A tale of Monkey Island
Telltale's Dave Grossman on remaking a legend.
Correct. We're working on the design of Episode Four. Three is being written. One is about done and Two is into production.
Oh they're going to come out every month. The productions overlap. Each one probably takes us about four or five months to finish, plus a little bit of upfront time.
We don't actually have a WiiWare date yet. We're shooting to make them as close to simultaneous as possible. There are many factors involved with that as there's a third party involved, so I'm not exactly sure how that will turn out.
We didn't so much decide not to put it on Xbox Live Arcade as we decided not to put it on XBLA now. Normally what we do is PC and one of the other platforms, and we've been bouncing back and forth between them. We've got the first season of Sam & Max coming out on XBLA, so we feel like we've got that covered for the moment. And we want to give the Wii a little love as well.
Yeah, I mean I wouldn't rule it out. We might do that one later on.
We just haven't gotten there yet. Ultimately, we would like to be on every downloadable channel there is. We wound up doing Xbox, but maybe later we'll do PlayStation - we'll see.
Oh, wow, I don't know about that. I will say that our CFO is a Mac guy, so we'll get there, but it's a matter of how and when and can we actually afford to do it. But I'd like to see that, too.
Well no, we're always making some improvements to the engine. We have the same engine that runs all our games, but it's always in development and we're always adding new rendering features for each series, because they all have to look a bit different. For Tales of Monkey Island we added a new thing where there's greater facility for facial expressions and lip-syncs to work together.
Ha ha! More! More, more, more. I've always wanted to do the works of Kurt Vonnegut but I think it'll take us a while!
Um, I try not to be too picky. If I was going to do one of those little Lucas properties I might even do Loom. Not sure how popular that would be. I always thought it was good.
Uh, jeez. No comment. Actually, I love Indie - I would certainly do that one. Raiders of the Lost Ark was my favourite movie for many years until Pirates of the Caribbean came along.
I would put it at number three in the set of four.
Tales of Monkey Island launches for PC on 7th July. There's a special pre-order deal available from the Telltale Games website.