Where to find and how to beat the Sovereign of Sexy in Infinity Nikki
How to beat the Sovereign of Sexy in the Stonewoods.
You have to beat the mysterious Sovereign of Sexy, by engaging in a Styling Challenge against them, to complete the Stonewoods Faction questline in Infinity Nikki.
They're a tricky Piecey to track down, however, as you have to beat lots of other stylists in the Stonewoods area on your way to revealing their location in Infinity Nikki - and even then, you don't get to see the Soverign of Sexy during your first challenge against them.
Once you find them, you also have to wear the right clothing pieces to beat the Sovereign in a fashion battle and get the Sovereign of Sexy Medal, which can be used to get Vine of Dream to craft the 'Wishful Aurosa' Miracle Outfit.
To help you clear this questline completely, we've explained where the find the Sovereign of Sexy in Infinity Nikki below, along with tips on how to beat the Sovereign of Sexy, and all the rewards you get for doing so.
On this page:
Where to find the Sovereign of Sexy in Infinity Nikki
The Sovereign of Sexy is located on 3F of the southern-middle island in the Abandoned District, on the same floor as the 'Barrel Home' Warp Spire in Infinity Nikki. But the Sovereign only appears after you beat all the other stylists at 'Normal' or above that are linked to the Stonewoods Faction.

How to beat the Sovereign of Sexy in Infinity Nikki
You need to wear your very best Sexy clothes, accessories, and Eurekas to beat the Sovereign of Sexy in Infinity Nikki. You can easily find your best Sexy pieces by using the 'Filter' option, then selecting the very first piece of clothing on each tab.
Equipping clothes that also have the Romance tag will make beating the Sovereign of Sexy even easier, but it's not required.
Sticking on your most Sexy outfit from the 'Outfits' tab, then using the 'Glow Up' feature to upgrade its pieces until you win is a good way to beat the Sovereign of Sexy - but this might cost you more Bling, Thread of Purity, and Shiny Bubbles than just picking and choosing between individual pieces.
In order of best to worst, pieces of these Sexy outfits you can use to beat the Sovereign of Sexy include:
- Flutter Storm
- Whispers of Waves
- Daughter of the Lake
- Starwish Echoes
- Bibcoon Realm
- Star of the Gala
- Path of Starlight
- First Love
- Searching for Dreams
The best Sexy Eurekas to equip against the Sovereign of Sexy are the 4-Star 'Heart Kiss' ones.

If you only want to upgrade the individual items of an outfit, in our experience, it's best to upgrade your best outfit pieces from a set, not your worst, as swapping out your worst pieces for better ones is usually better than upgrading them. You can see what your best and worst pieces are by inspecting your performance with the 'Score Details' option at the end of a Styling Challenge.
You only need to beat the Sovereign of Sexy at 'Normal' level to get their Sovereign of Sexy Medal (which you need to get Vine of Dream), but the challenge requires a 'Perfect' clear to complete the quest and get all of the available rewards.
Infinity Nikki Sovereign of Sexy rewards
Here's all of the rewards you get from the Sovereign of Sexy in Infinity Nikki:
- Normal - Sovereign of Sexy Medal: Wishfield
- Average - 100 Thread of Purity
- Great - 30 Diamonds
- Perfect - 1 Resonite Crystal

All the best with the rest of the Styling Challenges in Infinity Nikki!