Just 12 Xbox games to work on Japanese Xbox 360
More to follow, obviously.
Microsoft Japan's followed in its Americo-brethren's footsteps and announced a list of Xbox games that will work on the Japanese version of the console come launch day on December 10.
And, um, it's not quite as big a number as it is in the States. 212 Xbox games will work on the American 360, says Microsoft. Just 12 will be compatible with the Japanese.
Those 12 are Crimson Skies, Fable, Forza Motorsport, Grand Theft Auto Double Pack, Halo, Halo 2, Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack, Jade Empire, Ninja Gaiden, Ninja Gaiden Black, Rainbow Six 3 and Simpsons: Hit & Run. More, obviously, will follow at some point in the future.