Pok¨Śmon Go level requirements, level up item rewards list explained
Here's what items and rewards you unlock as you collect XP up until Level 50.
Levelling in Pokémon Go is one of the most important systems in the game. The higher your Pokémon Go level, the more items you can use, and the more powerful your Pokémon can become.
At launch, the level cap was set at 40, and it wasn't until November 2020 and the arrival of Season of Celebration that the level cap increase changed to Level 50 - with a change to how levelling works along with it.
This page explains all level requirements up until the Pokémon Go level cap at Level 50 and other changes introduced to levelling alongside the Season of Celebrations update. And, if you're still making the climb to higher levels, a list of level item rewards and what levelling opens up as you progress.
On this page:
Pokémon Go level cap and how levelling works
The Pokémon Go level cap is Level 50, increasing ten levels from the previous level cap of 40 set at the game's debut in the summer of 2016.
From Level 1 to 40, the levelling is simple - you must simple acquire XP. Once you have reached the threshold, you'll increase to the next level. Despite this, it'll take you a very long to time reach Level 40 - possibly years - so be patient, especially if you are a new player.

From Level 41 to 50, as well as meeting a certain threshold of XP, you also need to complete certain challenges - named Level Up Research - in order to progress to the next level.
This includes earning certain medal types, catching a number of Pokémon within a set period, completing raids and much more. This is designed to make the levelling process as much as about skill as it is simply earning XP.
That's the broad strokes of how levelling changes past 40. Here's some other details worth knowing about how it will work:
- As with Levels 1 to 40, the CP cap of Pokémon will increase in line with your level. However, to level your Pokémon past Level 40, you need to use a new resource type - XL Candy.
- Any existing XP you have earned over Level 40 will contribute to the progress of future levels, meaning any additional XP reached once you hit your level will not go to waste, and will count when you complete the associated research and progress to the next level.
Players who managed to hit Level 40 before the end of 2020 - the year the cap increase came into effect - saw them labelled a Legacy Level 40 player - unlocking a special Legacy Level 40 medal as well as the Legacy 40 Challenge quest.

Pokémon Go levels 1 to 40 requirements and rewards list
The following table breaks down how much experience is required to reach the next level, the total amount of XP required to reach that level from the start of the game (which, as you can see from Level 20 onwards, gets progressively more demanding, and towards the level cap, requires millions to level up each time), the items you receive and the items you unlock that can then start appearing at PokéStops. We've also included any new game mechanics or quests which unlock at certain levels too.
It's important to note that certain level rewards have changed somewhat since Pokémon Go's release back in 2016, such as the Level 2 now including Nanab Berries. So, if you're a long term Pokémon Go player, what's outlined below might look at little different to what you experienced! As you can probably guess, we've updated the table below to reflect these changes but wanted to mention that the original version was sourced from The Silph Road Reddit and the datamining efforts (as seen on Github). Thank you to those who created this original information!
Finally, we wanted to mention that every new Pokémon Go account begins with Poké Balls x50, Incense x2, the unlimited use Incubator and the Camera. You'll quickly start collecting more items from PokéStops and level up rewards.
