Free Monday Night Combat DLC arrives
Inception game tie-in confirmed
Killzone 3 Collector's Edition detailed
Game Dev Story 2 gets green light
Gran Turismo Evolution
Black creator surfaces at City Interactive
EA boss sees a future for music genre
NFS Shift 2: We won't add 1000 irrelevant cars
Shift 2 dev slams Gran Turismo, Forza
Deus Ex: HR special edition detailed
New DLC announced for The Fight
Kinect Brain Training Euro release date
Shift 2: Unleashed
Bad Company 2 Vietnam release date
DJ Hero 2 DLC announced
Sony: Over 4.1 million Moves sold
Rumour: Microsoft remaking Halo 1
16 Witcher 2 endings claim clarified
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
SBK 2011 announced
PC, 360 Bad Company 2 will lag today
NSMB Wii does the business in Japan
Pirates of the Burning Sea free-to-play
Will EA buy Rock Band dev Harmonix?
New APB: customising will cost you
WiiWare game Cave Story gets UK date
10 MVC3 fighters left to reveal
3DS "way cooler" than Kinect or Move
More Kinectimals plush toys inbound
Dead Rising 2: Case West out next month
Yakuza dev announces Binary Domain
Jason Isaacs voicing El Shaddai's Lucifel
Gears reveal "not what you're expecting"
XBLA Case Zero sales are 600,000
PS Move getting two core games from THQ
Sonic 4's physics deliberately different
Uncharted 3 set in the desert ¨C report
Epic confirms Infinity Blade date
Kinect sells 2.5 million in 25 days
Bit.Trip Flux announced
Kawashima confirms new Brain Training
Rushdie: Nintendo can help liberate Iran
Microsoft developing console TV service?
Staff laid-off at Ubisoft Reflections
Analyst: Move/Kinect shortages are fiction
EA: Mirror's Edge "fell short"
Nintendo sees huge holiday sales bump
OneBigGame: From Live Aid to Chime
Ubisoft scores kids' BAFTAs double
Mobile Games Roundup
Boom! The Eurogamer Quiz!
Artists of Convenience
SSFIV Achievements show Yun & Yang
TRON: Evolution
SEGA wipes Sonic 4 leaderboards
Sakaguchi posts old FFIX dev memos
Bungie toyed with Reach space combat MP
Duke 3D revamp to get multiplayer beta
Gran Turismo 5 tops UK chart
EVE Incursion patch notes are up
Mass Effect 2 PS3 "as good, if not better"
Fable III: Understone Quest Pack
The Story of X-Com
Gran Turismo 5 Tech Analysis
Sony: Why we turned down Kinect
Move is precise enough ¨C Sony
Lonely at the Top
Minecraft dev explains sales transparency
Level-5 shows Ni no Kuni hardback
Swords & Soldiers dated for PC
New Dragon Age 2 character unveiled
Game of the Week
New DLC for Castlevania: HOD
Final Fantasy XIV update goes live
GTA, 'Splosion Man XBL price cuts
Gran Turismo 5 online
BioWare: "Too many games today"
Watch a NFS trailer, get free cars
Ubisoft halves iPhone prices
GAME offers extra 20% console trade-in
Carmack: Boxed games will "go away"
The Sly Trilogy
Why did SEGA change Total War's name?
DRM treats gamers like "criminals"
"Another big" Creed game in 2011 - Ubi
"PC easily a generation ahead" - Crytek
Ashley Cole addicted to Black Ops
Introducing: Eurogamer Asks
Download Games Roundup
Kinect sold how many in Japan?
Yun and Yang show off alt costumes
BioWare's mystery game andĄ The Clash?
Is Murder Your Maker Prototype 2?
VGA teaser points to Resi Evil reveal
Test Drive Unlimited 2 Euro date
Will The Witcher 2 come to console?
Kinect "can't do a good lightsaber game"
Crytek unveils new FPS Warface
Xbox Live Gold free this weekend
Who Pigsy PSN Store content?
