Nintendo trademarks heaps of DS ideas
DSiMovie, DSiMusic, DSLife, DSBook, more.
Nintendo has legally protected the names for tons of DS software ideas, including some specifically aimed at the brand new DSi model.
These are DSiChannel, DSiStation, DSiNews, DSiMovie, DSiMusic, DSiMail, DSiMode, DSiVision and DSiTsuushin (DSiCommunication), according to the Japanese trademark database read by Siliconera.
Unfortunately DSi-specific software will be the first handheld content by Nintendo to be region-locked. The platform holder told us this was due to regional net services and age-rating concerns.
This isn't the case with the DS catalogue of lightbulb-ideas, however, of which many appear to be emulating the PSP catalogue of multi-function uses.
We like the sound of DSBook - this may be a fancy eReader - as well as DSMap, DSPhone, DSDiary, DSTrainer and DSSpeak. We have trouble with the latter.
The full list of DS bright-spark ideas follows:
- DSArcade
- DSBook
- DSCreator
- DSClub
- DSCommunity
- DSCooking
- DSDiary
- DSeye
- DSFamily
- DSFriend
- DSLife
- DSLive
- DSLibrary
- DSmobile
- DSMap
- DSNavi
- DSNet
- DSPhone
- DSPlus
- DSPoint
- DSSchool
- DSSpeak
- DSShop
- DSShopping
- DSTrainer
- DSTime
- DSWalk
- DSZone
- MyDS
- CatchDS
- ShotDS