Pok¨Śmon Go Giovanni rewards and counters February 2025
Giovanni, the leader of Team Go Rocket, has arrived in Pok¨Śmon Go.
Giovanni, the boss of Team Go Rocket, can be fought in Pokémon Go. If you’re powerful enough to defeat him, you’ll receive some great rewards, including the opportunity to capture a legendary Shadow Pokémon, such as Shadow Mewtwo or Shadow Regice.
Along with Leaders Arlo, Cliff and Sierra, you’ll be facing him as part of the Fashion Week: Taken Over Special Research quest update.
However, Giovanni’s line-up, including his final Pokémon - which you can catch if you beat him - changed in January 2025, so now’s a good time to brush up on your best Giovanni counters. Here are the current Pokémon Go Giovanni rewards and counters for February 2025.
On this page:
How to find Giovanni
If you want to battle Giovanni in Pokémon Go, then you need to use a Super Rocket Radar. The only way to get one is as a result of the latest Go Team Rocket quest, which has you complete the following stages:

- First, you must complete the Special Research story-line, A Troubling Situation to unlock the latest Giovanni Special Research quest. Fashion Week: Taken Over, for example, includes steps for battling Giovanni in January 2025, but Giovanni has been showing his face in the game a couple of times per year!
- Next, reach and complete the third step of your current Giovanni Special Research task, which will ask you to defeat each Team Go Rocket Leader Arlo, Cliff and Sierra once.
- Completing the third step will reward you with the Super Rocket Radar.
Now that you have the Super Rocket Radar, you can use it to hunt down the leader of Team Go Rocket himself: Giovanni.
The Super Rocket Radar works in a very similar fashion to the Rocket Radars you create by collecting Mysterious Components.

Access your Bag via the main menu and then scroll down till you find the Super Rocket Radar in your inventory. Here you can equip and unequip the Super Rocket Radar whenever you like.
The Super Rocket Radar, however, doesn’t just display the location of Giovanni’s hideout – it only shows potential encounters with him. Several Decoy Grunts disguised as Giovanni will also appear on the radar, all hoping to prevent you from finding their boss.
These Decoy grunts are no joke, packing a combination of Bellsprout (always in the first slot), and either Raticate, Weepinbell or Snorlax. Shadow Snorlax in particular can be a nightmare for the uninitiated. Still, you don’t need to fight them, so unless you want a Shadow Bellsprout, feel free to just move on.
You’ll have keep checking PokéStops until you find the one Giovanni is hiding out in – that is unless you’re feeling lazy; if you wait for your next Rocket Balloon after equipping your Super Rocket Radar, Giovanni is a guaranteed encounter!
Remember, Giovanni’s choice of legendary Shadow Pokémon and second party member rotate every few months.
Also, as long as you have a Super Rocket Radar, you’ll be able to fight Giovanni. However, these are mostly locked beyond Team Go Rocket quest rewards, which only roll out every few months, alongside a refresh for Giovanni, his Shadow Legendary and each Team Leader’s line-up.
Super Rocket Radars also drop occasionally in other quests and events, so they might be worth saving until a month where the Shadow Pokémon reward available is one you want to stock up on, such as Shadow Mewtwo.
Giovanni Line-up
Giovanni’s choice of legendary Shadow Pokémon and second party member rotate every few months, meaning you will often find yourself battling different Pokémon.
In February 2025, Giovanni was updated with the following line-up:
First Pokémon | Second Pokémon | Third Pokémon |
Persian | Kingdra | Palkia |
Rhyperior | ||
Nidoking |
Giovanni Counters
Once you find Giovanni, prepare yourself for a fight. His Pokémon are a lot stronger than the previous Team Go Rocket Leaders you’ve fought, so make sure your team is just as powerful. Don’t be deterred if it takes two, or even three attempts to take him down!
So, our recommendations for counters are as follows:
- Slot 1: Primal Kyogre, Mega Garchomp or your strongest Water-type
- Slot 2: Mega Lucario (Force Palm, Aura Sphere)
- Slot 3: Mega Rayquaza, Mega or your strongest Dragon-type
Here are the Giovanni Counters that will help you learn how to beat Giovanni:
Persian Counter
Persian will always come up first and is weak against Fighting, so having a Mega Lucario with Force Palm and Aura Sphere, or Terrakion with Double Kick and Sacred Sword are your best bets here. Failing that, Machamp and Lucario are cheaper, more attainable counters.
However, the secret tech is to put this fighter in the second slot, meaning the very first thing you do in battle is swap to them.
Your first Pokémon will probably take a hit or two from Persian, so simply put your tankiest Pokémon there.
The reason for this switching tactic is simple. Giovanni receives a two-second delay every time you use a Charged move or switch Pokémon. This will give you two sweet, sweet seconds to lay into Persian as much as you can before it gets the claws back out. Giovanni also always blocks a Charged move if he has any shields remaining; if possible, you want to force him to use both of his shields with this first match-up.

Rhyperior, Nidoking and Kingdra Counters
Giovanni's second Pokémon can be one of three, either Rhyperior, Nidoking or Kingdra.

The best counters for Rhyperior would be Primal or Shadow Kyogre, Kartana, Mega Swampert or your strongest Water-type or Grass-type as it's particularly weak against these two types. If you can, a stronger Water-type would be the better choice but if you've got a high-performing Grass-type like Kartana then that works too. Good choices include Zarude, Kyogre, and Sky Forme Shaymin. Shadow wise, you could use Shadow Swampert, Shadow Kyogre, or Shadow Venusaur.
The top counters for Nidoking currently are Primal Kyogre, Primal Groudon and Mega Garchomp (as well as Shadow Mewtwo). However, if you don't have these then your strongest Psychic-type, Ground-type, or Water-type will do as it's weak to these. Good choices include Mewtwo, Lunala and Therian Forme Landorus. Shadow wise, you could pick Shadow Groudon, Shadow Kyogre, Shadow Garchomp or Shadow Gyarados.