GT5 update confirmed for Saturday
Kazunori Yamauchi
Two thirds off Trials HD price tomorrow
PS Phone to launch in Feb 2011 ¨C report
EA Sports Active 2
Steam selling games at poultry prices
Blizzard: "Give the gift of Warcraft"
The Witcher 2: We're not afraid of Dragon Age
FF Agito XIII details sneak out
Sony limits GT5 to ease online gridlock
NFS:HP PC patch set for early next week
Fallout: New Vegas DLC raises level cap
Who will be Sony's next president?
Why Double Fine doesn't do PC
Disney Epic Mickey
Actor blames gamers for rubbish movies
New titles for XBL Game Room
More DLC for Rock Band 3
Angry Birds Christmas flying in?
Black Ops hits top spot in Japan
Sony expects Christmas Move drought
Kaz not sure if GT6 will be on PS3
PSP firmware update incoming
Just Dance 2 DLC announced
Users demand PS3 Black Ops refund
Free Assassin's Creed DLC before Xmas
Wahlberg takes lead in Uncharted movie
PS3 can sell "maybe more" than PS2
Free PS3/GT5 with Bravia 3D tellies
Def Jam Rapstar
Disney discouraging used Tron sales
Front Mission gets wave MP mode
HD Remix dev's fighting card game outed
GT5 classical soundtrack dated
Stargate Resistance ends in January
SSX poised for December reveal?
Lara Croft gets online PC co-op
MVC3: Capcom defends DLC chars
Gran Turismo 5: Installation Analysis
Acti: Online part of the COD "package"
Making Tracks in Gran Turismo 5
Gran Turismo 5
Axl Rose sues Activision
Joe Danger DLC rides in
DeathSpank sequel heading to PC
Report: XBLA revenues continue to soar
THQ calls for "peaceful" end to Korea crisis
Microsoft launches seasonal XBL sale
Double Fine announces Stacking
Kinect off to "rough start" in Japan
Inazuma Eleven heading to Europe
Multiplayer BF:BC2 update incoming
Lionhead details Fable III patch
Flickr man's Glitch to beat FarmVille?
Castlevania: LOS ships a million
GT5: GAME/Gamestation open tonight
Eurogamer.net Podcast #46
Will Kinect/Move boost 360/PS3 sales?
What's on the Wii/DSi shop?
Xbox 360 launch a "watershed moment"
Free DJ Hero/Guitar Hero songs for US
Games for Windows Phone 7
Sony's new Move game draws to music
Over 50 3D PS3 games coming ¨C Sony
Tech Analysis: RAGE HD
(I COD get no) Satisfaction
Sony: The world still loves Gran Turismo
GT5: Day one update unlocks online
PopCap games half-price this week
Rumour: Elder Scrolls 5 in the works
WOW will be destroyed today
Are apps coming to Xbox 360?
Operation Flashpoint: Red River
Out This Week
Gran Turismo 5: Where's cheapest?
Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom
Study: Kids want iPads, not consoles
iPad update adds Game Center
Witcher 2 torrents could net you a fine
World of Goo heading to iPad
Free Super Meat Boy DLC goes live
Microsoft still committed to Halo movie
Atlus' Radiant Historia heading west
New Dance Central DLC detailed
Kinect "hackers" won't be prosecuted
Square Enix's Mindjack dated
Cataclysm UK launch event revealed
Is Xbox 360 holding back Kinect?
PS3 Lara Croft gets online co-op update
Pay for Hot Pursuit car unlocks
EA: Why NBA Elite 11 was canned
Microsoft defends Live swastika bans
UK chart: COD blops Creed from top
What's taken Duke Nukem so long?
PS Phone: There's no smoke without fire
Fallout: New Vegas' Dead Money detailed
Microsoft closing Halo Wars website
Infected VGAs tease sets tongues wagging
Uncharted 3 reveal looks set for Dec
Face-Off: Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
Hot Pursuit cuts pad lag to new lows
Bizarre Situations
Sony Russia confirms Mass Effect 3?
New clue for next BioWare project
Infinity Ward restructuring complete
PS3 BioShock Infinite will not be a port
Demand Five service heading to PS3?
