update fixes colour problems
Everybody's Golf Vita Review
Maxis GDC announcement sparks SimCity talk
BioWare explains why PC Mass Effect 3 doesn't support gamepads
Notch downplays Psychonauts 2 funding offer
Assassin's Creed 3 release date announced
Assassin's Creed creative director jumps ship
Assassin's Creed 3 location Egypt?
Assassin's Creed 3, Splinter Cell: Retribution coming this year?
Annual Assassin's Creed cycle is "ideal"
"Major" Assassin's Creed title confirmed for 2012
Ubisoft reveals Wii U games
Ubisoft surveys public on future Assassin's Creed locations
Indie game Dear Esther profitable in less than six hours
NCsoft confirms Guild Wars 2 on console
Remedy's message to Alan Wake PC pirates: "enjoy the story!"
Ubisoft and TrackMania dev announce ShootMania Storm
Japan PlayStation Vita sales at lowest ever weekly total
Minecraft maker Mojang making new game this weekend for charity
Warp Review
The Kickstarter Conundrum
PS2 Classics God Hand, Maximo on PlayStation Store today
Prince of Persia creator Mechner remaking Karateka
PS3 exclusive JRPG Ni No Kuni out in Europe Q1 2013
Dota 2: Valve confirms LAN mode and mod support
Assassin's Creed Revelations getting Desmond single-player DLC
Huge range of PlayStation 2 Classics storm European PlayStation store
App of the Day: Tongue Tied!
HTC smartphones and tablets to be PlayStation certified - report
Far Cry 3 release date revealed by leaked trailer
Notch offers to fund Double Fine's Psychonauts 2
Double Fine: "Tim and Markus are talking" about Psychonauts 2
Psychonauts developer Double Fine making fan-funded adventure game
Double Fine Adventure raises $1m in less than 24 hours
Double Fine Adventure passes Day of the Tentacle budget
Capcom registers new Darkstalkers trademark
UFC Undisputed 3 Review
Twisted Metal film gets Crank writer/director Brian Taylor
Notch can match Schafer's $13m Psychonauts 2 budget valuation
Sony to shut down PSP Digital Comics service
Fresh Resident Evil 6 details bleed in
PC Mass Effect 3 does not support game pads
Comedian takes on Choose Your Own Adventure
Valve selling a virtual Team Fortress 2 ring for $100
Street Fighter x Tekken PC release date announced
Solitaire Blitz Preview: Why PopCap's Approach to Facebook Gaming is Anything But Casual
Sonic 4 Episode 2 screenshots leak from Xbox Marketplace
Darksiders 2 release date announced
Dead Island dev's Haste becomes Mad Riders
Eurogamer.net Podcast #100: Ellie returns! And we filmed it!
Remedy discusses Alan Wake 2
Only Modern Warfare 3 made more money than Skyrim in 2011
Metal Gear Online to be switched off in June
Will there be a PS3 version of The Witcher 2?
Mojang won't sue FortressCraft dev, "bored" by Minecraft clones
App of the Day: Candy Train
Resistance: Burning Skies PS Vita release date
Wii RPG Pandora's Tower release date
Project Draco's final name is Crimson Dragon
Infinity Blade's Chair: "we're in the golden age of gaming"
Dear Esther Review
Mojang: no plans for Minecraft on Vita
Rockstar mulling LA Noire 2 development
Motorola Xoom 2 Tablet Reviews
3DS Ambassador Super Mario Bros. game updated
Sony explains PlayStation Vita game price strategy
Apple begins Foxconn factories inspections
ModNation Racers: Road Trip Review
Sony confirms PS Vita 1st Party digital only game prices
DICE working on multiple Battlefield 3 fixes
Activision: games are relationships, "brands in people's lives"
Making FIFA Street in the FIFA engine's image
App of the Day: Monkey Bump
Halo 4 Master Chief action figure flaunts new suit design
No plans for Journey PlayStation Vita version
Tim Schafer: publishers aren't evil
Ridge Racer Unbounded delayed by four weeks
Metal Gear Solid 3D demo on eShop this week
UK Top 40: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning beats Darkness 2
Fallout: New Vegas dev asks fans what game they would like it to Kickstart
Happy Action Theater Review
Call of Duty: Black Ops has best game ending ever, says Guinness World Records
Sony's $50m Vita marketing campaign targets PS3 owners
Metal Gear Solid 5 expected between April 2013 and May 2014
Face-Off: Final Fantasy 13-2
Game of the Week: Catherine
App of the Day: Ascension: Chronicle of the Godslayer
Retrospective: Star Wars Episode I Racer
EA evaluating FIFA Street features for FIFA 13
Digital Foundry: PS3 Skyrim Lag Fixed?
