Videos (Page 59)
Watch a shark get stabbed in the face in Assassin's Creed 4
And learn how Far Cry 3's hunting has made it across.
This is brutal platfomer Ethan: Meteor Hunter in action
Let's play? Let's die horribly more like.
Hotline Miami 2 looks hot, is weird
Here's some fresh gameplay footage brought to you by a talking chicken.
Here's an exclusive look at Frozen Endzone in action
Mode 7's future sports follow-up to Frozen Synapse looks sporty, futuristic in this stadium reveal.
Rezzed developer sessions
Watch all this weekend's presentations! Rome 2, DayZ Standalone, WildStar, Project Eternity, Dreamfall Chapters and many more.
Here's your first proper look at Murdered: Soul Suspect
Airtight Games' beyond the grave mystery looksĄ interesting.