Heavy Rain's vital statistics
Script length, cast size, more.
One of the fascinating things about Heavy Rain - previewed on Eurogamer today - is its reliance on development studio head David Cage, who wrote the massive script single-handedly, and motion capture. On a recent excursion to see the game in development, we noted down a few of the more interesting stats in its creator's presentation. We thought you might enjoy them, so here they are:
The script
- 2,000 pages long
- 60 scenes, each about 15-20 minutes long, most, but not all of which you see on any play-through
- 40,000 words of non-linear dialogue
- Based on 6,000 pages of notes and references
- 15 months in development
The art design
- Two weeks scouting for locations on the East Coast of the USA
- 15 months of design by ten people
- Photos, topographical gameplay maps, sketches of every item, paintings of every scene
The outsourcing to Asia
- Over 100 people involved outside Quantic Dream
- 480 man-months of work
- Based on an "outsourcing bible" and "level architect blueprints"
The motion capture
- All done on-site at Quantic Dream in Paris
- 170 days of shooting across nine months
- Over 70 actors and stuntmen involved
- Casting sessions in Paris and London
- 30,000 unique animations recorded