To have the best chance at beating Kingdra then you'll need your strongest Dragon-type. Tapu Lele, if you have one, is your best non-Mega, non-Shadow option, followed by Tapu Koko and Incarnate Forme Enamorus. If you don't have these Legendary Pokémon though, you can use Togekiss, Gardevoir or Primarina. When it comes to Mega Pokémon, you'll want to use Mega Gardevoir or Mega Diancie. For Shadow Pokémon, meanwhile, you'll be looking at Shadow Gardevoir or Shadow Granbull.
If you want to give yourself the best chance at being able to defend against any of the three options listed above then we'd recommend trying to have a very strong Water-type selected as both Rhyperior and Nidoking are weak to this type's moves. Kingdra, if they appear, should ideally be covered by your choice for Palkia as they're weak to the same types.
Palkia Counter

Palkia is weak to Dragon-type and Fairy-type Pokémon. Luckily, Fairy-types are also Kingdra's weakness so you should already have a strong Pokémon of this type in your team for the fight.
If you have one in your Pokedex, then Mega Rayquaza is the best counter for Palkia but any strong Dragon-type will do like Primal Groudon or Shadow Dragonite and Shadow Garchomp. Rayquaza, Primal Groudon, Shadow Gardevoir and Dialga are good alternatives if you can't get/don't have the rarer or more powerful Pokémon listed above.
If you don't have many Dragon-types in your dex then a strong Fairy-type is a decent back up option, especially if you've got Tapu Lele in your team and they survived their battle with Kingdra, but stick to Dragon-types if you can for facing Palkia.
Start by immediately swapping to Mega Lucario to take down Persian. When the time comes facing Giovanni's second Pokémon, swap to Tapu Lele or your strongest Fairy-type Pokémon. The swap-Pokémon option will most likely still be resetting when you face Palkia, so do as much damage as you can until your choice is knocked out. It's at this point you'll want to unleash either another Fairy-type or Dragon-type to finish Palkia off.
Remember, if you go against Giovanni and find that your team isn’t optimal, or you don’t have the best counters from this page, you can try again – you don’t lose the Super Rocket Radar if you lose to Giovanni, just when you beat him! Check out our best Pokémon page if you need help picking your strongest Pokémon of a given type.

That should cover you for this encounter. In terms of best practices, as with the Leaders Arlo, Cliff and Sierra, when it comes to building a team to fight Giovanni, try to use a Pokémon that will have an advantage over two Pokémon in his team. This will allow you to the use the same Pokémon twice, keeping your choice for the Legendary Shadow Pokémon safe from harm until it’s needed.
It’s also important to remember that, like the previous Team Go Rocket Leaders, Giovanni has two Protect Shields at his disposal – this means a debut Pokémon that has two quick Charged moves and will withstand some damage will set you up nicely for the remaining encounters.
Giovanni Rewards
You will receive a variety of rewards for defeating Giovanni. This includes 5000 Stardust and a variety of healing items, such as Max Potions and Max Revives. There’s also a chance that you’ll receive a Unova Stone.

Best of all, however, you’ll be given the opportunity to catch a Legendary Shadow Pokémon.
Giovanni's current Shadow Pokémon is Palkia. Every month brings a new Shadow Legendary Pokémon. This means that, if there’s a particular Shadow Legendary Pokémon you want to add to your collection, then you must complete the Team Go Rocket Special Research quest for that month.
Past Giovanni Shadow Legendary list
Here are the Shadow Legendary Pokémon Giovanni has had in his team:
- Shadow Heatran - October 2024
- Shadow Cresselia - August 2024
- Shadow Groudon - March 2024
- Shadow Kyogre - January 2024
- Shadow Regigigas – October 2023
- Shadow Regirock – June 2023
- Shadow Regice – March 2023
- Shadow Registeel – February 2023
- Shadow Mewtwo – November 2022
- Shadow Latios – July 2022
- Shadow Latias – April 2022
- Shadow Lugia – November 2021
- Shadow Ho-Oh – June 2021
- Shadow Moltres - May 2021
- Shadow Zapdos – June 2021
- Shadow Articuno – March 2021
- Shadow Mewtwo – October 2020 (as a part of Rocket Straight to Victory)
- Shadow Suicune – July 2020
- Shadow Entei – March to July 2020
- Shadow Raikou – February 2020
- Shadow Moltres- January 2020
- Shadow Zapdos – December 2019
- Shadow Articuno – November 2019
Defeating Giovanni will also help you level up the Ultra Hero medal, which records how many times you’ve defeated the boss of Team Go Rocket.
Thanks to Chrales from Twitter, we know what this clothing looks like:
As you level up the Ultra Hero medal, you’ll unlock a variety of Giovanni themed clothing for your avatar to wear.
Here are the clothing items and medal ranks each piece unlocks at:
- Shoes – Silver Badge Level (Defeat Giovanni 5 times)
- Pants – Silver Badge Level (Defeat Giovanni 5 times)
- Shirt – Gold Badge Level (Defeat Giovanni 20 times)
- Gloves – Gold Badge Level (Defeat Giovanni 20 times)
Good luck defeating Giovanni in Pokémon Go!