MK creator agreed with gore controversy
John Lennon DLC for Rock Band 3
Poker Night at the Inventory dated
Square Enix dates Tactics Ogre remake
3DS dev costs triple that of DS
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Good Old Games to sell The Witcher 2
GT5 installs while played - Sony
Beyond Good & Evil PC for two quid
Pac-Man Championship Edition DX
Game of the Week
MS gives Kinect tape measure to Japan
Better PES 2011 defenders next week
WarDevil resurrected as Project Kane
Download Games Roundup
LOTRO Isengard expansion unveiled
Kinect will sell 25 million by 2014
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part I
Black Ops Wii patch in a "week or so"
Awful Shred sales don't tell full story
EA launching Facebook golf game
Cave's Story
Valve announces Portal 2 delay
Bungie wants alpha testers for new IP
id's Carmack wants to make Kinect title
Borderlands GOTY edition is Mac-bound
Call of Duty takes top two XBL spots
Ready at Dawn: PSP "doomed" from day 1
Christmas Costume Quest DLC on the way
LittleBigPlanet 2 demo dated
MS/Sony to join forces within 10 years?
You can join imminent Rift closed beta
The Witcher 2 special editions spelled out
Face-Off: Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Red Wii gives Nintendo 300% sales bump
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
Deus Ex gameplay detailed
LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean ahoy!
Swarm heading to PSN/XBLA in 2011
Xbox GOD delivers Alan Wake
Black Ops takes $650m in five days
Kingdom Under Fire II heading to PS3
Is Kinect the future of boardrooms?
UK PS3 sales unaffected by Xbox surge
Pac-Man CE DX, Alien Breed 3 hit XBL
Help name Hothead's next game
US game scriptwriters get $10-20k
In Theory: Is this how OnLive works?
Make Your Own Guide for DSiWare
SingStar site lets you browse catalogue
Prince of Persia HD Trilogy
PSN scheduled maintenance today
Spend 1600 MSP, get 400 MSP back
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon
Spelunker HD mines PSN date
Castle Crashers dev's next pushed to 2011
Cut the Rope ties up three million sales
Buy now or it's a Kinect-free Christmas
PC Create demo available now
Rage: Mutant Bash TV due tomorrow
Free R.U.S.E DLC incoming
Potential buyers hover over Bizarre
PC Fable III still in the works
Possible PSP2 dev kit images leak
Michael Jackson tracklist moonwalks in
What is BioWare's new game?
POP HD leads PSN Store stampede
Unannounced BioWare game gets a screen
Killzone 3 beta open to all PS Plus subs
360-exclusive Fallout: NV DLC revealed
4/5 years until APB realises potential
Buy boxed games from inside PS Home
PlayTV Live Chat Upgrade costs six quid
Recettear: An Item ShopĄŻs Tale
THQ's FPS Homefront dated
Nintendo hasn't discontinued Wii Speak
Tony Hawk Shred sold how many?
Alien Breed 3: Descent due for XBLA
Kingdom Hearts 3D will connect with III
Half a million play MMO World of Tanks
Eurogamer.net Podcast #45
Witcher 2 Collector's Edition leaked
The 3rd Birthday coming to PSN after all
More layoffs hit TFUII developer
Gaikai.com quietly launched
Kill Ewoks in Force Unleashed II DLC
DiRT 3
UK chart: Medal of Honor wins gold
NPD: Big debuts for Fallout, NBA 2K11
Bobby Kotick is listening to you
Gray Matter sneaks out early
GoldenEye is proof of Wii "core" market
Activision closes Guitar Hero dev
Male gamers less likely to take drugs
Bizarre Creations in trouble?
Dev hopes to finish Six Days in Fallujah
Play GT5, become a pro racer
Shift 2 Unleashed announced
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 dated
Kinect doubles UK Xbox sales
STO mission-maker next month
FFXIV free trial extended again
LOTRO: Confront Saruman next year
Crackdown 2 Deluge DLC out now
How Ubisoft Montreal made a masterpiece
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings dated
And Japan's most-played console isĄ
Super Meat Boy PC dated
Codies versus pre-owned game sales
Rewriting history
Planet Michael: What would MJ say?
Jill Valentine, Shuma Gorath for MVC3
"I want to make Shenmue 3" ¨C Suzuki
APB to relaunch next year as F2P
Pirated SCII downloaded how many times?
