Face-off Digital Foundry | Face-Off: BioShock: The Collection Some nice upgrades are marred by obvious technical issues. Sept. 22, 2016 Richard Leadbetter 82 comments
Face-off Digital Foundry | Face-Off: Dead Rising Remastered Baffling frame-rate issues impact Capcom's latest PS4 and Xbox One remasters. Sept. 18, 2016 Richard Leadbetter 55 comments
Face-off Digital Foundry | Face-Off: Resident Evil 4 Remastered The definitive edition? Sept. 3, 2016 John Linneman 66 comments
Face-off Digital Foundry | Face-Off: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Dawn of a new engine. Aug. 31, 2016 John Linneman 32 comments
Face-off Digital Foundry | Face-Off: F1 2016 Can Codemasters' second-gen F1 title improve visuals and boost frame-rate? Aug. 26, 2016 David Bierton 28 comments
Face-off Digital Foundry | Face-Off: No Man's Sky PlayStation 4 takes on budget and mainstream gaming PCs. Aug. 22, 2016 Thomas Morgan 47 comments
Face-off Digital Foundry | Face-Off: Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1/2 Are these new ports really as bad as the reports say they are? Aug. 3, 2016 David Bierton 16 comments
Face-off Digital Foundry | Face-Off: Carmageddon: Max Damage Crash and burn? July 18, 2016 David Bierton 22 comments
Face-off Digital Foundry | Face-Off: Resident Evil 5 Remastered Capcom's new PS4 and Xbox One versions take on the original PC and Xbox 360 releases. July 2, 2016 David Bierton 41 comments
Face-off Digital Foundry | Face-Off: Umbrella Corps PC takes point over a compromised PS4 release. June 25, 2016 David Bierton 9 comments
Face-off Digital Foundry | What's gone wrong with Mighty No. 9? Digital Foundry on the bugs, performance issues and oddities found on PS4 and Xbox One. June 24, 2016 Thomas Morgan 28 comments
Face-off Digital Foundry | Face-Off: Mirror's Edge Catalyst Keep the faith. June 11, 2016 David Bierton 21 comments
Face-off Digital Foundry | Face-Off: Dead Island: The Definitive Collection on PC Even more definitive. June 7, 2016 David Bierton 39 comments
Face-off Digital Foundry | Face-Off: Dangerous Golf Are all three versions up to par? June 5, 2016 John Linneman 36 comments
Face-off Digital Foundry | Face-Off: Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster on PC UPDATE: New video shows how good the game looks running natively at 4K. May 29, 2016 John Linneman 30 comments
Face-off Digital Foundry | Face-Off: Overwatch Highly polished on all platforms, with PC offering further refinement. May 26, 2016 David Bierton 37 comments
Face-off Digital Foundry | Face-Off: Doom A reinvigorated id software presents a multi-platform tech masterpiece. May 24, 2016 John Linneman 168 comments
Face-off Digital Foundry | Face-Off: Homefront: The Revolution Guerrilla warfare between PS4, Xbox One and PC. May 24, 2016 Thomas Morgan 39 comments
Face-off Digital Foundry | Face-Off: Valkyria Chronicles on PS4 1080p60 on the Gallian front. May 22, 2016 David Bierton 47 comments
Face-off Digital Foundry | Face-Off: Forza Motorsport 6 Apex on PC A free-to-play DX12 version on PC - but what does it offer over Xbox One? May 14, 2016 Thomas Morgan 99 comments
Face-off Digital Foundry | Face-Off: Everybody's Gone to the Rapture on PC The Chinese Room's technological showcase gets a hardware upgrade. April 23, 2016 Thomas Morgan 34 comments
Face-off Digital Foundry | Lichdom is the worst-performing game Digital Foundry has ever tested A 15fps gameplay average on PlayStation 4. April 22, 2016 John Linneman 145 comments
Face-off Digital Foundry | Face-Off: Microsoft Xbox Elite controller vs Razer Wildcat Can premium-priced controllers make you a better player? April 17, 2016 David Bierton 65 comments
Face-off Digital Foundry | Face-Off: Killer Instinct on PC Killer conversion or dead on arrival? April 11, 2016 David Bierton 54 comments
Face-off Digital Foundry | Face-Off: Dirt Rally The spirit of McRae is back - along with 60fps gameplay. April 6, 2016 David Bierton 60 comments