Why Devs Owe You Nothing
Face-Off: The Darkness 2
App of the Day: Sir Benfro's Brilliant Balloon
Valve admits hackers accessed Steam transaction log
Namco Bandai to publish new Star Trek title
Sony admits "dropping the ball" with Demon's Souls
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Vita Review
EA announces starry Syndicate voice cast
CD Projekt: Witcher 2 intro cinematic "the most expensive asset we ever created"
Sony: The Last Guardian is making "slow progress"
Sony showcases Vita's Discovery Apps
Epic's Sweeney on graphics tech: "the limit really is in sight"
One Piece: Unlimited Cruise SP Review
Amnesia: The Dark Descent follow-up teased
Blizzard legally opposes Valve's Dota trademark application
Sony confirms LittleBigPlanet Karting development
Cheapest places to buy The Darkness 2
David Braben discusses consumer Raspberry Pi release
App of the Day: Superman
Cheapest places to buy Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
Next Xbox has tablet-like touch-screen controller - rumour
Skyrim patch 1.4 performance tip: make a new manual save
Five new Mass Effect 3 gameplay trailers
AIAS 2011 Awards winners revealed
Diablo 3 release date narrowed
Grand Slam Tennis 2 Review
Skyrim patch 1.4 now live for Xbox 360
Modern Warfare 3, Just Dance top January US chart
Jaffe: Developers should focus on gameplay, not story
Itagaki: Tecmo tricked me into releasing unfinished Dead or Alive 2
Activision promises "meaningful innovation" in next Call of Duty
World of Warcraft universe recreated in Minecraft
Modern Warfare 3 has 12% more online gamers than Black Ops
UKIE lobbies to make crowd funding legal in the UK
Apple to reveal iPad 3 in first week of March - report
Spec Ops: The Line lets you shoot "unarmed civilians", "angry mobs"
Arkham City developer laments health of UK games industry
Killzone composer recruited for new PS minis shooter
Square cuts back on Final Fantasy 14 servers
Eurogamer.net Podcast #99: FF13-2 and Amalur RPG Special
King Arthur 2 Review
Calligraphy-themed fighter Kung Fu Strike: The Warrior's Rise for XBLA
New copies of PlayStation Vita Ridge Racer come with Gold Pass
Skyrim makers create dragon riding, Kinect shouts, new skill trees
Gotham City Impostors Review
Inside the Alan Wake PC Collector's Edition
English language Cannon Fodder 3 hits GamersGate
Will there be a Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning 2?
App of the Day: Off the Leash
Asura's Wrath delayed
Dirt 3 Complete Edition announced
Super Smash Bros. convinced Harada to make Tekken 3DS
Batman, Battlefield, Skyrim make BAFTA GAME Award shortlist
Mode 7 to discuss Frozen Synapse at next GameCityNights
Street Fighter X Tekken Preview: Year of the Dragon Punch?
The Last of Us story details revealed
Team Meat prototyping Super Meat Boy iOS concept
Bethesda: Skyrim update 1.4 should hit Xbox 360 tomorrow
Jetpack Joyride downloaded 14 million times
Nintendo hires Uggie as its first "spokesdog"
Battlefield 3: Aftershock lands on App Store
Epic secures rights to Fighting Fantasy iOS games
Batman: Arkham City ships 6m copies
Japan chart: SoulCalibur 5 struggles, Dragon Age 2 makes top 10
Battleship movie gets Activision game tie-in
Official Mass Effect 3 Xbox 360 and PS3 console mods revealed
Full SSX soundtrack track list revealed
Massive Square Enix sale hits Xbox Live
Who Killed Rare?
Vodafone 3G Vita offers free WipEout and 4GB memory
Killzone 1 for PlayStation 3 "delayed indefinitely"
Yakuza: Dead Souls release date announced
PSP UMD discs not transferable to Vita
Square Enix makes Sleeping Dogs official
The Simpsons Arcade on EU PlayStation Store today
Ex-Blizzard leader Bill Roper becomes Disney's games boss
App of the Day: Armed!