Kinect Gears game in the works ¨C report
Kinect sells a million in 10 days
Devs plan Christmas XBLIG assault
Diablo III heading to consoles?
Hecker: I stand by my Wii is s*** rant
Blizzard plans huge office expansion
Microsoft scouting new indie talent
Marvel Pinball incoming for PSN, XBLA
Ubisoft delays Ghost Recon and Driver
New fighters confirmed for MVC3
Assassin's Creed 2011 confirmed
Driver delayed for extra polish
PSN's Dead Nation dated, priced
Alan Wake 2 to be Kinect compatible?
Out This Week
First batch of Fable III DLC dated
Square Enix on Final Fantasy XIV's future
Mobile Games Roundup
How Crytek's making a 90 rated game
Trials HD Big Thrills dated
Sony: PSPgo price cut an error
Black Ops sold how many this week?
UK chart: COD batters competition
MAG dev hits back at doom merchants
Fight Night Champion dated
Fist of the North Star: KenĄŻs Rage
Kinect doesn't snoop for advertising
Transformers: WFC sequel announced
Mobile Games Roundup
Sly Cooper 4 teased
Tech Comparison: Call of Duty: Black Ops PC
The Men Who Stare At Protoss
Back to Black
Peggle bounces onto PSP next week
de Blob 2 release date confirmed
New Tomb Raider reveal imminent?
Assassin's Creed: Ascendance explained
Design your own S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 quest
No Angry Birds 2 planned
Reeves: Expect Kinect, Move in next-gen
De Niro, Pesci for Uncharted movie?
David Reeves vs. The World
Dr Who's Wii adventure delayed
Late kick-off for PSP's FM2011
Dragon Quest VI release in doubt
Funcom's Bloodline Champions dated
LEGO Star Wars III gets a date
Games That Define Developers
OFFICIAL: Gran Turismo 5 dated
LEGO Universe
Mario Kart Wii bundle announced
The Sly Trilogy gets UK date
Game of the Week
Kinect/Move UFC training game dated
Download Games Roundup
Black Ops obliterates UK sales record
EVE noob edition on 3rd December
Epic Mickey "best-looking Wii game ever"
Team Meat "can't EVER do a PS3 version"
Gold subs spend 3 hours a day on XBL
Saints Row film set for Dec reveal
InstantAction shuts down
Minority Report-style PC Kinect interface
GT5 date announcement imminent
Bungie's Activision universe set for PC
Civilization Facebook "relatively soon"
Call of Duty: Black Ops updates released
Sonic Colours
Kinect parts cost MS around ?34
MS to use Kinect to personalise content
Nintendo reveals lifetime US Wii/DS sales
Zen Bound 2 ties up PC release
THQ: Games need to be cheaper
Final Fantasy invades Mario Sports Mix
Harmonix: sale won't affect RB3 support
L.A. Noire out spring 2011
Shogun 2: Total War dated
Today's games use 20-30% of Kinect
Kinect Sports Facebook app launched
Shops slam Steam "monopoly"
Viacom to sell Rock Band developer
Black Ops sets new sales records
Test Drive Unlimited 2
Football Manager All-Star XI
ZeniMax buys MachineGames
PS Home gets LittleBigPlanet paintball
Why FFXIV failed to meet expectations
Sony has Two Worlds pub "hopping mad"
SEGA tries to save real hedgehogs
K2 Networks buys APB
EA announces four downloadable games
EVE noob edition Europe-bound
What is Sackboy's Prehistoric Moves?
The King of Fighters 2002: Unlimited Match
What is Assassin's Creed: Ascendance?
Resi creator nearly joined Nintendo
Cuba attacks "sociopathic" Black Ops
Wii Music 2 in the works?
Stargate Worlds dev loses license
Cryptic Studios props up Atari figures
Face-Off: Call of Duty: Black Ops
Fallout: New Vegas PC patch goes live
Nintendo goes ape over DK slang
Treyarch gets tough on Black Ops cheats
Ubisoft debunks PC AC: Brotherhood date
New Kinect features on the way
Harmonix: Why Pro RB3 DLC costs more
EA hails NFS: Hot Pursuit demo
3DS Madden NFL announced
Shaun White Skateboarding
Kinect stock coming in "every week"
PS Store discounts Creed II add-ons
Kinect "incredibly liberating for women"
House of the Dead: Overkill 2 rumoured
The Xboss
Octopus: Move will outsell Kinect at Xmas
Free female Avatar Black Ops clothes
Huge FIFA 11 patch detailed, dated
Crytek: Crysis can be as big as COD
The UnderGarden
All new Rock Band DLC only for RB3
Why did Wet dev A2M change its name?
