Last but not least (in every sense - PlayStation events are about 800 hours long), Sony rounds off Monday's pre-E3 press conference schedule, hopefully with a bang loud enough to keep us awake through the early hours of Tuesday morning back in the UK and Europe. Festivities begin at 2am BST / 3am CEST.
We'll be blogging and watching live here from that time and we hope those of you with exceptional stamina will also join us. Sony has its own questions to answer about second-hand games and game ownership, which may or may not happen during its conference, but we should see more of games like Killzone: Shadow Fall and DriveClub as well as new delights for PS4, PS3 and PS Vita.
Our live coverage of this event has finished.
Three down one to go! I'm about to head downstairs to Easy Hours - it's at times like this you realise why Rupert decided to set the EG office above a 24-hour convenience store. Can I get anyone anything?
¨C Martin Robinson
Will we see The Box and will Sony tell us The Price? £429 to beat.
¨C Robert Purchese
Jim Ryan, with one too many shirt buttons undone.
¨C Martin Robinson
Or one too few, from my perspective.
¨C Martin Robinson
¨C Robert Purchese
Meanwhile, here's Jack Tretton and a Chewbacca.
¨C Robert Purchese
I love how he's keeping it real with Chewbacca. Probably about to show him a picture of the kids.
¨C Christian Donlan
"Not my kids, Chewie - our kids."
¨C Christian Donlan
Mark Cerny and Yu Suzuki together, all but confirming Shenmue 3 as a PS4 exclusive.
¨C Martin Robinson
Also it's Yu Suzuki's birthday today. Happy birthday sir!
¨C Martin Robinson
What you can't see from the cropping is that they're both sat in forklifts.
¨C Christian Donlan
Days gone by.
¨C Robert Purchese
Mark Cerny demonstrates his wistful look. He calls it "Marble Sadness".
¨C Christian Donlan
Tretton's early days.
¨C Robert Purchese
Naturally you're waiting to hear how PlayStation Home will survive the generational transition. Christian, why don't you tell us?
¨C Robert Purchese
I logged on once, made a very bruised-looking avatar, and then it crashed when I tried to delete everything. Then I chilled on the deck.
¨C Christian Donlan
I wonder if Sony has any special guests lined up. It's a long-shot but what about DayZ's Dean Hall? That'd be a turn up for the books.
¨C Robert Purchese
Know it's a port, but I hope they date Spelunky Vita. It's going to look so good on that screen.
¨C Christian Donlan
We're hoping to see a PS4 game made by Naughty Dog - maybe Uncharted 4. It'd be nice to see something by Sony Santa Monica, too.
¨C Robert Purchese
@Schmove She has! I have instructions to phone her in twenty minutes.
¨C Christian Donlan
Hieronymus: Rumor from PS4 launching with 3 versions ranging from $399 to $599
Good spot!
¨C Robert Purchese
Mark Rein takes his only shirt to California.
¨C Christian Donlan
Expect to hear plenty more on Knack!
¨C Martin Robinson
Hello! Ready for yet another press conference, having had an hour's sleep and too much caffeine. It's just like actually being there!
¨C Ellie Gibson
They're going to have to pull something pretty special out of the bag to top Just Dance 2014.
¨C Ellie Gibson
Not to mention that whale.
¨C Ellie Gibson
Conference is delayed slightly - will be another minute or two.
¨C Martin Robinson
Everyone ready? Got your Kendal mint cake? Been to the toilet?
¨C Ellie Gibson
I bet Dean Hall likes Kendal Mint Cake. (He climbs mountains and stuff.)
¨C Christian Donlan
Tense scenes backstage as Jack Tretton practices his lines. "ConnectIVity... ConnECTivity... Connectivitedness..."
¨C Ellie Gibson
Meanwhile, Kaz Hirai's personal ironer puts the final touches to his hair.
¨C Ellie Gibson
Another five minute delay.
¨C Martin Robinson
You're all welcome re: pee reminder. Obviously, as a professional, I'm using a commode.
¨C Ellie Gibson
@Supaaafly Oh you know Sony, you've probably time to kill a pig before they've even gotten through the graphs.
¨C Ellie Gibson
Dammit though. As always, you're one step ahead. Wish I'd thought of adult nappies and rum.