Level | Experience required | Total experience | Item rewards | Item / Feature unlocks |
1 | 0 | 0 | - | Finding Your Voice Special Research Grass and Gratitude Special Research |
2 | 1,000 | 1,000 | Poke Ball x10 Nanab Berry x6 |
Nanab Berry |
3 | 2,000 | 3,000 | Poke Ball x15 Nanab Berry x8 |
- |
4 | 3,000 | 6,000 | Poke Ball x15 Nanab Berry x15 |
- |
5 | 4,000 | 10,000 | Poke Ball x20 Potion x10 Revive x10 Incense x1 |
Gyms Potions Revives Raid Battles Teams Routes |
6 | 5,000 | 15,000 | Poke Ball x15 Potion x10 Revive x5 Incubator x1 |
- |
7 | 6,000 | 21,000 | Poke Ball x15 Potion x10 Revive x5 Incense x1 PokéCoins x150 |
Daily Adventure Incense An Intriguing Incense Special Research |
8 | 7,000 | 28,000 | Poke Ball x15 Potion x10 Revive x5 Razz Berry x10 Lure Module x1 |
Razz Berry Team Go Rocket mechanics A Troubling Situation Special Research |
9 | 8,000 | 36,000 | Poke Ball x15 Potion x10 Revive x5 Razz Berry x3 Lucky Egg x1 |
- |
10 | 9,000 | 45,000 | Poke Ball x20 Super Potion x20 Revive x10 Razz Berry x10 Incense x1 Lucky Egg x1 Egg Incubator x1 Lure Module x1 |
Super Potions Golden Razz Berry Evolution Items Trading Trainer Battles Go Battle League |
11 | 10,000 | 55,000 | Poke Ball x15 Super Potion x10 Revive x3 Razz Berry x3 |
- |
12 | 10,000 | 65,000 | Great Ball x20 Super Potion x10 Revive x3 Razz Berry x3 |
Great Balls |
13 | 10,000 | 75,000 | Great Ball x10 Super Potion x10 Revive x3 Razz Berry x3 |
Dynamax Pokémon Gigantamax Pokémon Max Battles Power Spots Max Particles To The Max! Special Research |
14 | 10,000 | 85,000 | Great Ball x10 Super Potion x10 Revive x3 Nanab Berry x3 |
- |
15 | 15,000 | 100,000 | Great Ball x15 Hyper Potion x20 Revive x10 Razz Berry x10 Incense x1 Lucky Egg x1 Egg Incubator x1 Lure Module x1 |
Hyper Potions Fast TMs Party Play A Mythical Discovery Special Research |
16 | 20,000 | 120,000 | Great Ball x10 Hyper Potion x10 Revive x5 Nanab Berry x5 |
- |
17 | 20,000 | 140,000 | Great Ball x10 Hyper Potion x10 Revive x5 Razz Berry x5 |
- |
18 | 20,000 | 160,000 | Great Ball x10 Hyper Potion x10 Revive x5 Pinap Berry x5 |
Pinap Berry |
19 | 25,000 | 185,000 | Great Ball x15 Hyper Potion x10 Revive x5 Razz Berry x5 |
- |
20 | 25,000 | 210,000 | Ultra Ball x20 Hyper Potion x20 Revive x20 Nanab Berry x20 Incense x2 Lucky Egg x2 Egg Incubator x2 Lure Module x2 |
Ultra Balls Mega Evolution A Mega Discovery Special Research |
21 | 50,000 | 260,000 | Ultra Ball x10 Hyper Potion x10 Revive x10 Pinap Berry x10 |
- |
22 | 75,000 | 335,000 | Ultra Ball x10 Hyper Potion x10 Revive x10 Razz Berry x10 |
- |
23 | 100,000 | 435,000 | Ultra Ball x10 Hyper Potion x10 Revive x10 Nanab Berry x10 |
- |
24 | 125,000 | 560,000 | Ultra Ball x15 Hyper Potion x10 Revive x10 Razz Berry x10 |
- |
25 | 150,000 | 710,000 | Ultra Ball x25 Max Potion x20 Revive x15 Pinap Berry x15 Incense x1 Lucky Egg x1 Egg Incubator x1 Lure Module x1 |
Max Potions Charged TMs |
26 | 190,000 | 900,000 | Ultra Ball x10 Max Potion x15 Revive x10 Razz Berry x15 |
- |
27 | 200,000 | 1,100,000 | Ultra Ball x10 Max Potion x15 Revive x10 Nanab Berry x15 |
- |
28 | 250,000 | 1,350,000 | Ultra Ball x10 Max Potion x15 Revive x10 Razz Berry x15 |
- |