Next MotoGP game in March 2011
Star Wars Kinect due out Christmas 2011
Nintendo tops Japan's 2010 publisher list
Microsoft threatens Gal Gun release
Black Ops hits a million XBL users
Big publishers should make 'indie' games
Boulder Dash makes XBLA comeback
Microsoft explains XBLIG backtrack
Bit.Trip Fate heading to Europe
Eat Them! dished up for PSN
PSP "biggest disappointment" of 2010
Next COD to be set in space?
XBLIG devs hail MS dash switch
Who queues 13 hours for Black Ops?
Eurogamer.net Podcast #44
No Sacktoy for LBP2 Collector's Ed
Mobile Games Roundup
The Sims 3
Acti urges Black Ops fans to report bugs
EA registers SSX domains
First proper LA Noire video this week
Homefront's getting a sequel - THQ
DICE on MOH's past, present and future
God of War AA coming to PC/360?
OpFlash, GRID 2 and DiRT 3 mapped out
Tecmo Koei boss walks away
XBLIG moved back to Games & Demos
PS Home's secret weapon: lizards
Deadstorm Pirates coming to EU PSN
More charges for Rock Band 3 DLC
3D visuals coming to iPhone
MS: No, Kinect hasn't been hacked
COD's twin-stick shooter mode revealed
Call of Duty: Black Ops
First blood for Kinect in sales war?
New lead character for Darksiders 2
Black Ops breaks pre-sale records
New Donkey Kong gets cheat feature
Sony shows Heavy Rain off-cuts
Valve: single player games have a future
LOVEFiLM service confirmed for PS3
Gran Turismo 5 trophy list leaks
Enslaved fails to meet sales targets
Out This Week
"Dame Mirren gets ?500k for Wii Fit ad"
Fist of the North Star DLC borked
Sony's made a new PS3 headset
Fallout: New Vegas ships five million
Move stealing Wii's family crowd?
Battlestar Galactica Online testing begins
Naughty Bear 2, Wet 2 announced
Vote for Stronghold 3's dead animal ammo
New maps coming to Bad Company 2
Metal Gear Rising for 2012?
No COD on Battle.net any time soon
Dead Space 2 - Multiplayer
Hacked Kinect running on PC?
Codemasters talks up F1 2011
Eurogamer Expo 2011 dates announced
UK chart: Football Manager 2011 is top
Serkis bigs up Enslaved's Pigsy actor
Where is the price of COD cheapest?
"Comprehensive" patch for New Vegas
Hitman 5 evidence grows
HMV details tonight's Black Ops launch
PS3 Mass Effect 2 gets interactive comic
PS3 "still not enough" for GT - Yamauchi
What makes games frustrating?
Fallout: New Vegas - World in Motion
Waving and Shouting
Tech Analysis: Killzone 3
Bon Jovi DLC storms Rock Band 3
Nintendo sees quirky future for DS
GAME selling Black Ops for ?24.99
LMNO footage slips out
PlayStation Home has the builders in
APB could be turned around in 9 months
Ninja Gaiden 3 to reboot series
Get your artwork in official MVC3 book
3DTV in every home in 8-9 years ¨C Perry
Kinect selling out fast
Joy Ride demo skids onto XBL
Peace Walker "well received by hardcore"
Killzone 3 pad lag measured
Wii Worms soil be here soon
Get Football Manager 2011 for 24 quid
Game of the Week
Download Games Roundup
On the Battlefield
Adrian Bolton exits Codemasters
BioWare Doctors talk EA Louse, Mass Effect 3, SWTOR
UK Kinect launch stock is "tight"
BioWare: "It was sad to read EA Louse"
Battlefield: Play4Free announced
Dragon Age II
DICE: MOH controversy affected reviews
FFXIV: "Full power on regaining trust"
Perry reveals Gaikai on iPad
Sony unveils lost God of War II stage
Live poker coming to Xbox 360?