¨C Ellie Gibson
Maybe they're still arguing over the script. "$599." "No, $549." "Call it $625 and throw in seventeen Move controllers, we've got to clear that warehouse anyway."
¨C Ellie Gibson
I think that was the original slogan for that World War 2 poster.
¨C Christian Donlan
If they show Tokyo Jungle 2 I'm going to need another commode.
¨C Ellie Gibson
Wes just said, "Are they waiting for Ueda to finish The Last Guardian?"
¨C Ellie Gibson
This year's Sony conference is brought to you by Derek Jarman.
¨C Ellie Gibson
Too soon.
¨C Christian Donlan
We're on: Jack Tretton had a slow puncture.
¨C Christian Donlan
All fixed now.
¨C Christian Donlan
Pretty sure they borrowed most of those graphics off of ITV2.
¨C Ellie Gibson
It's a montage montage!
¨C Ellie Gibson
¨C Robert Purchese
Tretton was the original star of LA Noire, apparently.
¨C Christian Donlan
Jack Tretton loves eating up news. Eating it all up. Umnumnumnumnum more please thank you.
¨C Ellie Gibson
Slogan: "Niiiifty!"
¨C Christian Donlan
Looks like we're headed for PS3 and Vita first off.
¨C Christian Donlan
Ah, PS Vita: the iPad for people who didn't realise they'd invented the iPad.
¨C Ellie Gibson
They've sold almost 650 of those babies.
¨C Christian Donlan
Tretton's starting up slow - a stats burst on Vita that only smacks a little of desperation.
¨C Martin Robinson
I sense we're on the cusp of a graph.
¨C Christian Donlan
85 titles launching on Vita by the end of the year.
¨C Martin Robinson
Destiny of Spirits, Doki Doki Universe, Counter Spy, Tearaway.
¨C Martin Robinson
Yeah, I've only heard of half of those too.
¨C Martin Robinson
Walking Dead 400 Days is coming to Vita this summer.
¨C Martin Robinson
If you didn't go to the toilet before we began, there's still time.
¨C Ellie Gibson
And a new bundle will launch with the first episodes plus access to the new batch.
¨C Martin Robinson
On to PS3 now. There's still GT6 and Beyond to come on that platform. Oh, and a certain Naughty Dog game that's out this Friday.
¨C Martin Robinson
Ah, The Last of Us. Why not check out Oli's review on Eurogamer and mine on while you're waiting for Sony to say something about something new?
¨C Ellie Gibson
¨C Christian Donlan
And Rain, I guess.
¨C Christian Donlan
Clair de Lune! I want this played at my funeral. Just so you know in case I die of old age before this press conference is over.
¨C Ellie Gibson
Puppeteer and Rain are also inbound. If you were wondering what Studio Japan's been up to while The Last Guardian festers, well, this is it.
¨C Martin Robinson
David Cage *may* have seen Silence of the Lambs.
¨C Christian Donlan
For ages I thought Clair De Lune was a person. :(
¨C Christian Donlan
That's my pretentious clown name of choice, Chris.
¨C Martin Robinson
A new trailer for Gran Turismo 6. Well, I'm excited. The Deltawing's in it!
¨C Martin Robinson
Mine is Monserrat Bigtrousers.
¨C Ellie Gibson
Do you think that really is a matching hankie poking out of Jack's jacket, or did he just cut a slit in the lining and pull a bit of his shirt through?
¨C Ellie Gibson
Dinner dinner dinner dinner.
¨C Ellie Gibson
¨C Robert Purchese
He was in it.
¨C Christian Donlan
"Holy downloadable content, Batman!" "It's only exclusive for launch window, Robin."
¨C Ellie Gibson
PS3 bundle for GTA 5 - it comes with a branded... headset?
¨C Martin Robinson
$299 in the US. Which seems steep.
¨C Martin Robinson
And we're on to PlayStation 4, at last.
¨C Martin Robinson
Once, just once, I'd like one of them to say they're trying to make everything a bit less immersive.
¨C Ellie Gibson
Big fish little fish Andrew House!
¨C Ellie Gibson
Tiny, tiny hands.
¨C Ellie Gibson
Straight into the reveal of the unit itself.
¨C Martin Robinson
It's... a black box!
¨C Martin Robinson
It looks.... like the Xbox One!
¨C Martin Robinson
"We were inspired by a very old, very knackered phone book."