29 | 300,000 | 1,650,000 | Ultra Ball x10 Max Potion x15 Revive x10 Pinap Berry x15 |
- |
30 | 350,000 | 2,000,000 | Ultra Ball x30 Max Potion x20 Max Revive x20 Razz Berry x20 Incense x3 Lucky Egg x3 Egg Incubator x3 Lure Module x3 |
Max Revives |
31 | 500,000 | 2,500,000 | Ultra Ball x10 Max Potion x15 Max Revive x10 Nanab Berry x15 |
Candy XL |
32 | 500,000 | 3,000,000 | Ultra Ball x10 Max Potion x15 Max Revive x10 Razz Berry x15 |
- |
33 | 750,000 | 3,750,000 | Ultra Ball x10 Max Potion x15 Max Revive x10 Pinap Berry x15 |
- |
34 | 1,000,000 | 4,750,000 | Ultra Ball x10 Max Potion x15 Max Revive x10 Razz Berry x15 |
- |
35 | 1,250,000 | 6,000,000 | Ultra Ball x30 Max Potion x20 Max Revive x20 Nanab Berry x20 Incense x2 Lucky Egg x1 Lure Module x1 Incubator x1 |
Create Routes |
36 | 1,500,000 | 7,500,000 | Ultra Ball x20 Max Potion x20 Max Revive x10 Razz Berry x20 |
- |
37 | 2,000,000 | 9,500,000 | Ultra Ball x20 Max Potion x20 Max Revive x10 Pinap Berry x20 |
PokéStop Nomination |
38 | 2,500,000 | 12,000,000 | Ultra Ball x20 Max Potion x20 Max Revive x10 Razz Berry x20 |
- |
39 | 3,000,000 | 15,000,000 | Ultra Ball x20 Max Potion x20 Max Revive x10 Nanab Berry x20 |
- |
40 | 5,000,000 | 20,000,000 | Ultra Ball x40 Max Potion x40 Max Revive x40 Razz Berry x40 Incense x4 Lucky Egg x4 Egg Incubator x4 Lure Module x4 |
- |
Pokémon Go levels 41 to 50 requirements and rewards list
The following is an explainer of the requirements to reach every level from 40 up to the level cap of 50, and is sourced from several sources, including Ninatic and datamines (such as those on Silph Road subreddit - thanks specifically to twonaantom and Dildondo on reddit for the 49 and 50 level requirements).
From Level 40, you not only need to gain a certain amount of XP, but also complete several specific challenges.
Level | XP required | Challenges | Rewards |
41 | 6 million | Power up a Legendary Pokémon 20 times Win 30 Raids Catch 200 Pokémon in a single day Earn 5 Gold Medals |
Ultra Balls x20 Max Potions x20 Max Revives x20 Razz Berry x20 Incubator x1 Premium Raid Ticket x1 Rare XL Candy x1 |
42 | 7.5 million | Evolve Eevee into each of its unique evolutions Use items to evolve Pokémon 15 times Make 3 Excellent Throws Use 200 Berries to help catch Pokémon |
Ultra Balls x20 Max Potions x20 Max Revives x20 Nanab Berry x20 Incubator x1 Premium Raid Ticket x1 Rare XL Candy x1 |
43 | 9 million | Earn 100,000 Stardust Use 200 supereffective Charged Attacks Catch 5 Legendary Pokémon Earn 5 Platinum Medals |
Ultra Balls x20 Max Potions x20 Max Revives x20 Silver Pinap Berry x20 Incubator x1 Premium Raid Ticket x1 Rare XL Candy x1 Avatar pose and Pawniard encounter as part of Level 43 Challenge |
44 | 11 million | Win 30 Trainer Battles in the Great League Win 30 Trainer Battles in the Ultra League Win 30 Trainer Battles in the Master League Battle in the Go Battle League 20 times |
Ultra Balls x20 Max Potions x20 Max Revives x20 Razz Berry x20 Incubator x1 Premium Raid Ticket x1 Rare XL Candy x1 |
45 | 13 million | Defeat 100 Team Go Rocket Grunts Purify 100 Shadow Pokémon Defeat a Team Go Rocket Leader 50 times Earn 10 Platinum Medals |
Ultra Balls x40 Max Revives x40 Elite Fast TM x1 Rare XL Candy x2 Incense x2 Lucky Eggs x2 Super Incubator x1 Lures x2 Level 45 Hat avatar item |
