How to get Shroodle and evolution Grafaiai in Pok¨Śmon Go
How to catch the Toxic Mouse and Toxic Monkey in Pok¨Śmon Go.
Shroodle and Grafaiai, its evolution, from Gen 9 have debuted in Pokémon Go during the Dual Destiny Season.
Released during the Fashion Week: Taken Over event in Pokémon Go during January 2025, Shroodle and Grafaiai are both Poison and Normal-type Pokémon. In keeping with its small size - Shroodle is one of the smallest Poison and Normal Pokémon - Shroodle may take you some time to find.
To help you add both Pokémon to your Pokédex, we walk you through how to get Shroodle in Pokémon Go and how to evolve Shroodle into Grafaiai.
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How to get Shroodle in Pokémon Go
Shroodle made its first appearance in Pokémon Go in January 2025 as part of the Fashion Week: Taken Over event and it can only be obtained by hatching 12km eggs.

Fun fact: Shroodle's release nearly lines up perfectly to the anniversary of Varoom's debut in the game, which also can only be obtained in 12km eggs.
Not so fun fact: this means the only way to get a Shroodle, outside of trading for one, is to defeat one of the Team Rocket Leaders to earn a 12km egg, walk the allotted distance and wish really hard it gives you a Shroodle. You can always shorten the hatch distance by using a Super Incubator or placing a 12km egg in an Incubator during an event with a reduced hatch distance bonus, such as certain Community Day events.
It's important to note, however, that only 12km eggs collected from Wednesday 15th January and onwards will have the ability to possibly hatch a Shroodle.
A problem you've probably picked up on is there's no guarantee the 12km you're attempting to hatch contains a Shroodle. This is all thanks to the other Pokémon with the egg pool, like Varoom. Thanks to this, you may have to defeat the Team Rocket Leaders multiple times to earn multiple 12km eggs until you've hatched a Shroodle. Though you can always trade with another player to obtain a Shroodle, which you can then evolve into a Grafaiai.
The Dual Destiny Season is here! The Small Yet Strong event is currently running in Pokémon Go. You can now catch Dynamax Pokémon through Max Battles. First, however, you need to visit Power Spots to collect Max Particles and complete the To the Max! quest. Don't forget to try out Routes, Gift Exchange and Party Play while you're hunting down rare Pokémon, fighting in the Go Battle League or competing in PokéStop Showcases.
How to evolve Shroodle into Grafaiai in Pokémon Go
You need 50 Shroodle Candy to evolve Shroodle into Grafaiai in Pokémon Go. The traditional amount for a Pokémon with only one evolution, but it might take a while you to gather enough candy.

Since Shroodle can only be obtained via 12km eggs, the methods you can use to obtain more candy are slightly restricted. Thankfully, you should receive a good amount of Shroodle Candy when you do successfully hatch one. Still, if you're in the market for additional Shroodle Candy, you'll need to either have one as your buddy Pokémon or use Rare Candy, but you may want to save that for rarer Pokémon.
Good luck hatching a Shroodle in Pokémon Go!