Today's Top Trailers - Day 5
Our final pick of the E3 bunch.
Here we are, then - the final day of E3, and our final pick of the best trailers released in the past 24 hours. You can still watch our highlights from Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, by the way.
So what was your favourite trailer of the week? Gibson's pick is the introduction to Wii U. "As a woman who lives in a house with beech laminate flooring, I am Nintendo's target market," she says. "And I welcome the arrival of any device which allows me to wirelessly send footage of an amusing parrot to my television screen."
"It's a bit of a girly word, uttered by men almost under their breath, but I'll say it - Zelda: Skyward Sword looks simply beautiful," says Phillips, as he skips down the road swinging his Hannah Montana backpack on his way to the Claire's Accessories summer sale.
Top of the Pops
1. Star Wars: The Old Republic Intro Cinematic
"Better than most of the prequel trilogy and probably any scene in "Jedi" with an Ewok in," says Phillips.
Gibson, once a fervent prequels apologist, just quietly shakes her head, after all these years no longer able to find the strength to defend things like "And you've grown... More beautiful", "Jedi poodoo" and Jimmy Smits.
2. New Devil May Cry
"Little bit camp slow-motion monster shooting," Phillips observes. Gibson likes the look of any game with more colours than grey and brown in and looks forward to seeing what Ninja Theory has been up to since no one bought Enslaved.
3. Hitman: Absolution
"Snuff porn was never steamier," says Phillips.
"Oh good, a promotional video featuring a woman in a shower behind a misty glass door which doesn't leave much to the imagination. How startingly fresh and original," says Gibson, who probably is some kind of lesbian.
4. Star Trek
Phillips likes the look of this, specifically: "Kirk and Spock in their younger, hotter days (aka not who ate all the pies Shatner) and lots of JJ Abrams lens-flare."
Gibson's still holding out for that long ago rumoured Babylon 5 MMO. "Actually, I'm thinking of calling my first child G'Kar."
5. Fruit Ninja Kinect
This video features a ninja fighting a man dressed as a banana. No further comment is required.
And the worst...
Star Wars: The Old Republic Gameplay Trailer
"Yeah, about that intro cinematic," says Phillips. "Shame the actual game looks NOTHING LIKE IT."
This isn't the world's most exciting developer diary, either. "But before he can do that, he has to check his map. See that circle in the bottom right corner? Circles like this indicate the player's objective is located-" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
"Still, it's good to see the MMO really taking shape. Ten minutes of solid if not-groundbreaking gameplay," Phillips continues.
"Shut up, Phillips," says Gibson. "You're just trying to sound clever. Earlier you told me it just looks like a sandy Azeroth."
Runner-up: Medieval Moves: Deadmund's Quest, which valiantly tries to pretend what 14 year-old boys want to do is swing imaginary swords at virtual goblins rather than play Call of Duty and ****.
That's it from us. Thanks for tuning in and do tell us what your favourite video of E3 was in the comments section below.