How long does it take to beat Stellar Blade?
Stellar Blade's length and how long it takes to complete it explained.
Knowing how long it takes to complete Stellar Blade to different levels (whether you go full completionist or just want to know how long the story is) will help you decide if you've got the time to invest in it.
Also, the NieR:Automata DLC for Stellar Blade adds on some extra time if you've chosen to purchase it. If you've already finished the story but have bought the DLC, then we've explained how much extra time you've obtained below. Remember that all timings below can be different depending on your own personal playstyle.
Without further ado here's how long it takes to beat Stellar Blade and the Stellar Blade NieR:Automata DLC.
On this page:
How long does it take to beat Stellar Blade?
Overall, it takes around 56 hours to complete Stellar Blade. This includes finishing the main story, completing all side quests and requests, as well as finding every collectible out there such as Cans. Essentially, this is the time it would take to 100 percent finish the game.

It roughly takes 22 hours to complete the Stellar Blade main story. This time estimate is without doing any of the side quests on offer and without taking time to explore each region you visit, this is solely if you mainline the story element.
However, if you want to complete the side quests and main story without finding every little collectible then it will take around 38+ hours to do.
How long does it take to beat the Stellar Blade NieR:Automata DLC?
Depending on how you choose to approach it, it can take roughly 7+ hours to complete the Stellar Blade NieR:Automata DLC questline.
Remember that, as well as the additional quest line, the DLC brings you a set of new outfits that you can buy with Stellar Tears when you track down Emil's location.

That's all for now! If you're looking for more Stellar Blade content, then check out our pages showing the best early game skills, the Altess Levoire Laser Puzzle solution and our Stolen Treasure walkthrough.