Dark Souls art book reaches western shores in November
For the princely sum of ?29.99 / $28.91.
Dark Souls: Design Works, a 128 page hardcover tome feature concept art for the fan-favourite action-RPG, will be making its way to both Europe and North America on 12th November.
It was previously published last year in Japan.
Design Works is being published by Udon Entertainment, who previously worked on art books for such games as Resident Evil 5 and Phoenix Wright.
"Featuring key visuals, concept art, character, weapon, and monster designs, and rough sketches, this is a complete picture of the brutal world of Dark Souls," read the description on Udon's site. "Design Works also includes an exclusive behind-the-scenes interview with game director Hidetaka Miyazaki and many of the game's artists."
The current going rate for Dark Souls: Design Works is £29.99 on Amazon UK, but it's only $28.91 on Amazon US.