THQ charges for Full Spectrum downloads
Xbox owners asked to pay ?2.99 a pop as the first of two downloadable missions arrives, but PC owners will find them already on the disc...
THQ has released the first of two downloadable missions for Full Spectrum Warrior over Xbox Live, but despite shipping both bonuses with the PC version of the game (due out this Friday), the publisher has nevertheless decided to charge Xbox owners for the privilege of playing them. "Epilogue 1" is available now priced £2.99 / $4.99.
This is seemingly at odds with what the publisher reportedly said late last month, when we were told that it was debating whether or not to charge for Epilogue 2, but that the first of the two missions would be made available for free. Whatever changed, it's changed - and now the only way to find out what happens after your calamitous clash with Al Afad is to cough up some cash.
If that doesn't put you off, you can expect quite a challenge from Epilogue 1, which is a Search and Destroy mission set just hours after the culmination of the single-player game, broken into two parts - the first focusing on clearing a path through a shantytown for the US CASEVAC, and the second tackling a command station where one of Al Afad's two sons is holed up.
Although fundamentally the same as the original FSW missions, these new additions will be harder with more enemies in elevated positions. (And of course they cost you £2.99 a pop.) There's currently no word on when exactly Epilogue 2 will be released, but we'll let you know.
So then, over to you: is it fair for THQ to charge Xbox owners, who were the first to back Full Spectrum Warrior, £2.99 each for extra levels that are included for free with the retail PC version later this week? Speak up and perhaps they'll hear you.