How to complete Kindled Inspiration New Bloom's Outfit in Infinity Nikki
What clothing is Yayin looking for?
'Kindled Inspiration: New Bloom's Outfit' is one of the quests you can complete during the New Bloom Festival in Infinity Nikki.
To be exact, 'Kindled Inspiration: New Bloom's Outfit' is part of the Fun Encounters quest set for New Bloom Reunion in Infinity Nikki. Due to this, you must complete the quest before Wednesday 26th February if you want to reap its rewards.
So let's take a look at how to start and complete 'Kindled Inspiration: New Bloom's Outfit' in Infinity Nikki.
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How to start Kindled Inspiration New Bloom's Outfit in Infinity Nikki
To start 'Kindled Inspiration: New Bloom's Outfit' in Infinity Nikki, you must first complete the 'Sailing Through Lens' quest. This quest has its own prerequisite though as you'll need to have completed 'Forced Perspective: Caged Bird' to make 'Sailing Through Lens' appear.
With both of these quests completed, you'll be able to start 'Kindled Inspiration: New Bloom's Outfit' by talking to Yayin on the White Jade - the ship which will remain docked at Florawish until the New Bloom event ends on Wednesday 26th February.

How to complete Kindled Inspiration New Bloom's Outfit in Infinity Nikki
To complete 'Kindled Inspiration: New Bloom's Outfit' in Infinity Nikki, you need to talk to Yayin while wearing either the Paired Flight earrings, or Star of Wishes necklace. You can even be wearing one of these items when you first talk to Yayin to instantly complete the quest.

The Paired Flight sketch is rewarded when you complete the 'Accident at the Clothing Store' main quest in Chapter 1.

The Star of Wishes necklace is earned during Chapter 7 of Infinity Nikki's main storyline. To be exact, you'll receive it from Giovanni at the end of the 'Save Giroda' quest in Chapter 7. If you don't have the Star of Wishes necklace, then you need to proceed to the point in the storyline we've hidden for spoiler reasons.

However, if you do have Star of Wishes (or Paired Flight), then simply put it on and talk to Yayin again to earn your rewards.
For completing 'Kindled Inspiration: New Bloom's Outfit' you'll earn 30 Diamonds, 120 Shiny Bubbles, 30,000 Bling and the Cloudborne Clouds bracelet sketch.

If you're looking for more help with the recent Infinity Nikki events, then take a look at how to complete the Fly High Friend quest, Sailing Through Lens walkthrough, Find the Furry Friends Photo Investigation, White Jade location and the White Jade Observation answer.