Platformer (Page 85)
Moveover Tetris the best puzzle game ever goes wireless, not so much oh no as oh yes!
Sonic Mega Collection Plus
Presumably so-called because Sonic Mega Plus Game Gear Collection sounds rubbish. (Don't knock it; it's top of the UK Charts this week...)
Alien Hominid
If it's the bastard offspring of anything, it'd be an orgy involving Viewtiful Joe, Johnny Bravo and Metal Slug - and nobody remembers who put what where.
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Every year an utterly essential game appears that no-one buys. Buck the trend.
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
Another 16-bit remake. This time it's the follow-up to the game everyone got for Christmas.
Metroid: Zero Mission Review
A bit more imaginative than Nintendo's usual "Advance" remake, the only problem with this one is that one day it will be over.