46 | 15.5 million | Complete 100 Field Research tasks Take a snapshot of a Pokémon 7 days in a row Make 50 Excellent Throws Hatch 30 Eggs |
Ultra Balls x30 Max Potions x25 Max Revives x20 Razz Berry x25 Incubator x1 Premium Raid Ticket x1 Rare XL Candy x1 |
47 | 18 million | Win 30 raids using a team of all unique Pokémon species Win a three-star raid using only Pokémon with 1,500 CP or less Power up 3 Pokémon to their max CP Earn 20 Platinum Medals |
Ultra Balls x30 Max Potions x25 Max Revives x20 Nanab Berry x25 Incubator x1 Premium Raid Ticket x1 Rare XL Candy x1 Avatar pose |
48 | 21 million | Receive 10 Souvenirs from your Buddy Earn 300 hearts with your Buddy Walk 200km with your Buddy Walk 25km in a week 8 times |
Ultra Balls x30 Max Potions x25 Max Revives x20 Pinap Berry x25 Incubator x1 Premium Raid Ticket x1 Rare XL Candy x1 |
49 | 25 million | Make 10 trades with Pokémon caught at least 300km apart Obtain 50 Lucky Pokémon in trades Send 500 Gifts in friends Earn 35 Platinum Medals |
Ultra Balls x30 Max Potions x25 Max Revives x20 Pinap Berry x25 Incubator x1 Premium Raid Ticket x1 Rare XL Candy x1 Level 49 Boots avatar items |
50 | 30 million | Make 999 Excellent Throws Successfully catch at least one of the next 5 Legendary or Mythical Pokémon you encounter Defeat a Team Go Rocket Leader 3 times using only Pokemon with 2,500 CP or less Achieve rank 10 in the Go Battle League |
Ultra Balls x50 Max Potions x50 Elite Charge TM x1 Rare XL Candy x2 Incense x5 Lucky Eggs x5 Super Incubators x5 Lure Modules x5 Level 50 Jacket (Black and Green versions) avatar items |
The Dual Destiny Season is here! You can now catch Dynamax Pokémon through Max Battles. First, however, you need to visit Power Spots to collect Max Particles and complete the To the Max! quest. Don't forget to try out Routes, Gift Exchange and Party Play while you're hunting down rare Pokémon, fighting in the Go Battle League or competing in PokéStop Showcases.
When do you unlock item rewards in Pokémon Go as you level up?
The above table explains what you get at each level - both in terms of individual items and when certain items unlock and become regularly available at PokéStops - but here's the list at a glance:
- Level 1: Finding Your Voice Special Research, Grass and Gratitude Special Research
- Level 2: Nanab Berry
- Level 5: Gyms, Potions, Revives, Raid Battles, Teams, Routes
- Level 7: Daily Adventure Incense, An Intriguing Incense Special Research
- Level 8: Razz Berry, Team Go Rocket mechanics, A Troubling Situation Special Research
- Level 10: Super Potion, Golden Razz Berry, Evolution Items, Trading, Trainer Battles, Go Battle League
- Level 12: Great Ball
- Level 13: Dynamax Pokémon, Gigantamax Pokémon, Max Battles, Power Spots, Max Particles, To The Max! Special Research
- Level 15: Hyper Potion, Fast TMs, Party Play, A Mythical Discovery Special Research
- Level 18: Pinap Berry
- Level 20: Ultra Ball, Mega Evolution, A Mega Discovery Special Research
- Level 25: Max Potion, Charged TMs
- Level 30: Max Revive
- Level 31: Candy XL
- Level 35: Creating Routes
- Level 37: PokéStop Nomination
Good luck increasing your level in Pokémon Go!