Far Cry 2 and Splinter Cell creator Clint Hocking leaves LucasArts
Already has something lined up... somewhere.
Creative director of Far Cry 2 and Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory Clint Hocking has departed LucasArts.
"I recently left my job at LucasArts and am moving on to something new," he wrote on his blog. "I already have something lined up and I am currently in the process of dealing with the living hell of relocation. I will let the world know where I am going once I get there."
Hocking only worked at the studio for two years following his departure from Ubisoft.
When we asked Star Wars 1313 director Dominic Robilliard at E3 earlier this month if Hocking was overseeing the project, he told us that he was working on an "unannounced project."
This echoes Hocking's LinkedIn profile that cryptically listed "worked on unannounced projects" as his only LucasArts contributions.
An earlier job ad tweeted by Hocking suggested that he was making an openworld RPG at the company.
We've pressed him for comment and will update as we find out more.