¨C Christian Donlan
World's first sandwich-inspired games console.
¨C Ellie Gibson
¨C Robert Purchese
¨C Robert Purchese
¨C Robert Purchese
It's a shame that in that picture Andrew House looks like he's going "Sorry."
¨C Ellie Gibson
Check out our amazing new piece of technology! You will be able to use it to watch six year-old films!
¨C Ellie Gibson
Microsoft's decision to get the boring stuff out the way a few weeks back is starting to make a bit more sense.
¨C Martin Robinson
Redtube instant's coming to PS4 exclusively.
¨C Martin Robinson
Meanwhile, for our UK users, we've got Housesitter and Caddyshack 2.
¨C Ellie Gibson
Oh, sorry, Redbox.
¨C Martin Robinson
That's that out the way. Now they're moving on to the games, with Shu Yoshida leading the way.
¨C Martin Robinson
¨C Christian Donlan
Shuei! Surely he's here to announce Tokyo Jungle 2. He wouldn't get out of bed for less.
¨C Ellie Gibson
Sony has 'the largest first party network in the world'.
¨C Martin Robinson
30 PS4 titles in development at Worldwide Studios.
¨C Martin Robinson
20 of them coming out in the first year of PS4's life. And 12 of them are new IPs.
¨C Martin Robinson
A new game from Santa Monica Studios, delivered with Ready at Dawn - they that did the God of War PSP games.
¨C Martin Robinson
A steampunk game, set in London.
¨C Martin Robinson
This is what South East London was like before they extended the overground.
¨C Ellie Gibson
Steampunk London.
¨C Christian Donlan
Saucy Jack.
¨C Christian Donlan
The demon rocket launcherer of Fleet Street.
¨C Ellie Gibson
They're named after Arthurian characters. And it's called The Order.
¨C Martin Robinson
¨C Robert Purchese
Guns: tick. Cars: tick. Wait what's this? Marc Ecko is BACK???
¨C Ellie Gibson
Seattle represents. Great Frasier cross-over potential.
¨C Christian Donlan
Knack, Killzone and Driveclub are launch titles, Second Son coming early 2014.
¨C Martin Robinson
If you say "emotion" three times at a press conference, you summon David Cage.
¨C Christian Donlan
Here we go. Rubber ducks, Cage David style. "Quack quack boo hoo sob sob"
¨C Ellie Gibson
They've never really forgiven Phil Harrison for going over to the other side.
¨C Ellie Gibson
"This game was inspired by my trip to a Tolkien theme restaurant."
¨C Christian Donlan
Ooh! Supergiant Games!
¨C Christian Donlan
So this is what the battle for next-gen supremacy will come down to. Drivatars versus jive trolls.
¨C Ellie Gibson
¨C Robert Purchese
Transistor will make its console debut on PS4 early next year.
¨C Christian Donlan
Lovely argument against the need for photorealism there.
¨C Christian Donlan
¨C Christian Donlan
Blend in as an octopus! It's one of the classic game ideas.
¨C Christian Donlan
Secret Ponchos is my absolute favourite new game name so far.
¨C Ellie Gibson
Lorne Lanning is the Errol Flynn of games - just not as evil.
¨C Christian Donlan
Cripes - a new game from 17-Bit, too. The makers of Skulls of the Shogun. Now they've got a new side-scrolling space shooter that looks beautiful.
¨C Christian Donlan
You can never have too many Journey-inspired shoulder braces.
¨C Ellie Gibson
@20GOTO10 Wouldn't you like to know?
¨C Ellie Gibson
"Yeah, just put our company logo right across his face while he's talking."
¨C Christian Donlan
The second series of Broadchurch definitely appears to be going in a new direction.
¨C Ellie Gibson
Kingdom Hearts 3 is big news - shame there wasn't more of it to see, but it looked nice and pastelly.
¨C Christian Donlan
Nice to be back on Melee Island (TM).
¨C Christian Donlan
I wonder what the BBC will do now Ubisoft has poached the cast of The Archers.
¨C Ellie Gibson
"I'll let myself out." (Archers joke.)
¨C Christian Donlan
Assassin's Creed V: Usha's Revenge
¨C Ellie Gibson
This may genuinely be a live demo for once.
¨C Christian Donlan
Is there a pirate driving this car? I've lost track.
