Shenmue - Ticket to Hong Kong and travel agency locations
How to find travel agencies to get a ticket to Hong Kong.
Finding travel agencies is part of the ticket to Hong Kong storyline in Shenmue, coming straight after finding the Phoenix Mirror.
If you're looking for help with other parts of the game, our Shenmue guide and walkthrough and list of Shenmue tips can help.
Travel agency locations
The morning after the Phoenix Mirror storyline, Ryo plans to get a plane ticket to Hong Kong. Checking his savings reveals he doesn't have enough cash to help him get there.
Visit Fuku-san in his room - it's right out of Ryo's room, then left at the end - for a cutscene.
Head to Dobuita, and visit either travel agency in town. There are two:
- Asia Travel Co (opposite Aida Florist in the middle of Dobuita)
- Global Travel Agency (main high street, opposite Tom's Hotdog stand)
You'll get a pamphlet in your inventory for visiting either one (visit both if you're a completionist to get your hands on two), then head back to the Hazuki Residence. Visit Fuku-san in his room, who gives you his savings - and it's still not enough.
He then recommends chatting to Nozomi. She's standing outside Aida Florist in the middle of Dobuita, and recommends going by boat because it's cheaper. Visit the Asia Travel Co opposite - it's the only travel agency in Dobuita that does boat journeys - and you can put down an order.
You'll be told to come back in four hours. Kill time, then come back. If the shop is empty, you've arrived too early. Exit and return in a little while. After waiting around, you'll then be told to come back the next day.
Head home back to the Hazuki Residence. For us at this point in the story, the kitten will go missing - swing by then to see if it's the same for you. Our missing kitten location page can help if so.
At home, Fuku-san will tell you Nozomi brought flowers over, which are in the Altar room. After that, you simply have to kill time until tomorrow.
After some more Shenmue tips? Our full Shenmue walkthrough will guide you through ever step of the main story, from the Three Blades, to where to find Charlie, Warehouse No 8 and where to use the Mysterious Key. And, of course, exactly where to find sailors. We also have pages on Shemue's various extracurricular activities, like feeding the kitten, winning forklift races, Shenmue flashback locations, a full Shenmue Trophy and Achievements and Capsule Toys lists, too.
Getting the ticket to Hong Kong
The next day, you'll receive a phone call from the Asia Travel Co, telling you to pick your ticket up at Yu Arcade at noon. You'll automatically leave the house after the phone call - it's worth going back in to pick up your allowance before you head to Dobuita. Enter Yu Arcade from noon.
Inside, you'll have a Free Battle against Chai. He's incredibly strong and tough to beat, but the good news is you don't have to. There's no reward for doing so, and you'll probably have to trained a handful of powerful moves in order to win.
Win or lose, you have to then head to the Asia Travel Co to pay Jimmy a visit. The store appears to be closed from the outside - however, you can still enter.
What follows is one of the most elaborate QTEs in the game:
- Xbox, Dreamcast: Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, A, Left, Left, Right, Left, Right, A
- PlayStation: Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, Left, left, Right, Left, Right, X
Now it's time to find the Mad Angels and get a job at the harbour. This was the end of the second disc on the Dreamcast version, so consider us two thirds of the way through the game. Nicely done!