ZX Spectrum management sim series Football Director returns
Ubisoft apologises after online server switch snafu
Assassin's Creed, Might and Magic, Settlers unplayable during Ubisoft server switch
Square Enix announces Sleeping Dogs at retailer event
New LG TVs can play Unity games with Magic Motion Remote
Mass Effect 3 gets From Dust day-one DLC
New Gran Turismo 5 update goes live
Xbox Live boss details Microsoft's "war on fraud"
Brink developers launch online services system
Next round of Modern Warfare 3 DLC announced
Sony improves PlayStation 3 web browser with system update v4.10
First NeverDead DLC announced
Mass Effect Infiltrator, Datapad iOS games incoming
Mutant Mudds Review
LittleBigPlanet Kart Racing incoming - report
Valve makes Portal 2 Space Core mod for Skyrim
Ridge Racer Unbounded Day One Edition revealed
Witcher 2 dev: next Xbox not playing pre-owned games "a bad thing"
First games for Windows 8 store spotted - report
Xbox creator on why his Atari "dream team" is still relevant
Skyrim gets high-res PC texture pack
Uncharted 3 gets new co-op DLC
Kinect Star Wars release date announced
The Story Behind XBLA's Biggest Game
Activision announces Skylanders Giants
Twisted Metal developer Jaffe starting new studio, has "huge next-gen game ideas"
Over 100 pieces of Gotham City Impostors DLC go live before launch
EA outlines Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning House of Valor day-one DLC/Online Pass
David Jaffe "expected to leave" Twisted Metal developer Eat Sleep Play
App of the Day: Android Humble Bundle
The Darkness 2 Review
Journey's dev-journey a finished journey
Alienware: those who can build the X51 for under ?700 "aren't the target audience"
Play The Darkness 2 now on Eurogamer's Gaikai page
Metal Gear Solid HD Vita uses rear touch pad
Sony apologises for new PlayStation Store download errors
Sakaguchi: "excessive" HD graphics distract developers
Beachhead reveals Call of Duty: Elite Clan Operation details, screenshots
Amazing Spider-Man Web Rush mechanic revealed
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Review
Evidence for impending Star Wars: Battlefront 3 mounts
Dungeon Defenders racks up 1m sales
Twisted Metal Euro release date announced
Microsoft Flight release date announced
Capcom details Resident Evil: Revelations typo fix
New Battlefield 3 patch fixes PS3 VOIP issues
Hawken launches in December as free-to-play title
Metal Gear Solid: The "Lost" HD Remasters
Driver dev making an Xbox 360 Kinect game?
Apple banishes cloned App Store games
PSN accounts to be renamed Sony Entertainment Network accounts tomorrow
PlayStation Vita update 1.6 out in Japan this week
Risen 2 Collector's Edition revealed
Naughty Dog: The Last of Us will have online "component"
Volition dev: next Xbox not playing pre-owned games would be "fantastic"
PC exclusive Arma 3 delayed
Spec Ops: The Line Preview: A Shock Shooter
Hypership developer: "XBLIG market isn't growing"
App of the Day: Puzzlejuice
10,000 Valve fans stage Half-Life 3 protest
BioWare responds to Mass Effect: Deception outcry
No more Mass Effect 3 N7 Collector's Editions will be made before launch
Naughty Dog: A new Jak & Daxter would do "everyone a disservice"
Kirby's Block Ball, Crush3D demo on Nintendo 3DS eShop
UK Top 40: Final Fantasy 13-2 wins first place
Street Fighter x Tekken leak confirms M. Bison, Akuma, Jin and Ogre
Mass Effect 3 Achievements list leaks
Final Fantasy 13-2 "to be continued" ending explained
Final Fantasy 10 HD remake for Vita and PS3 is a remaster
Hideo Kojima shows off Metal Gear Solid HD Collection on Vita
Catherine Review
Dead Island: Ryder White Review
App of the Day: Squids
Samsung Galaxy Note Review
App of the Day: Caverns of Minos
Face-Off: SoulCalibur 5
Game of the Week: SoulCalibur 5
Can the Clone War Ever Be Won?