¨C Ellie Gibson
Did someone just mug Peter Molyneux?
¨C Ellie Gibson
Boats are the new cars.
¨C Ellie Gibson
A special outfit? What, like a sexy one?
¨C Ellie Gibson
Sorry, drifted off for a minute there. Chicago! And PS4 owners get an exclusive hour, apparently.
¨C Christian Donlan
Did I miss The Last Guardian?
¨C Christian Donlan
Everyone misses The Last Guardian.
¨C Ellie Gibson
Do want a price, or do you want to hear about The Elder Scrolls again?
¨C Christian Donlan
Next gen mushrooms.
¨C Christian Donlan
Is that Gambon? Doesn't sound quite nose-blocked enough.
¨C Christian Donlan
Maybe they paid him in Vicks.
¨C Christian Donlan
This doesn't sound like The Last Guardian either...
¨C Christian Donlan
Coming exclusively to PlayStation 4: The Last Gambon.
¨C Ellie Gibson
By heck, this must be the Avalanche game?
¨C Christian Donlan
They're doing Babe next.
¨C Christian Donlan
Like Aliens, another movie that's been thoroughly raided by games already.
¨C Christian Donlan
Tretters! Fresh from a quick botox top-up.
¨C Ellie Gibson
(Not Babe.)
¨C Christian Donlan
No restrictions on used games.
¨C Christian Donlan
Biggest cheer of the night.
¨C Christian Donlan
Also, there's an EG user called Pynchon?
¨C Christian Donlan
That was a good minute and a half.
¨C Christian Donlan
What a nice next-gen feature: ownership.
¨C Christian Donlan
Not since Martin Luther King addressed the Lincoln Memorial has a nation felt so moved.
¨C Ellie Gibson
No online authentication.
¨C Christian Donlan
"PS4 games will not cost any money. In fact, Sony will pay you to play them."
¨C Ellie Gibson
"And it won't stop working if you haven't authenticated in 24 hours."
¨C Christian Donlan
Bless Tretters. So pleased with himself. And his new role as the Santa Claus of gaming.
¨C Ellie Gibson
Sounds like online multiplayer is now PS+ exclusive.
¨C Christian Donlan
"And to top it all off, PS4 will be available this holiday for just $19999999."
¨C Ellie Gibson
Bungie: King of the skybox.
¨C Christian Donlan
Just enjoying the wikipedia entry for Lionel Richie hit My Destiny.
¨C Ellie Gibson
"In the music video, Lionel is singing in front of 4 dancing supermodels with his shirt unbuttoned (although the top button was buttoned in the first scene then in the second scene it's all unbuttoned)."
¨C Ellie Gibson
7" single
"My Destiny" (lite mix edit) – 3:50
"Do It to Me" (rhythm method single edit) – 4:35
¨C Ellie Gibson
Reached number 22 in the Austrian singles chart.
¨C Ellie Gibson
¨C Robert Purchese
@Supaaafly Party, kalamu, fiesta, forever
¨C Ellie Gibson
Thunderlord is an excellent name for a gun.
¨C Ellie Gibson
Thunderlord - and another favourite baby name bites the dust.
¨C Christian Donlan
¨C Robert Purchese
I'll also take a lightningbaron and a rainduke, please.
¨C Ellie Gibson
I'm sure my mate's got a thunderlord in her bedside drawer.
¨C Ellie Gibson
This banter is a bit laggy.
¨C Christian Donlan
¨C Robert Purchese
The gaikai fan is at E3! Lucky him.
¨C Ellie Gibson
Come on Andrew. Show us the money.
¨C Ellie Gibson
Bloody ****.
¨C Ellie Gibson
$399, £349.
¨C Christian Donlan
"True consumer ownership". It's kind of sad that this is now something to get excited about. But still...
¨C Christian Donlan
Well. Well well well.
¨C Ellie Gibson
Don't worry everyone, I have tweeted Shuhei to ask him where was that big game we've all been looking forward to for so long.
¨C Ellie Gibson
Goodnight everyone! Good luck with work tomorrow.
¨C Christian Donlan
More news on Tokyo Jungle 2 as soon as it comes in.
¨C Ellie Gibson
Thanks for tuning in. Goodnight!
¨C Ellie Gibson
Just one more thing: