Nintendo to set bubblegum world record at PAX in honour of Kirby's 20th Anniversary
Now that's what I call a sticky situation.
Nintendo is going to celebrate Kirby's 20th anniversary by attempting to assembe the largest group of people ever blowing chewing gum bubbles in one place at PAX Prime this weekend.
According to Guinness World Records, the current record is 304 participants, but Nintendo thinks PAX attendees can do better than that.
While the vacuum-like puffball mascot isn't made of gum, he is round and pink, which is close enough.
The event will be held on Saturday 1st September from 2-3 p.m. in the Expo Hall Queue Area on the fourth floor of the Washington State Convention Center. Check in is at 1p.m., which conflicts with Hideo Kojima's Metal Gear Solid panel. This could have a substantial negative impact on this record attempt's success.
Swaying people to partake in the event, there will be prizes involved such as Kirby's Dream Collection: Special Edition which launches on Wii on 16th September in North America.