Hero franchise will return in 2011
Cliffy B: Heavy Rain perfect for girls
First Dance Central DLC limbers up
New Super Meat Boy levels incoming
GT5 out on 30th November?
Sniper: Ghost Warrior has PS3 in sights
Braben: Kinect as accurate as control pad
Kinect Reviewed
We've started Gran Turismo 6 - Yamauchi
GAME plans big welcome for Kinect
YourShape: Fitness Evolved
Designing Diablo III
Fighters Uncaged
HMV opts out of Kinect midnight launch
Did Kinect's Times Square launch go well?
Kinect dash leads anti-piracy charge
Reader Review of the Month
Medal of Honor blocks PSJailbreak
No Darksiders 2 until 2013?
Will Star Trek Online go free-to-play?
What's that - Pong on PS3?
MS: Hybrid control 360 games coming
Milo "was never a product" - Microsoft
BioShock Infinite revolutionises UE3
Kinect Sports
Dance Central
Kinect Adventures
Kinect Joy Ride
Halo: Reach level cap goes up
Kinect visionary talks tech
FY2011 proving a struggle for THQ
More LostWinds blowing in
AC: Brotherhood gets MGS cameo
Microsoft raises Kinect sales projections
Epic has "sweet" Shadow Complex 2 ideas
Rock Band 3 niggles "solved"
BioWare reveals Dragon Age Legends
God of War remasters head PS Store
James Bond 007: Blood Stone
Kinect's brain works like your brain
Killzone 3 Multiplayer Beta
Test Spore maker's Darkspore now
Crytek hopes Haze is remembered fondly
What's next for Crytek UK?
GT5 discs "are being stamped" now
COD: Black Ops gets UK age rating
PS3-exclusive DLC for AC Brotherhood
Squier RB3 guitar dated, priced
EA: Medal of Honor a "clear success"
iPhone Gears of War possible "in 2 years"
NBA Elite 11 cancelled
EA biggest publisher on 360/PS3
Epic unsheaths Infinity Blade
Borderlands level cap shoots up
Microsoft: new 360 dash helps indies
"Not much hope" for GT5 in 2010 - source
New Battlefield game on the way
EA signs five-year Facebook Credits deal
WOW "sucked oxygen" from MMO subs
Blacklight dev: 3D the big thing for FPS
Okamiden gets EU release date
Def Jam Rapstar pre-order bonus outed
Music genre not at "a dead end"
Black Box behind Nov 2011 Need for Speed
EA: MOH didn't meet quality expectations
The future of Need for Speed revealed
In the shadow of Black Ops
Rage on iPhone is "actually possible"
WiiWare demos return to Wii
Ghosts 'n Goblins heads online
Wii Michael Jackson gets white glove
Front Mission Evolved DLC revealed
The 7th Guest iPhone/iPad port in Dec
IceFrog: DOTA2 won't replace DOTA
MS: Exclusives justify XBL price hike
SOCOM dev making team-based Resi Evil?
Game Dev Story
Indies angered by new Xbox dash
Inafune attacks Japan's business culture
Super Meat Boy delayed for WiiWare
Iwata: Think our sales "already peaked"?
2D and 3D Mario games for 3DS
Project Gotham reboot on the cards
Lionhead working on Fable III fix
Sniper dev licenses CryENGINE3
New Crackdown 2 DLC incoming
Out This Week
Harmonix already on Dance Central 2
The Fall of Realtime Worlds
EA botches Dragon Age Ultimate Edition
PopCap's Bejeweled 3 in December
Shinji Mikami to continue on DMD
50/50 chance of The Witness in 2012
How many copies did Rock Band 3 sell?
Mobile Games Roundup
Fable III atop of the UK chart
MUBI video streaming on PS3 this week
PS Phone: Sony admits "new product"
Xbox Live UK dashboard update now
KirbyĄŻs Epic Yarn
Keita Takahashi: Why I left Namco
Unusual suspects in Black Ops Zombies
GoldenEye legend couldn't play Flower
Football Manager 2011
TimeSplitters: Crytek UK talking to pubs