THQ reveals plans for 1.4m unsold uDraw tablets
Skyrim PC Creation Kit release date announced
Redundancies confirmed at EA Canada
Hirai: Sony could be facing "serious trouble"
US lawmaker proposes 1% tax on violent video games
DoDonPachi: Blissful Death iOS release date announced
Official Uncharted: Golden Abyss Vita case announced
Eurogamer.net Podcast #98: Resident Evil and the Circle Pad Pro
Need For Speed: The Run PC patch comes with free cars
Zynga boss addresses cloning accusations
Russia and CIS regions blocked from Tera's European servers
Back to the Future European retail release confirmed
Crytek unveils GFACE social gaming platform
SWTOR patch 1.1.2: notes, on test realm
New EA/Insomniac project Outernauts spotted
THQ promises it has "adequate resources" to deliver busy 2014 slate
Lolapps denies stealing Triple Town business plans
BioWare suggests keeping Mass Effect 3 saves
Lumines Vita Preview: History Repeating
Interesting Sequels of 2012
Atari "dream team" reforms to make games for "the new arcade", iOS
App of the Day: Bag It!
The Last of Us: first in-game screenshots, new gameplay details
Mass Effect 3 Facebook app rewards Xbox 360 players
Sega financials reveal Mario & Sonic London Olympics sales
Namco Bandai enters SoulCalibur 5 DLC debate
Sony on Vita sales: "we do not think we have any problems"
?1000 SoulCalibur Impact 2012 tournament announced
SSF4 AE Ver. 2012 patch release date announced
Cannon Fodder 3 isĄ wellĄ
Valve teases secret Team Fortress 2 project
Dirt Showdown Preview: The Ghost of Destruction Derby
Why Do Developers Give Away Their Games For Free?
Metro: Last Light delayed until 2013
THQ details full extent of uDraw disaster
L.A. Noire sales near 5 million mark
First Modern Warfare 3 DLC drop dated for PS3
Rage: Campaign Edition announced for Mac
Spring 2012 for Trials Evolution
Mass Effect 3 Preview: The Good Shepard?
BioWare: Mass Effect 3 ending will "make some people angry"
Twisted Metal delayed in Europe
Tera: beta dates and pre-order bonuses
40% of all Star Wars: The Old Republic sales made through Origin
Alan Wake PC release date announced
EA has made $39 million from FIFA 12 Ultimate Team
App of the Day: One-Dot Enemies
Mass Effect 3 demo includes free Xbox Live Gold
Facebook IPO: $100bn self worth, and other interesting tidbits
THQ announces UFC Undisputed 3 Season Pass
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Dead Rising 2: Off the Record "faring well"
Lightning, Snow and Sazh FF 13-2 DLC episodes teased
Sony makes gargantuan ?1.3 billion loss during third quarter
Ghost Trick prepares to haunt iPhone
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective haunts App Store
Game Gear Shinobi, Sonic headed to 3DS
The Simpsons Arcade XBLA release date confirmed
Disney acquires El Shaddai, Quarrel publisher
First Final Fantasy 13-2 DLC announced
Grateful dad attempts 24-hour solo SingStar record
240 jobs cut in THQ "restructuring plan"
EA concerned at financial health of "major European retail partner"
EA claims 1.7m active Star Wars: The Old Republic subscribers
Japan chart: Vita finally outsells the PSP
BioWare to hold Star Wars: The Old Republic Guild Summit
Skyrim update 1.4 now live on Steam
Shogun 2: Fall Of The Samurai Preview: Gunpowder vs. The Sword
Lumines: Electronic Symphony tracklist revealed
Starbreeze "in constant fear" Syndicate is too hard
Syndicate Preview: Need a Reboot?
No Online Pass for Syndicate, EA confirms
Gotham City Impostors release date announced
Play Bit.Trip Complete, Saga before UK release
Rift endless free trial arrives under a year after launch
Forza 4 February American Le Mans Series Pack detailed
Twisted Metal, Syndicate, Gotham City demos hit EU PlayStation Store
World's first eye-controlled arcade game playable now in London
App of the Day: Quiz Climber Rivals
Free 3DS Wi-Fi at 5000 McDonald's, Burger King, KFC, hotels
Crackle app now on Xbox 360
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney movie worldwide release planned
Sony promotes Kaz Hirai to president and CEO
THQ to announce 170 layoffs today - report
The Simpsons Arcade, Far Cry 2 headline PS Plus update
Dungeon Defenders PC DLC not coming to console
Deus Ex writer's new game Cell: emergence has a release date
Street Fighter x Tekken DLC characters leaked - report
King of Fighters 13 patch released on PS3
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Review
Digital Vita games will be cheaper than boxed copies